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Everything posted by JAMO

  1. Well, after the main building, there is something important to model: the employee's office. This little shed of wood can be positioned at the back or beside the grain elevator. Here, I haven't no other possibility than to put it beside if I want to model it. I started with the "head" of the grain elevator. Here is the front of the elevator which become the side of the office.
  2. Thank you Simon, It's a good news. I haven't yet seen the result. I hope to see the layout in MR one day.
  3. Thank you! I hope his modeling skills in O scale will be at the level! Wait and see.......
  4. Hello there, what's new about Tony's layout? Is the quality has been upgraded? It can be interesting to follow this. I don't have Model Railroader.
  5. These buildings give a new view to the layout. that's good
  6. I have several boxcars (40') from Atlas/Roco and Atlas. I have to make grain doors. And several PS-2 covered hoppers from Weaver and Atlas.
  7. Yes, I'll use 40' boxcars and early PS-2 covered hoppers. I model the early 60's. I'll make a hopper modified into covered hopper like ATSF has done.
  8. Yes, I know this video. It's a very nice one. Good for inspiration and nice atmosphere.
  9. Thank you my friends. The doors are open so I have to detail inside of the building. Thanks to Google and a special group on Facebook, I've found all the informations I needed to detail the interior. I go to try to explain you. On each side of the "corridor", there are the bins. These last are made of wooden planks. There is a door access for each of the bins. In the center, you can see the wheel to select the destination bin and just behind, the "leg": the elevator of the grain. Behind the leg, there is a big hopper (up) where the grain arrives from the bins. Underneath, a small scale hopper to weight the grain they sell. This is not easy to explain with words and especially for me (I'm French). Some pictures can help to understand the way of the grain from the trucks to the trains. Here is a schematic view of an elevator with the internal layout description.
  10. Thank you for your kind comments. My son is making good modeling. He is inspired by military modeling. That's very good.
  11. Great Dan! I like AK interactive products. They give very good result and the result is always a success.
  12. I've build him a bridge using recycled calendars.
  13. Sorry for the delay: more work on the elevator. The doors.
  14. Yes, I could cut it in different heights and to keep nice proportions but it should be more difficult to reconnect the parts together because of the clapboard and the size should be more close to HO than O scale. I took a long period before to cut it. After a lot of time of checking, my conclusion was: the upper edge of the layout will hide the head of the elevator. We will focus on the cars loading and the bottom part of the building. We'll can't see the top of the elevator... I hope. This solution wasn't easy to decide but I couldn't keep this building to its normal size: the ceiling of the boards are too low (45 cm high). Too low because I was ought to have smallest as possible boards. The main difficulty is to carry them from the basement to the car. Not easy, heavy and big. So I found that solution good for me. And thank you for the weathering. I'll post more photos soon to show the progress. I'm pleased with the result of this weathering.
  15. These shorty cars look very good and nice!
  16. I've tried to paint and weather my grain elevator using MIG acrylics and black ink. I've tested the techniques on the head of the elevator... After validation of the way to do it, I began to do that on the elevator
  17. Andy, I look again the first page to see what you get. No, the positions of the guardrails are right. It's an 'optic illusion' because the angle of shooting of the photo wasn't vertical and the lens was positioned very close to the target so it creates a big perspective. All my turnouts are tested with different kind of O scale wheels before to validate their use on the layout. If the result isn't perfect for operation, I modify the problem. I used only Fasttracks template and my knowledge of making my own turnouts in N and HO scales to make them. Andy, if you have a layout, do you make your own turnouts?
  18. Oh yes: he buys what's he want. And from time to time, I buy him items he likes to help him. I accept and I respect his choices. I'm an end of 50's and 60's fan. He is a 80's fan. No problem. He likes OO English trains too. Now I like that too!
  19. Oh yes! I agree with you! He learns very fast and develop the technics more easily than me!
  20. I agree: O scale 2-RL needs to survive and to develop. I've read articles in Daniel Dawdy's e-zine. I hope O scale will survive. But I think T Koester's layout isn't a good example to hook modelers to O scale because of his poor scenery. The P48 and his scenery are paradoxical. For me, P48 is that kind of quality (see below) but it's a lot of work and scratchbuilding, money... I don't think all the modelers want to scratchbuild and to pay so many money to make O scale. I thin we need to show easy access and moderate prices items to encourage modelers to do O scale. http://www.ostpubs.com/p48-is-it-for-you/ Sorry to all for my bad way of thinking and the brutal words I used. I don't look for conflicts. I don't like that. I don't think my work is excellent. I stay modest and I've still seen really better work than mine I have to learn more... it's never finished.
  21. I know from a long time ago. For me it's not justified to do P48. You can make all details you want with 32 mm track. Looking at T Koester P48 make me laugh. Sorry
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