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Everything posted by BWsTrains

  1. Thx Mikkel, I was keen to see how well it worked and I agree that at 0.28mm the bars are too thin. This prototype will be consigned to installation as a gutter drain on the approach road and I'll work on producing a better Mark II. Colin
  2. Agreed. Mind you, "handomatic" can produce very fine results indeed! (in the right hands) H/T to @Mikkel for handcrafted parts of this masterpiece. I'll be happy if mine is half as good.
  3. Quite a bit of my time has been taken up with the next two buildings on my list, viz. the Stables and the Tannery. The first stage was to build up a collection of reliable drawings with measurements and then planning my requirements for windows and other misc. supplies. As for the Stables I'll be building a much smaller version of Mikkel's @Mikkel which was based on the Park Royal Block. His posts are here... and there are extensive details for which many thanks are in order. One thing I can't do is follow the main build route as that made heavy use of a Silhouette Cutter which I don't have. Additionally the windows are a odd size so off-the-shelf items are ruled out. Then there's all the in wall ventilators under and over windows, all cut by Silhouette. The Vents seemed to be a good place to start, crack these and the rest should fall into place. Only catch was the vents are very fine at scale 12 slots in a 14mm length means each slot + divider is just over a mm. I did not fancy cutting anything this fine at all accurately in PS sheet so the challenge sat on the shelf while I considered solutions. Bizarrely, my solution was sitting on my desk staring me in the face, an stainless steel fine mesh from a kettle which had died. This is shown top left in the Pic. The holes are about 0.5mm and a very careful cut with tin snips along one side of a row of holes delivers a handy template spaced at 1mm intervals. A trial assembly run was done today. Upper Right - a 1mm * 1mm strip of PS is loosely glued to the angle (Uhu glue stik) up against the mesh. Short lengths of 0.56mm * 0.28mm PS strip are places upright in each slot with a tiny drop of limonene applied with a fine screwdriver tip. the second 1mm sq strip serves only for support at this stage. Once set, the assembled piece is removed from the angle support and offered up to the mesh at the desired separation - Bottom Left.. The second 1mm sq PS strip, now against the mesh can be glued to the strips as per before. With the strips each in their respective slots it all assembles easily. Finally, Bottom Right, strips of 0.45mm * 1mm PS are glued over each face, the thicker supports being for the rear.
  4. I like that idea. the location is elevated with land falling away to the road so constraining ash makes lots of sense. Ash blowing away in the wind would be a real pain in more ways than one.
  5. The first photo is quite like the one by Peter Gray from "West Country Railways" as posted on my topic here https://www.rmweb.co.uk/forums/topic/173620-upper-hembury-east-devon-a-gwr-sr-branch-line/?do=findComment&comment=5297368 in fact you could have a great game of "Spot the differences" between the two. In the finest tradition of Railway modelling one has a bus the other not! Your post is taken from a slightly changed position, I guess any day looks much like another on a sleepy Branch Line. Yours has large Prairie 5573 , the photo from the book is Small Prairie 4561.
  6. No. There'll always be an evil minority, it's giving them an uncontrolled voice I'm protesting. Facebook policy is the issue, $$$$ driven.
  7. IMO this migration to using such sites which are associated in any way with the horrific transmission of graphic violence is a big negative for our society. Supporting them is endorsing them It may not have made news there but in OZ it stoked a wave of sectarian violence which erupted after Facebook and X transmitted video of the event. I'll have nothing to do with them.
  8. Which brings a whole new twist to the oldie about "Fast women and Slow Horses", not that I'm implying anything about either.
  9. More than a week has passed, lots of fascinating and demanding Bridge played, movies, some gardening, a long overdue visit to Traverser Graham and not much modelling to speak of. I did come away from Graham's place with lots of goodies, mostly garden produce (thx) but also a Mark I prototype sensor to add to my traverser. The issue is that visibility of the Traverser / layout boundary is highly restricted and a near miss over Christmas where a wagon was almost pulled apart because it was not fully one side or the other. Graham suggested that a detector could be set up to alert when the boundary is blocked. Mark I The definitive example of a prototype which highlights all the things you don't need! Partly my fault as I'd failed to remind Graham of the three track span involved. Then we didn't account for the sensor being triggered during every on/off movement. The built-in buzzer quickly told me that was a no no. As per this from Wikipedia Otherwise, Mark I showed promise. It uses an IR LED and a IR sensor from an old piece of hi-fi kit. Presently the LED is powered from the IC and has a very short range. Mark II will be more powerful in order to span the 15cm gap. Also, it will have the sensor removed from the project board to facilitate placement in line with the gap. The alert will be a Green LED which will flash whenever there is a blockage. This can be located in the structure where any flashing can catch my attention without being intrusive to normal viewing during normal traverser workings (I hope!). Alternatively, I might even run a line the 2m to the Traverser control panel where a blockage would alert by flashing in front of me. In a further behind the scenes improvement, I've added in a power saving control so that all items plugged in to mains don't remain on if I forget to switch off at the wall panel. Our State Govt was running an energy saving initiative ages ago and were supplying these for free. I had a spare kicking around awaiting the proverbial rainy day, of which we've had a great many recently!
  10. Thursday/ Friday I think, according to the link. Steam options are shown. FWIW, I couldn't choose a station, this is such a wonderful railway filled with the strongest memories from my childhood.
  11. Now I'm confused. I thought the A and B in A5 B7 of these Turnouts and Slips referred to switch size as per this table: https://85a.uk/templot/companion/real_track.php If you change the Switch Size in Templot using "Template" then "Switch Settings" an A5 is extended when you change it to B5. Isn't that what The Fatadder is asking about? What am I missing here?
  12. Paul. Sadly, your video and the photo are the closest I'll ever get to seeing this layout. Still 'tis better than nowt, superb! Thx very much for sharing, it's the next best thing. Colin
  13. Ah! An old favourite of mine. See here for lots of helpful input about the coaches, kits and their background: http://www.gwr.org.uk/proratio.html I used this Topic (thx @Mikkel) to kit bash various base Ratio models into stock for my Weston, Clevedon & Portishead Railway project but revisiting it to add some GWR stock on UH is an interesting idea for rainy days ahead. The kits are OK, albeit dated; upgrade sides from Shirescenes an option. Beware Pre-owned kits, the plastic in the one I bought was clearly inferior (Ratio 610 IIRC, bought because new stock was not available during COVID times). All kits appear to be available now. Later addition. As referred to in a later post to this one, the following link http://www.gwr.org.uk/prot36.html explains the background regarding the old vs new Ratio kits and much else besides.
  14. Love it, the detail on the base of the stink pipe is superb.
  15. Thx, Sadly the high cost of postage severely restricts my purchases from the UK these days and typically I try to consolidate my orders, not easy when it's smaller suppliers. Having lifted / relaid the problem items now and fully resolved my wiring and insulation gap issues I decided to go with the small PECO joiners as per @St Enodoc 's suggestion to isolate the single slip. TBH I fall more into the big picture than fine detail camp so the Exactoscale would have been nice to have but not enough to go to great trouble. I appreciate it's not the same for everyone but I'm content with enjoying the look and feel of my layout at a macro level now it's assembled with decent trackwork throughout. Colin
  16. I see what you mean about the double slip with the webbing being continuous rather than stepped as on the turnouts. A further option might be to install a replacement strip outside the existing ones before cutting them out. If you intend to not glue down immediately it will be better to support the last three sleepers than have them loose from the rest of the base. As a final point, the single slip is configured like a simple turnout with the webbing offset on the outside to provide clearance for the pin.
  17. Those pin heads look significantly more pronounced than the ones in all the new style kits I've built (my early ones were with cast frogs and pre-soldered switch rail pins). IIRC pin heads on my kits sat near flush under the tiebar, I've certainly had no sticking due to them. I've one A5 I can easily lift tomorrow and I'll attach a photo. My single slip is back in situ and NOT coming out again.
  18. Except only available thru the Scale Societies, none of which I'm ever going to join. Pity really given the growing interest in Code 75 even if at more modest OO Gauge. Is there an opportunity here Wayne?
  19. Great, now we can get back to the serious matter of the 8 year saga of the Dean Goods 😈 FWIW after much effort and three goes with shipping across the world I finally received a working model (2475) only to read of the various woes of this release from others on this topic. Then after 11 months of good running, the DCC Sound chip was shorted out by a fault, a loose screw left magnetised against the speaker. OR were very good and replaced the entirety of the DCC kit but by then various reports of motor shorts convinced me it was but a matter of time for events to catch up. The DCC Sound was donated as an "organ transplant" to a more deserving recipient, I popped the cheapest DCC I had into the Dean, then consigned it to lightest of duties available at the time. Roll forward 6 years to a new layout, it will make occasional appearances on light duties only. In my books it's right up there in the annals of small RTR Steam model "disaster" releases. If they ran management courses on Model design and production this would be paired in a Case Study with the infamous 14xx saga (one I ducked). Meanwhile I content myself with running my core fleet of the reliable Bachmann 57xx, 64xx, 45xx Classes, and the Collett Goods.
  20. As recently mentioned on the British Finetrax topic I've hit a minor snag involving one of my earlier turnout installs. Last week I started getting a continuous short with no locos on the layout. Connectivity throughout via the power bus and rail joiners left me no alternative to lifting out the most likely suspects to examine them, in the end useful as my technique improved greatly with experience and there was scope to improve my dropper connections and complete rail painting alongside searching out the culprit. I did know that the insulation gaps I'd allowed between switch rails and frogs on early builds were a bit tight for comfort. A side consequence of introducing curved roads on the template and inexperience. Once fully isolated I could see that the turnout fully pinned down in its correct install position causes the switch rail to move too close to the frog. When released the flex in the base causes the base and rails to ever so slightly straighten removing the contact; we're talking very small movements but enough to be a problem. Problem solved by widening out the gaps. Not easy once everything soldered up and glued into chairs so I used a hand held Junior Eclipse saw blade giving me a gap of ~1mm.
  21. I've built around 15 of these turnouts and share your enthusiasm. One thing which I've experienced twice now may be relevant to you, insulation gap issues. From your pic above on my experience these look too narrow for comfort, I've had at least two shorts arising due to either most subtle movements in the switch blade or dirt bridging the gap at the "knuckle" point (as shown in Wayne's instruction sheet). In one case I had to lift the installed turnouts and widen the gaps, (more details to be posted on my topic shortly). Wayne suggests 0.3mm, I think a little wider does no harm! Good luck with your project. Colin
  22. That's bad news, sorry to hear. With the config as shown it looks promising to the untrained eye to stick a better motor in it's place rather than replace like for like. Colin
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