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Earl Bathurst

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Everything posted by Earl Bathurst

  1. Has finally tried my City of Truro. What a fantastic model :)

    1. richbrummitt


      Shame the real thing has broken down whilst on tour and gone back to the NRM

  2. Has finally tried my City of Truro. What a fantastic model :)

  3. Still can make my mind up if i should go for cobalt point motors or tortoise point motors?? :S

    1. TomE


      I'd go for Cobalt. Much smaller and a doddle to wire!

    2. RedgateModels


      My dad as a lad had a Jack Russell that used to grab the tortoise by the leg and throw it down the garden like a frisbee ......

    3. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      try conrads, much cheaper.

  4. Is annoyed with someone who told me my modelling is rubbish. Thanks just what i needed to hear

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. witherbrow


      wasnt mr stevens by any chance?


    3. Pannier Tank

      Pannier Tank

      From what I've seen of your work on RMweb you have nothing to worry about.


    4. Earl Bathurst

      Earl Bathurst

      Thanks guys as i said it aint good but i do enjoy hobby but when you get these people who put u down it just annoys me.

  5. How is it because i am interested in railways why am i ' a train spotter'

    1. Mickey


      cos that is the way it is... :/

  6. How is it because i am interested in railways why am i ' a train spotter'

  7. Is well pleased with my wood working skills. Didnt know i could do a good job of it :) :)

  8. is stressed because i cant find a track plan i want, the ones i like are too big and cant make them smaller. Where to get ideas from??? :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DonB


      How big is too big?an Idea of your size restraints might produce a few leads.

    3. Earl Bathurst

      Earl Bathurst

      My shed is 12ft x 8ft but not sure if i should have an end to end or roundy round :)

    4. richbrummitt
  9. is stressed trying to build my first C and L point kit :(

    1. darren01


      Just take your time over it,it will work !

    2. Mallard60022


      Stick (sorry) at it lad! Borrow my Norman Soloman DVD if you want?


    3. craigwelsh


      Hope you get a better common crossing than this kit came with.. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/41414-use-of-roller-gauge/

  10. Hi I have been looking for pictures of other engines that would have run on the line. What western engines would have run on the line also did T9 run on the line? Scott
  11. Anyone fancy joining me on the train going to Pendon next Wednesday from South Wales

  12. Why is it that my entry for the challenge doesn't look as good as other entry :(

    1. skipepsi


      I haven't put any pics of mine up yet!

    2. halfwit


      Other entry? There's only 2?

    3. Earl Bathurst

      Earl Bathurst

      Just realised I should have typed other entries. :)

  13. Stressed my back scene didn't go to plan. I think it looks awful :( :( :(

    1. Mallard60022


      Shame. I usually just stress my back.

  14. I have just done my first lot of lining on a battle of britain. Never done it before need a whisky to steady my nerves :)

  15. has been driving a 7 1/4 K1 most of today and is now a little sun burnt :)

  16. Is going to do some modelling in the shed. Where to start? :)

  17. Has jumped in the deep end ordered my stuff for building my first point from C&L just reading the destructions of how to do it :S

    1. Kelly


      Do post how you get on as I've been considering getting some at some stage.

  18. Hi Im about to model a station on the S&D and was woundering what engines would have run on the line? Thanks Scott
  19. Why cant i find a track plan to suit what im looking for.Shall i go for a prototype or fictional track layout?

    1. beast66606


      You could always ask in the forum ?


  20. Is thinking about down sizing my collection and selling my G scale. Is that the right thing to do?

    1. skipepsi


      Probably bring in the most cash!

    2. Earl Bathurst

      Earl Bathurst

      I like G scale its just so big and got so many other projects on the go in 00 and 5 inch, Dont know what to do? :)


    3. Earl Bathurst

      Earl Bathurst

      I like G scale its just so big and got so many other projects on the go in 00 and 5 inch, Dont know what to do? :)


  21. Why do we collect so much junk. Got so much to take to rubbish tip tomo. :(

  22. Is finally going to use my new air brush to paint my loco. Im dreading the outcome :S

  23. Has completed my mink g and started putting detailing kit on my 14xx. Pleased with how it looks so far, first time doing this to a loco :)

  24. Has just nearly completed a parkside mink G kit and thing i did a prity good job. Pics to follow :)

  25. Thanks Andy. Im looking forward to the challenge. But got to decide what to do
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