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Everything posted by JST

  1. Herewith the screenshot for CVs 20 to 40. Hope this helps. Railmaster also stores the CVs for each loco but you have to ask it to read them first. My experience with the Mogul has lead me to think that I will be pre-ordering a Dapol Manor but only when the factory fitted sound model is available. The sound fitted Mogul was £128 more expensive than the non DCC fitted version. When you consider that a sound chip is about £100 plus two speakers, I don't think that is an over the top price for fitting a well sorted sound project decoder and the speakers.
  2. It is because You have to ask Railmaster to read a specific range of CVs and if you don't include a CV in the range it shows as 000. I didn't include CVV71 when I first read read them. Sorry for the confusion. John
  3. CV70 is 13 and CV71 is 16. I will go up to the railway loft later, fire up the system and get the 20 to 40 readings later. Cheers John
  4. Melmerby, Here are some more CVs (up to 094) which may or may not be of help. Sorry about the clunky way of doing it but the Dell Windows 10 computer on which I run Railmaster is in the railway loft and my Mac is here in the office so I just took photos of the Dell screen.
  5. No problem, will do. I read decoders with Railmaster Pro via the Hornby Elite.
  6. I have just read the CVs for my factory fitted version which IMHO ruins perfectly out of the box. The only CVs I have changed are the address and CV3 to slow down the acceleration rate. The Mogul will usually be hauling 4 coaches or light freight on my branch line but here is a video of her pulling away with ten coaches (my normal express number) on the mainline:- ...and here is a short clip of her running at 1 mph with the ten coaches. Others may not see this as perfect but for me it will do!
  7. Interesting. As I said before, mine is a factory sound fitted version which ran perfectly straight out of the box. Top speed is about 70mph. I will quiz the decoder on the basic CV settings to see what they did.
  8. All this interesting discussion on the gearing is making me wonder if Dapol have changed something on mine when they did the factory sound fitting. Straight out of the box the performance has been faultless in all aspects relating to the motor. Slow running is excellent, pulling power is good and if I give it full power it is not over fast. I suppose you could say from my perspective Dapol have got the gearing spot on. However, I have no intention of pulling it apart to count gear teeth!
  9. I do something similar on my layout using a Heathcote Electronics Mas sequencer and a Peco PL 13 switch on the points. The signal cycles normally when a train passes the sensor but if the points are set (you decide which way) the signal stays on red.
  10. Keith, It is interesting to see how we are all getting different running qualities from our Moguls. I have just been up to the railway room to play...er I mean run the layout and the Mogul has performed flawlessly. I have set the shunt speed to 5mph and the cruise speed to 45mph (I use Railmaster) which seems perfect for this loco. I hope yours improves with more running. I will be ordering a Manor on the strength of my experience with the Mogul. To set a contrast, I have just fitted my Hornby Railroad Hall class (a half decent model for the money) with TTS sound. The sound is good and the loco runs brilliantly. This is all for less than 90 quid from Hattons!
  11. Woopee! My factory fitted sound Mogul arrived to-day. I must admit that straight out of the box running qualities were superb. Very smooth and the slow running is excellent. I ran it in on the rollers (although Dapol say don't bother) and I must say that it sat quite still on the rollers with the wheels turning which tells me al lot about the wheels and axles/bearings. I checked for fitting issues of the motion etc. but all was well. Any issues? ... well yes a couple. 1 At first I got no response whatever from the loco. I discovered that although the decoder was in the smokebox, it was not plugged in. Maybe came loose in transit. 2 After running in, I put the loco on the track and it promptly derailed at every set of points. Inspection revealed that the pony truck wheels back to back was miles out. You didn't need a micrometer to see it, it was that obvious. However, a very easy to fix and now it runs beautifully. 3 As reported by others, the firebox glow is barely visible, but I will live with that. All in all I am very pleased with this loco. When you look at the cost of a Zimo sound chip plus two speakers, I do not think the price of buying the factory fitted sound is unreasonable. Here is a short poor quality video (taken on my iPad) which at least gives an idea of how the loco runs.
  12. Just received a e mail from Hattons saying my factory sound fitted Mogul is on it's way. As I live in France I have paid a bit extra for courier delivery as I don't want it posted in the UK prior to 1 Jan and then find it doesn't arrive in France after Brexshit and wind up paying VAT in France was well! I will let you know how I get on.
  13. I too had this issue with the tension lock couplings but as I use Kadees it has become less of a problem. With fixed rakes of wagons I now use magnetic NEM couplings which work well and give the "squeeze up/stretch out" effect. I had one wagon that had the wobbly NEM pocket syndrome so glued it solid to the wagon. It has given no problems since, but my tightest curve is 4th radius.
  14. Just a thought! https://www.deviantart.com/attagirl-wumo/art/Paul-Whicker-the-Tall-Vicar-820997053
  15. I hope not. I am waiting for mine and not heard anything from Hattons yet. PS Are you a vicar by any chance?
  16. Just a belated aside, but you can cut off these and still use Peco point motors as long as you use the extended pin version (PL10E I think) and the associated under baseboard mounting plates.
  17. Excellent! I asked Hattons but they didn't know.
  18. Lots of birds about here in sunny rural SW France with woodpeckers, robins etc. but oddly we have yet to see the cranes fly south for the winter. Maybe this is another sign of the warm weather in Europe and hence the lack of birds feeding in UK gardens.
  19. I await the arrival of my sound fitted version but when it arrives I will still run it in. I know Dapol say this is not necessary but I guess they mean the motor. My thinking is that any mass produced 00 scale loco is likely to have varying tolerances in the gear train with attendant high spots/stiffness. I have a Bachmann pannier which now runs beautifully but only after a year of “running in” including a trip back to Bachmann so if my Mogul does not run super smooth straight out of the box I will not throw my toys out of the pram. As far as I am concerned it is a beautiful model and I will enjoy owning it. And the inaccuracies on the motion?........ most of the time the loco will be ten feet away pulling coaches and my eyesight is not that good!
  20. The running plate on my positively geriatric N class disintegrated about 3 years ago but Bachmann still replaced it FOC. I was well impressed with their customer service attitude. I hope you find the same.
  21. Very nice!... but what does the cat think of it? PS Fern now has two successors.
  22. Rats! ah well.... a Christmas present to myself! (as well as the sound fitted Dapol class 52 which arrived today ).
  23. That would be excellent! Many thanks. I have sent you a PM. John
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