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Posts posted by davefromacrossthepond

  1. No fair using actual photographs taken at the station several decades ago.   :nono:


    Seriously . .. . fantastic modelling indeed.  Each part of that scene - structure, locomotive, coaches, platform, track, figures (heck even the weathering on the vehicle tires!) etc etc - are masterpieces in their own right . .  added up? WOW!   :)

  2. I especially like the way the backdrop (backscene) works on this and adds to the overall atmosphere.  So often a photographic backdrop "clashes" with the modeled section in front because of the difference in level of detail.  Jerry, you, to use a phrase, nailed it.  (You should change the name to "Lookslyka Yard.") Great job! 

  3. One suggestion made at Warley was that we need some strong cake boxes for storing and transporting dioramas. The "real" boxes are a bit thin and flimsy being designed to prtect a cake for a short period. 


    This would solve the German problem. I'm shocked that you can't get a "proper" box!



    Something like this?



  4. Micro drill bits in that small flat plastic box where you slide the clear lid to align the hole with the channel of your selected drill bit then tilt to release it.


    All the drill bits drop except the one you selected which stays at the top for some reason meaning you have to remove the clear sliding lid which disengages with such a jolt that all the drill bits that were in size order are now on the floor.

    And guess which is the one bit that you can't find?

  5. I couldn't find all the details I'm sure I read in the book, when I was setting up the board for my mock up. I know it's in there somewhere, so I suppose I'll have to re-read it!




    Not necessarily a bad thing.  Not sure about you, but it seems that every time I "re-read" something because I'm not sure if I'm remembering something correctly (or perhaps even imagined the whole thing) I "discover" a wealth of stuff that some how I didn't notice the previous time(s) I've read it.  

  6. I've always loved Steinbach wooden nut crackers.  I have collected them for quite a number of years (have a few that were made in "East Germany.").  When I started dating my now wife she had seen a few of them  on the bookshelf but never really looked all that closely at them.  Our first Christmas, one of her presents to me was a nut cracker she had got for me.  Steinbach? Far from it, I believe it came from the local craft store.  She had yet to realize the difference.  Guess which of my nut crackers is my favorite by far?  That made in China wooden thing means more to me than if it had been made by old man Steinbach himself and decorated by Faberge.  The old saying is so very true . . . . the thought is what counts.  Why our spouses/significant others put up with us and our silly "hobbies" is sometimes beyond me.   :)

  7. If someone wants my vehicle bad enough, there really is no way he or she isn't going to be able to make off with it regardless of what technology might be employed.  Why someone would want a 1998 Ford Explorer, however, is beyond me.  :)

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