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Everything posted by Grizz

  1. Did I mention the….Custardy Goodness?
  2. Uho…. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjR2pjox_iEAxVSU0EAHe23DL0QvOMEKAB6BAgJEAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fbusiness%2F2024%2F03%2F15%2Flatam-dreamliner-dive-boeing-switch%2F&usg=AOvVaw3ve9_WoughNNbHL1S7KqM0&opi=89978449
  3. Oh yes…yes they did! And they had quite a few…and they know…they know the custardy goodness is my kryptonite! ….mmmmmmm custardy goodness. I didn’t in fact complain….. I stayed strong. So strong in fact that I strolled by with my gaze fixed in opposite direction. In fact I strolled so far that I ended up in the beer and ale section. It was then that my strength failed me. So I left with a dozen bottles of ale…….. The evidence.
  4. Wotcha All… well they’ve bleedin well done it again….Weightrose have gone and filled up their cake / pastry/ snacky goodies cabinets with scrummy lovely snacky goodies…..DELIBERATELY…….THEY HAVE DONE THIS ON PURPOSE! On PURPOSE I SAY! Just because they know that occasionally on a Saturday morning I have to come into Gotham to drop off cub 2 and I am then vulnerable for 30 minutes. Totally at their mercy. But I have not caved into their wicked evil machinations. No…no more. No never no more. I have been strong and I have blatantly ignored their tempting, sometimes custardy treats. Evidence of my tormentors evil ways.
  5. When I arrived home this evening I discovered that Mrs Grizz had been baking and making. Ooooooooo I thought I wonder if there is any for me. Well apparently not. It is a bespoke birthday cake for a customer. And there aren’t even any scragg ends of cakey nibbles for me either!…as number 2 cub scoffed them at lunch time. The empty pint glass is just there to give a sense of scale. Surely no one person needs to have a cake that big.
  6. Bet they have hand carved Curley fries!
  7. WARNING… @polybear…look away now……please. This evening Mrs Grizz cooked a locally produced roast turkey crown, with soss, roast tatoes, roast parrrrsnips, carrots, swede , broccoli, and peas. With gravy made from the juices etc etc. Followed our own apples and pears crumble and home made custard….mmmm custard…. As I earlier predicted…..it is now B bise time. Nite nite all……sov godt Grizz…..zzzzzz……..zzzzzzzz………..zzzzzzzzzz……….zzzzzzzz…….etc.
  8. From where we were sitting it ricocheted off of one of their players…..I’ll still take it!
  9. Yeah you are completely right @Gwiwer….but right now…I’ll take it! 😂
  10. Yes…yes we do…….AND we WON. 🤪 and I drank numerous pints of Harvey’s. Old Ale, Best, Stout, Porter, Porter, Old, Old, Porter and Old…….AND….WE WON…..did I mention that? ….”SEEEEEEEEGULLLS!!!!!!!”…..happy Grizz and number 1 cub. Gonna probs fall asweep after supper……☺️
  11. Well on that note I’m off for the afternoon, to Gotham to drink beer, watch the football and loose my voice yelling and singing at the Amex Stadium. “SEAGULLS!!!!!!”
  12. Hummmmph…..it is going to be one of THOSE days is it? Mrs Grizz has sent me various Gifs etc…..then she sent this one…apparently in this case she is speaking as the voice of experience……she says it sums us up well.
  13. Ah but was that your hand holding that pint? 😉
  14. @iL Dottore could this be an example of tribalism? Or more specifically Neotribalism….not something that I have thought about much before, other than for football etc. Even if those involved do not recognise it as such? When I typed in tribalism, the Neo bit was offered up as a search lower down. This is cut and pasted below. Neo tribalism, also known as modern tribalism or new tribalism, is a sociological concept which postulates that human beings have evolved to live in tribal society, as opposed to mass society, and thus will naturally form social networks constituting new tribes. At times it is noticeably present in some quite numbers of r@:lw@y enthusiasts and model r@:lw@y enthusiasts, with their often obsessive behaviour towards one thing or another. Couple this with what, at times, (and I have definitely noticed this element, as I am happy with my own autistic traits and autism myself) are clearly visible, with seemingly disproportionately high numbers of neurodiverse folks that seem to be attracted to R@:lw@ys and that other subject which cannot be spoken about. Could there be a link between the two? With the two accentuating each other, if that makes sense.? A local heritage rail has examples of both tribal behaviour and a great deal of visible neurodiversity, with some folks occasionally flying into rages about a pet project or obsessing about a decision that took place 30 years ago and they can’t let go. Or the detail of a project that must take precedence over that ‘pile of carp’ that has no place here because they never ran here blar blar blar. I often wonder what this behaviour looks like to others (normals) out side of our shared common interest (muddling n r@:lw@ys). I know little if anything about tribalism other than that which I have described above, and as for autism I have it to a degree, in my advancing years I recognise behaviours, responses and coping strategies that have been with me all my life.
  15. Perhaps that should have been…. ”Our British justice system is adversarial, it is not about the truth, it is about ‘aversion’ of the truth”…..🤪
  16. Oooooo I nearly forgot. To lighten the mood with regard to the law, legal and judicial system in the uk, I am sure that some will already know this, but for those who don’t please please check out the radio comedy series, and later tv series, Chambers. The wiki link below gives the details. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chambers_(series) The brilliant John Bird as John Fuller-Carp and James Fleet as Hilary Tripping, but my personal favourite is Jonathan Kydd as Vince Griffiths the barrister’s clerk. I have all of the radio series downloaded. They are periodically played on BBC Radio 4 extra, plus also they are on YouTube at various times. “Our British justice system is adversarial, it is not about the truth, it is about a version of the truth”…… 😂
  17. How was the in flight catering? If you don’t mind me asking, what was you meal of choice?
  18. I wasn’t going to post this…however….I would like to get it out there as an example of the kind of thing we have been talking about. Many decades ago my youngest brother was attacked in the early hours of the morning in Gotham City, whilst walking with his girlfriend. The completely unprovoked attack was by two herberts that used a Newcastle brown bottle to smash him over the head, from behind, cutting his head badly. He fell to the ground and received a reasonable booting. Mostly to the head. They also punched his girlfriend in the face a few times for good measure. This was witnessed by 30 or so people at relatively close range. His girlfriend managed to summon help from some very kind people in the street and they used a nearby house holders phone to ring 999. A hour or so later a couple of bobbies on the beat two streets away, spotted two herberts fitting the descriptions, gave chase and nicked them. The remains of the bottle used in the attack was actually gathered and used as evidence. After hospital treatment with stitches to his head etc etc, my brother, his girlfriend and a dozen or so people gave statements to Gotham’s finest and due process started. Three months later the herberts were up in court and were found not guilty. But were charged with possession of illegal substances, one with intent to supply. They claimed that they were high and had no recollection of any such event and ran away from the cops only because they were carrying drugs. They were found guilty of the drugs charges, after which their previous convictions were read out. Both had previously been convicted multiple times of violence, using weapons and a string of other associated violent type crimes. So to be clear, these two got off based on what they were advised to do. To get them off. This assault had a huge psychological and physical affect on my brother. And may or may not have contributed to him taking his own life just two years later. I have little if any trust or faith in our justice system. One of the poor coppers told my dad in confidence after the trial, we know it was them and we know that they did I it. But they are in the last chance saloon and ‘money’ has been thrown at this to keep them out of prison. He was so apologetic, I could see in his face the frustration and anger he genuinely felt. The best example I can think of, of abuse of the system is the Guinness trial, that of Ernest Saunders. The only person to have fully recovered from full blown Alzheimer’s disease.
  19. May I suggest that you go and check your back garden for anything vaguely resembling aircraft parts, that wasn’t there yesterday ….just in case they didn’t quite put enough Duck Tape on that particular one.
  20. Defence lawyer. “My client has no recollection of the event, as at the time he was, and I quote ‘Tripping bals on a cocktail of alcohol, meth, coke, PCP, curly fries and Love Hearts, as well as him forgetting to take his medication to counter previously diagnosed drug psychosis and resultant multiple personality disorders’, in short Mlud, and with respect (respek for those in sarff Lundin), the defence submits that unless the prosecution can identify exactly which one of his personalities he was at the time, then it is a case of mistaken identity for the other 53. And further more the fact that all 54 people involved in the alleged incident do all in fact have distinctive green and purple facial tattoos, this is mere coincidence. And one last thing Mlud, my client would also like to add that if in fact he was the personality at the time, it is not his fault as he was fed too much L.D.C. as a child and has flash backs… and everything….. er….the defence rests”…… …..stunned silence…..
  21. 😁 I genuinely didn’t know that, thank you for explaining it. And I am not being sarcastic, as I have said before, that’s part of what I love about ERers, every day is a school day. It is like a league of Gentlefolk here, we are brimming with knowledge, skills and experiences from lives lived. The outcome of that incident was that they banned the used of fluorescent tubes above such machines.
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