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Judge Dread

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Everything posted by Judge Dread

  1. Thanks for the info, I must have missed this one. I normally try a keep abreast of such things.
  2. Hi Mike, 13mg of warfarin! My dose at the moment is 5 per day dropping to 4 over the weekend to lower my INR from 3.1 down to between 2 and 2.5. I've been fitted with an American heart valve which operates at those levels. The bugbear is that during my first week out of hospital I was sent to five different health centres across Hull in five days for testing. Now I'm at the most convenient one, once a week. I have also discovered that there was a clinic at my own doctors which is a matter of yards from my home until very recently but their space was wanted by my doctor because of an increase in his patients .
  3. Best of luck Ian, I trust you will soon be standing up for yourself (and walking in the park). I hope you will not be given Tramadol.
  4. My money would be on the Dave Clark 5 !
  5. Learn to play in a day, Bert never said which day though!
  6. There was a story in the Hull area that certain signalmen had made for themselves a gadget from "Meccano" parts which would wind up the Welwyn release very quickly. We were instructed to install all releases from then on close to the block instruments to stop this happening.
  7. So did mine, thank the lord, I was only a scenery shifter!
  8. Reminds me of the Golder's Green Hippodrome in the 1950's. Our scout group had a trip down to London every year to take in the sights and Ralph Readers show. Life was a lot simpler then and no suggestion of "creepy".
  9. Bearing in mind all the safety advice given out this morning on viewing the eclipse, I ventured out to see what I could see. As I suspected, it was overcast over Hull just like the last time in 1998. Whilst the sun was "screened" by the overcast I could actually look at it and so propping my camera on a gate post this was the result.
  10. I shall be at a Quo concert in May in a field in Burton Agnes just south of Driffield East Yorks. and I'm 71!
  11. It was said by me and many others that Colin sent a lot of modellers down the road to scratch building, but he's gone now and I for one won't speak ill of the dead.
  12. Socks, you want socks? Look what I have to wear for the next two or three weeks or so. Not the same pair I hasten to say. They are of course elasticated support socks to prevent blood clot's after my heart operation. I understand from my 14 year grand daughter, by the way, that the wearing of pairs of socks is so "yesterday", odd socks are in and the last time she had new "baseball" boots bought for her, she insisted on getting two pairs of different colours so as she could mix them also!
  13. I watched very closely to see if one of the trombone players tried to balance his instrument on his chin. Wrong orchestra evidently. Oh well.
  14. That is a real bummer and no mistake. I do hope you are able to find other employ very soon. Several years ago my employer informed me one Thursday evening that due to a down turn in securing orders, he would have to make me redundant. Having worked at this firm for three years, I was given three weeks notice. The following date I bumped into an old work colleague I had not seen in years and years. On me telling my tale of woe, he replied, "Well this could be your lucky day as we are looking for some-one, I'll be in touch". The following Monday I saw him again and he asked if I could call in and have a chat. This I did on the following Thursday morning, unknown to my boss. I was offered a job and asked when I could start. I explained I was in week one of a three week notice. "That's OK, you can offer him one weeks notice", was the reply! That I did that very afternoon as I collected my pay. My boss was indignant to say the least, protesting he had a lot of work for me to complete. "Strange?" I replied, "I thought there was nothing to warrant my further employ!" After a very long week, I left and took up my new employ. Some six weeks later, I saw a job advertised in the works newsletter at the Telephones department which the Hull Corporation ran in those days. I would have shrugged my shoulders and walked away but my long lost work colleague was looking over my shoulder and commented, "That's the job you should have applied for, and there is a works order outstanding for their office, and you can go tomorrow, get it done and get an application form". I did the job, got the form and got the job! I retired from Kingston Communications as the Telephone department became, some 22 years later. Always be positive, and ever hopeful.
  15. I am more confused than ever but it's a state that I am quite happy with. It seems strange that that fellow from Stratford has done something to help clear the misunderstanding when allegedly he never had a good word for Richard. I still would liked to have seen him buried in God's own county!
  16. Not that fellow from Stratford putting him down again was it?
  17. Will you allow me to mutter, very much under my breath, King Richard the third, Duke of York, should have been buried in York. Having had my mutter, I shall say no more on the subject. Thank you.
  18. All this left and right business. Whilst sitting in with my wife when she was getting miles in prior to taking her driving test (no I didn't teach her to drive, I left that to the professionals) I asked her to turn left at a junction and she moved over into the right hand lane. "No", I said, "The other left!". Incidently in the film "Charge of the Light Brigade", the new recruits who didn't know their left from their right had a hand full of straw tucked into their right boot strap and the order was "Left foot, straw foot". Those of us who have had a daughter (or a son) at "Dance Class" will know the doting mother who will call out loudly, "My daughter (or son) is the only one in step!"
  19. Just a thought, what's the access like into either of your neighbour's gardens? Then what's the access like from either of those gardens into yours?
  20. If you where to visit the racecourse these days, say to attend one of the BRM shows, you will find one internal wall in the new grandstand has a whole series of race horse names engraved on it. There were quite a few punters queuing for tickets to said shows reading the wall with comments such as "A3, A3, Deltic, A3 another A3".
  21. Just do what was once done with coal stacks, paint the edges with white paint!
  22. Coming from Hull (spelt with a capital H Barry) I must ask did these tee shirts come in black & white, with or without irregular 'oops?
  23. For all those who bemoan the passing of the "disagree" button, how about reinstating it with a link to "Reply to this topic" so that "this happy breed" can explain just why they disagree. Just an idea, nothing more, I shall have forgotten all about it in no time at all. Forgotten what???
  24. I seem to remember when "Scalextric" hit the scene, model railways in all forms, where condemned to history in a time scale of overnight. That didn't happen did it? As to asphalt, steaming or otherwise in the basement, that's not a problem! It's when the heavy roller turns up, that's when the problems arise.
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