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Posts posted by pod909

  1. This isn't the first time but I've been pondering getting into railway modelling and looking into Hayfield station as a prototype (I know the site well). It turns out that a 2mm scale model of Hayfield would fit the space I have available. Given my preferences to take on a challenge for the sake of accuracy, the space available, the lack of anything RTR everything is drawing me to attempt 2FS.


    The question is, as essentially a beginner, am I bonkers?

  2. Some general notes:




    ·         Hayfield branch line

    ·         Great Central and Midland Joint Committee (GC&MJC) connection at New Mills Central

    ·         Kinder Railway


    All standard gauge


    Interesting Dates


    1)      1868 - 1897 – MS&LR and Midland main line era

    2)      1908 – 1911 - pre-merger era - during construction of Kinder Damn

    3)      April 1932 big 4 era – The Mass Trespass




    Hayfield branch – 1) MS&LR, 2) Great Central Railway, 3) LNER

    GC&MJC – 1) MS&LR and Midland Railway (Manchester – London main line), 2) Great Central Railway and Midland Railways (local and trans-Pennine service), 3) Joint LMS and LNER

    Kinder Railway – Private


    Timeline for Railway Development in the area


    1861 – Agreement between MS&LR and Midland Railway to form GC&MJC (known as the Marple, New Mills and Hayfield Junction Line prior to 1897)

    1865 – Midland joins the Cheshire Lines Committee

    1867 – Midland main line from Millers Dale via the Dove Holes tunnel and Chinley connects with the GC&MJR at New Mills Central, GC&MJR joins the MS&LR mainline at Hyde Junction.

    1868 – Branch line to Hayfield opens

    1875 – Direct route into Manchester London Road from Romley via Bredbury opens

    1880 – Midland switches to Manchester Central for its main line service, initially diverts on the Manchester side of Romley to connect through Stockport Tiviot Dale.

    1894 – Dore to Chinely line opened by Midland Railway to provide a direct connection from Sheffield to Manchester

    1st August 1897 – MS&LR changes name to Great Central Railway.

    1902 – Midland diverts its main line service to Manchester at the New Mills South junction switching it away from New Mills Central.

    1908 –Kinder Railway starts operation, change of GCR coach livery from brown and cream to teak

    1911 – Kinder Railway stops operation

    1st January 1923 – Great Central Railway grouped into LNER, Midland Railway grouped into LMS

    1930 – Hourly Sunday service carrying upward of 5,000 hikers a weekend into Hayfield to access the moors

    c. 1935 – Bogey coaches become operational on LNER local services

    1948 – Nationalisation

    1968 – Goods service withdrawn from Hayfield

    1970 – Hayfield branch line closes


    Local Industry


    Craft woollen weaving

    Cotton weaving - calico

    Fabric dying and printing

    Paper printing


    Rail operations


    1 & 2) Coal and raw cotton to local industry, mixed freight finished goods to markets

    Each goods siding shown in photographs carrying mixed freight on 15-20 cars


    3) Post WWI large numbers of tourist passengers accessing the moors for walking at weekends

    Passenger trains 4 standard coaches and a break. 4-6 wheel close coupled coaches


    Kinder Railway operations show short mixed freight sets and a 4 car 4 wheel carriage set hauled by 0-6-0ST locomotives

  3. 2FS? Now that's a question.


    My parents is round the corner, my toddler years where spent in Bugsworth. I went to school in Chinley and New Mills. But there's no way I have room for a 5 platform exchange so Hayfield makes sense to me size wise. No idea if I have the skill to pull it off -- buildings, scenery, wagons and coaches I think so, track laying and locos? we'll see -- but how ever long it takes to get there I like to have an eventual target in mind and enjoy the research for it's own sake.


    Looks like hardly any of the loco and stock mentioned above are available in n-gauge RTR (or even kit form??), so the only way to get there will be with kit bashing and scratch building.


    So I think I'm going to start by laying the track in Pico 55 Finescale and late LNER and what ever approximate tank loco's I can find. Scratch building the scenery in 2mm and then work my way back to the GCR and 1908 - 1911.


    ... then the Kinder Railway .... and finally New Mills Central, the Midland and LMS


    The layout above isn't prototypical anyway as it's squashed into 18inches and the entry and exit points are aligned as the whole modular thing sounds a giggle.




    Turn table I'm not sure about. There's one shown late 1890s but by the 1922 OS it's gone. Not sure about size?


    ...just made an enquiry about 2fs point work. Lets see...

  4. Thanks for the tip off on the book. I'll definitely have to hunt that down.


    Scale: 2mm/N-Gauge due to space constraints


    From photo and 1922 ordinance survey it looks like the track plan is something like this.






    • Like 2
  5. Thanks for the speedy reply. That was really helpful.




    Loco's - it looks like the same 0-6-2 tanks providing the bulk of service gradually changing livery from MS&LR to GCR, LNER and finally black when BR

    Wagons - cold be a mix of pretty much anything demanded locally (calico and paper printing, coal, livestock)

    Coaches - looks like a set of 4 commuter with a break wagon


    On the coaches cold you help with livery. I have seen it mentioned that the GCR change coach livery form brown and cream to wooden around 1914?


    Station colors: Midland crimson lake even though the service is GCR?

  6. I'm doing some research on the Hayfield branch line with a view to creating a simple shelf layout.


    My research is throwing up conflicting information on who operated service on the branch. Ownership of the line also seems to be confused.


    Was it formally part of the CG&MJR or just in MS&JR/GCR ownership and operation?


    I'm looking at 3 era's before settling on one.

    1) 1868 - 1897 : MS&&LR merging with Midland express main line services at Mew Mils Central

    2) 1908 - 1911 : covering the existence of the Kinder Railway, Great Central Railway, unsure of what Midland service would of remained on the New Mills Central line after express passenger services where switched to the line through the Dissley tunnel

    3) April 1932 : LNER/LMS ownership, but who ran service?


    Any help greatly appreciated.

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