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Everything posted by halsey

  1. Thanks for that - it wasn't even on my radar for this job but I can see the benefits...........
  2. Just a quick question As your various layouts progress do you stick buildings in place?? I am finding it annoying to keep knocking buildings out of place but feel if they were stuck down they would be more likely to be damaged In reality 90% of my buildings have found their permanent homes on "Hawkesbury" so could be stuck down. If its a "yes" to sticking, as almost all of my buildings are card how firmly do you stick - glue, double sided tape (my preferred I think) or a.n.other method. Thanks J
  3. Hi Paul, Point well made ...I have ordered some vehicles and people to provide context to assist that decision/thought process Finish not decided or even thought about much as yet - but likely to be gravel/grass/informal. Watch this space - I'm pleased with the general direction of travel so that's what matters........... BFN J
  4. Pretty "chuffed" with my first "scratch-build" - there were bits left over from the 3 "proper" Nissen huts and those along with some scale model scenery corrugated fencing and some wooden coffee stir sticks I managed to create this........bonus model.... I have decided this area is going to be an early BRS storage compound - a couple of vehicles now on order
  5. I tend to agree..... have you any experience of sourcing/making the right fencing for the compound I'm assuming chain link with angled top concrete posts Metcalfe small factory nearly done and the other 2 kits in the "set" will keep me busy for the next few weeks - as we currently have lots of jobs going on in the house....... All our Christmas thoughts seem to be hitting us this month - new fitted wardrobes in 2 bedrooms, a newly fitted study in a redundant downstairs bathroom and a new (Stiltz) lift - long term future proofing for us both with our various ailments. Mid April is the target for it all to be done and we are on course at the moment despite the bug and Brexit. All good fun. J
  6. Hmmmmmmmm?? Nissen Huts..............building location is challenging regimented as they would have been built by the Army or random as would have prevailed if they had been re-located?? comments welcome - this is to create a storage/work compound on the edge of the goods/headshunt TT area. Thanks all...................
  7. Decision made for the two areas ................... The Headshunt area will have 3 Metcalfe Nissan huts acting as a storage yard with chain link security fencing and "stuff" - any recommendations for 50's/60's chain link and posts would be good.............. The Home Goods (canal wharf) area may need a minor amount of track relaying to achieve some straighter (sadly therefore shorter) sidings in the Home Goods area to make it work - but I'm going to use the 3 Metcalfe Industrial kits 282/3/4 which are intended to go together as the basis for an Industrial area. All now on order ....... Kit 283 is already part built - I think overall I prefer Superquick as they are "finer" and the card edges are easier to blend in but the range is limited and IMHO Metcalfe have got the edge on strength and are also particularly good at windows overall they are just a bit "clunky" for me and a bit too "bright" but some heavy "weathering" should resolve that. Watch this space ........................ Cheers - BFN
  8. A good day today - ran all locos whilst sorting the next kit and no running issues - took these photos just to send to a mate but I thought I'd share .........it begins to look like a proper model railway - couldn't have done it without RMW - thanks all............... J
  9. Nissen Hut (mini model) now completed - not so absorbing to build, it still looks good but it was pretty easy/basic - I always find photos are super critical and clearly I didn't get the windows quite right, they are a bit too low and therefore the frames aren't vertical but then these things were never perfect. EDIT - I've just noticed that on Metcalfes own photos the windows aren't vertical! I might order a couple more to make up a mini "camp" storage yard in the "Goods Headshunt" area (what do "you" think???) - but I will wait until the last structure (in this phase) the "Small Factory" is built and is probably located in the Home Goods area. J
  10. Metcalfe Mini Crane now sorted - quite a fiddly kit but once weathered in I think it will look good Only roughly pinned to baseboard foam for this photo Note my mod to give pulleys an "axle" so they can turn - just a light panel pin
  11. Thanks for this - just what I needed to give me nudge - lots going on in the house this month but with gaps when I will want distracting - "imagineering" is a great phrase! BFN J
  12. Totally agree - I can't see a missed one yet - my "nice" job is the mini model Crane then the Nissen Hut - gardening may get in the way next few days if SWMBO has her way
  13. Spot on thanks and reasonable pricing - I'll work out an order and give them a try next week see what I can put together - a lot of it is too modern so I'll have a careful look J
  14. Got a good job out of the way yesterday and today but very boring ................ The inevitable sleeper gaps which occur during track laying have now been addressed by "fitting" single/double sleeper pieces where they were missing - it really does complete the picture but there were app 100 to do so it took a while and required some good background music! Metcalfe mini model yard crane is next
  15. Paul The back is finished so it can be freestanding but it is simply a "proper" wood cladding detail - they do supply loads of posters with the kit so a couple of those could be used on the back if it were visible - I haven't decided where to put it yet it was simply placed for the purposes of the photo. My platform is probably too narrow for true 2 unit "back to back" use "Fiddle Yard" style operation doesn't appeal, and to be honest never has, I'm a committed roundy roundy and shunting type with an operational goods environment separated from two running main lines For me this is the success of Hawkesbury and why it really works well for me At my age three operational areas to keep an eye on is more than enough.......... J
  16. Just completed this Metcalfe mini kit - 3hrs enjoyment for £6 is OK in my book. I'm a real Superquick fan as I do like the 60's feel to the finished article but the Metcalfe range is wider which is good so more will be introduced to "Hawkesbury" over time - I definitely prefer card to plastic and paint - but its too soon to say which "brand" I prefer making up. Just a plug for Harburn Hobbies (as recommended by Chris above) excellent service and speed of delivery
  17. Presumably not much change means you are broadly happy with it?? I find the challenges of the removable fiddle yard interesting - Chris's idea of adapting a trolley is an interesting one - a good look around for workshop sales might turn up an engineering trolley of some sort ............ J
  18. 10 days and no updates - just wondering how it was developing or perhaps you have a "life"
  19. Hi, I use a "hand of god" for uncoupling so don't have a major problem with it - Chris's "overnight movements" idea feels like a good "rule 1" solution. Cheers re the bridge section comment - it cant ever be elaborate but does already look masses better for no cost and little effort. Coal is clearly going to be the main cargo that works for canals and rail also timber, barrels and other heavy loads - the focus will be on the canal transport aspect BFN J
  20. All good informative stuff - thanks for this - lots in there to digest - I will do some further research based on your info - thanks again. I cant find the Roxey sacks and trolleys......... J
  21. Update - Just ordered Small Factory and Nissen Hut to help me start imagining the scene better..... Wireless control all set up and well worth it - saved £100 from lowest new pricing by searching on a certain auction site - "used twice" still with seals in place - accurately described v pleased. J
  22. Hi Chris, Yes I recall all the above - I just needed a nudge in the right direction - we will have to continue to disagree re the top left hand corner as, at the moment at least, I don't have the problem with it that you do I'll research your "pointers" - thanks for the info Just taken delivery of a wireless conversion kit for my Gaugemaster DCC controller as I had a very dodgy "trip"over the controller wiring last week which could have been a disaster (for the layout and my Hip) , but thankfully wasn't. So todays playing is sorted. Keep smiling and safe BFN ........... J
  23. Thanks but its more the type of items as mentioned in the o p - sacks, barrels, loads, trolleys pallets people etc etc
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