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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by halsey

  1. Hi, I'm back properly modelling now - sorted IT (love my iMac!) Sorted SWMBO's DIY jobs list! Enjoying great weather - modelling in the dull spells as I can't waste sunshine we get so little of it! I'll post some pics soon.......... Keep safe guys.......
  2. Will do - thanks for the prompt reply - I tried phaetons suggestion above but that didn't work as exact editions don't have my email logged - this IT stuff is not my forte anyway so it may all be my fault! Cheers
  3. Hi Life has been a bit chaotic here since I started this inc a new computer (Changing Windows to Mac) - I don't think this email ever got to me. I'm only just getting back into railway mode and tying to pick up the pieces of this decision Even if it was sent its got lost - how do I get it again I am getting world of railways emails so does that help? Thanks - sorry to be a pain not urgent
  4. All quiet at the moment as I've just (finally after days of research) made the decision to replace my VERY old (Windows10) laptop with an iMac! So.…………... lots of IT stuff going on which isn't my bag but I do find if I immerse myself I can get through it (I hope) - I've paid extra for Apples 2yr premium support service. So.………………... the railway will take a back seat for a week or so BUT I am "building"/creating a very long run of brick walling which is coming out OK to give me a break. TESCOs came yesterday! - slot was booked early/mid March - we probably wont get another till June! Keep smiling...…………...
  5. Could you provide a link/info to that which you bought as it would validate the source/quality?
  6. lack of respect...………….. v.poor
  7. ...............and this is exactly why I don't know what to do and what is deemed responsible because I do think you have a very valid point - other contributors have focused on the we must keep small businesses going which is equally valid - perhaps in this case there is no right answer - not much doubt that people are more important than businesses - not sure I got my answer but its good to have shared...………... For my part (I am self-isolating) I will concentrate on what I need to keep going for an assumed next 3 months and try to order as much as I can from one place
  8. I'm sure I'm not alone on this …………….. I genuinely "get" the whole delivery services are overloaded scenario we are living through so as an example I am not ordering a new barbeque BUT am I being responsible ordering modelling items to keep my hobby, and therefore my sanity, going?? I really do feel conflicted with this and would value others opinions - for example are you ordering glue and landscaping materials?? The other thing to me is - if our model shops are staying open on the internet shouldn't we be supporting them??
  9. I have had a couple of requests for a "Shrimp" update - old photo - if you know any <2yr old springer spaniels he won't sit still enough for another one! I didn't think it was that much of interest...……………but here it is Shrimp is doing very well, it was very tough keeping him in a cage for what felt like a life time for us all - I have genuinely lost track of the time now but he went for a 3rd X-ray early Feb? which was disappointing as he hadn't completely healed there was one remaining break/crack (out of 4!) which was showing good healing signs but not completed - but that is only a time issue and we've all got plenty of that now Prognosis is for a complete recovery which is truly a miracle - but this might take 6 months more particularly as we cant sort another scan - he is something of a celebrity at Bristol Uni and our local vet! As far as he is concerned life is back to normal swimming running where we can see its safe so all good and he is very lucky to be here as at one point we (the whole vet team) were seconds away from calling it a day . Finally got him! - after todays swim - FYI he has got his own bed but prefers a cuddle with his best mate (Scar)
  10. Joined - how long does it take to gain mag/archive access rights - and how am I told?? NOT complaining - just a question
  11. made a start...……….very easy to cut XPS foam offcuts (from the baseboards) seem to be very good for "structures like this" - stick with PVA and even push 1" nails into joints for extra strength I will probably do a shortened "wing" wall to the RH side of the (Metcalfe) tunnel mouth
  12. Perhaps a multi- purpose sign on the "engine shed" door for you (and SWMBO!) "DON'T enter - unless you are in the mood!"
  13. Weathering started - platforms (taking it slow) more to do I think - some station buildings done...……….
  14. Art Printers - ID Backscenes, John is very good - he has standard versions or can print your photos - options are paper/self-adhesive and/or mounted on card
  15. Valid, but not for me - there is loads to do so I think I will just go slower and cut the hours a bit and that will be BIG for me - then do sample testing a bit more (weathering in particular) rather than go at it "bull at a gate" and that will reduce my effectiveness by 50% i.e. everything will take twice as long an alien concept but right for these times ……..
  16. It helps that SWMBO worked for a local general contractor until recently - I'm currently waiting for another new hip which should have been pre op in April and op in May - that's not going to happen so I'll keep taking the tablets if I can find them!
  17. Bought and moved in to a new "project" house last year - 6 months work whilst we lived on our boat - truly everything is done!
  18. There are always 2 sides to every coin - good to read your positives - I am positive its just knowing my basic character I worry about having railway fatigue in 2 months time
  19. Just thought I'd share - I am a recent (returned/retired/slightly physically challenged) modeller and my preferred routine is app 4 hrs a day 5 days a week winter months only This period of lockdown is putting pressure on my love of the hobby as it feels like the only thing I have to do that gets me out of the house and out of my armchair - I don't want to kill off my enjoyment by doing/achieving too much over the next 12 moths and not having a break...…………... Am alone feeling like this - I have been self isolating for 5 weeks now - I do accept that my going to the shed is keeping SWMBO happy! Others are far worse off than me I know and would love to have my problems but it feels very real to me. BTW - just joined RM Gold and bought SWMBO a factory recon iPad so I will inherit her 3 yr old one - that will give us both a new "toy" and help with wider contact.
  20. I'm sold - off to join up now...…………. Thanks Done the first bit - got confused that whilst the email needs to be the same you are setting up a fresh/new account so new passwords etc - I kept saying I was already a member - but perhaps that was just senile ole me! Ok now - so far...…………...
  21. Just contemplating this to relieve boredom Is access to the archive assisted by a search facility? Will the magazine continue to be produced ………………..
  22. WOW IF I could get my scenery anywhere near as good as that I would be a VERY happy man - looks great - love that tunnel mouth I have a similar scene to create but with less depth between track and backscene - how long have you been modelling?? If you could point me towards more photos that would be good or post a couple (or PM) more of the tunnel entrance that would be much appreciated...…………. Slightly deflated but I'm also up for a challenge and do like something to aim for. I've got some spare backscenes so I might set up a trial project In general terms do you favour woodland scenic products ?? If you have the time a short list of the best range of "bits" to buy first would also help and I'll place a "bulk" order. Hope I'm not asking too much...…..I promise I wont stalk you You might like to review my links to see where I'm at...………….. Thanks
  23. Thanks - but did you say China! I'll have a look...………….
  24. Any recommendations for "low relief" trees which can be stuck to backscenes without "intruding" too much - I appreciate I could buy proper trees and cut off 1/2 the foliage but I don't want to do that - whilst on the subject - what "makes" of tree do people like (price is a factor!)
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