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Everything posted by Hobby

  1. I think you over estimate the influence of this forum. The majority of railway modellers aren't members of it and even then its only a small percentage of members that will get involved in any such discussion. I think if you look at the world beyond this forum that most modellers work on the "if it looks OK, it is OK" principle. I appreciate that finescale modellers will not understand this but that's how the world works outside the finescale modelling circles where therest of us inhabit. Manufacturers will try to get things as accurate as they can, certainly compared with the 50s and 60s, but they also know that the majority of modellers will accept some compromises to have a viable model that they can plonk on the track and run. So if its a mm or so out to allow that the majority will accept it without question and we'll enjoy using it and ignore the protestations of a small minority.
  2. I do wish we'd stop giving the opposition a head start... Are Bournemouth the whipping boys this season, conceded 16 already? What's happening at Leicester?
  3. Things have moved on from his time... I don't know why you (and some others) have to keep banging on about it, they'll do some sort of compromise, just like RTR manufacturers have always done, and 99% of modellers will accept it. Finescale modellers won't, but to be quite frank I couldn't care less what they think as I'm not a finescale modellers and never intend to be. But I really wish they'd give it a rest and just wait and see.
  4. It's never stopped them in the past, Jeff! ;)
  5. Wait for the "locos with splashers" posts to come along, @mdvle!
  6. Well that's jinxed them hasn't it!
  7. Not if he hits someone whilst driving and causes them life threatening injuries, it's the cheap option then... So do we let him carry on hoping that he won't hit someone, or...
  8. Yet more guesswork. Its as if some people don't want it to succeed and are talking it down at every opportunity.
  9. That's my final decider. I put together a list of suitable cars from the motability list, list the advance payments (none of the cars we need have nil APs!) and then look at fuel costs (electric, diesel or petrol) and whichever is cheapest when adding fuel and AP together gets chosen!
  10. Won't it decide which order they start at the back?
  11. Interesting... Have they crash tested it yet and if so was the damage repairable compared with other, conventional, cars? He went on and on about insurance companies not wanting to repair modern cars but I wonder with its construction if it's more susceptible to getting written off then the equivalent car from other manufacturers... Or is it just another way to get people to buy more!
  12. Someone on FB has run BTTB and Tillig locos through them as well.
  13. I've checked all the books I have and none have drawings! I'd suggest emailing the Railway and asking them, the number of times they've repaired it I'm sure they will have! No drawing but some nice detail shots! https://www.16mm.org.uk/2015/08/01/mom2015-08/
  14. It doesn't worry me at all, they'll do what manufacturers always do with RTR, compromise. I'm not after a finescale model in TT and I doubt many other people are either, so I'll just wait and see rather than speculate on something I have no input into nor any influence over! I certainly won't "worry" over it, though, life's too short without making it shorter by worrying! ;)
  15. Yes they can, but they have to serve the ban before being allowed to drive (legally!). It's on the Gov. website.
  16. I'm simply reporting what owners have said on FB, perhaps running them in a business scenario with high mileage suits them better than more random home use.
  17. MG have been pushing their cars on Motability with very cheap advance payments compared with similar cars from other makes. So there's been a fair bit of feedback on them, EV wise the advertised 250/260 mile range is actually around 150/170 miles and the petrol engines are very thirsty. You pay for what you get it seems, I nearly got one of the MG EV estates 18 months ago, I'm glad I didn't. I'll let others do the true world figure tests gor me!
  18. Yet they still give them a driving ban (which they then ignore) and points (to be applied if they decide to go all legal and get a license!).
  19. It isn't, they normally just get banned again and told to do community work. If you check your local papers reports of such people is pretty regular, and it's not just the dregs of society that do it either.
  20. Out of interest does the battery life go down when sitting on the drive doing nothing?
  21. For the British Market I recon Mk1 coaches are a definite, they've been around since the 50s, are still used on the mainline and are a heritage railway go-to. What more do you want! (Oh, and they'd go with that 31!)
  22. I look at this from a different angle, for me the use of 1:120 has always been about making a "railway within the landscape" rather than cramming a lot of track in, whilst keeping the stock and buildings "easily built". That's why N, for me, never worked, it's just too small, especially when you model narrow gauge where the stock is even smaller. 1:120 worked very well on the three layouts I built in TTe and "A Taste of Alber", probably my favourite, shows what can be done in 6x2... Or this (what you can see is only 8ft long!):
  23. That looks like a throwback to petrol/diesel/LPG pumps where you an see how much fuel you've put in... Is there a need? I wouldn't have thought that anyone would be stood watching the electricity flow(!) but surely just a printout would suffice, if that?
  24. Bit of a sneaky question, but as this thread is by people who like them, does anyone have an N gauge model of one and can tell me the bogie centres and bogie wheelbase please? I need a chassis with fairly long bogie centres for an H0e railcar and the 156/8 might be suitable!
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