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Wickham Green

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Everything posted by Wickham Green

  1. I don't think I've ever heard a request for reduced price 'no motor' models - which would obviously satisfy these 'collectors' ............ or are they so ashamed they've not attempted a layout that they'll not admit it ??!?
  2. So what if one of these 'generic' coaches - having undergone sixty-odd pages of tweaking to make it more plausible - ends up uncomfortably close to something that actually existed on some railway or other ? - would you boycott it in any other livery ?
  3. You can always invent something along the lines of the Kenny Belle !
  4. Apart from the Hexception mentioned by The Stationmaster, the vast majority of main line journeys will not accrue significantly different tyre wear on one side or t'other ..... where this will differ is on roundy-roundy 'trainsets' like the Circle Line and 'Clockwork Orange' : certainly LU like to keep their trains in a particular orientation so the tyres are turned not the trains ! ( I don't think Glasgow have facilities for turning vehicles.)
  5. Hmmm ......... later WHAT year ? - the site seems to be date 2015-18 !
  6. I think the South Western roof was actually a semi-elliptical profile - though much flatter than the SECR roof with which it could often be compared in later days. it's probably fair to say that all railways started out with simple arc roofs ( cue exceptions ) and some, like the Brighton, stuck with this form a lot longer than others.
  7. Anyone know where Peter Handford's recordings are ? - remember Argo Transacord ? - He may have been too late for this or he may have treated non-steam with disdain, of course.
  8. A GWR pedant would point out, of course, that THEIR roofs weren't semi-elliptical but three-centred ......... or a Generally Wonky Roof to others.
  9. Flat bottom rail wasn't in common use on the 'main line' railways until the end of the turntable age - so bullhead's almost certain unless this is a light railway ....... but then turntables weren't particularly common on light railways !
  10. Beware of 'typical LNER' - this would ( might ? ) have been typical GNSR when it was built so your 'elsewhere' would be a little more limited. The van looks like a wartime LMS plywood vehicle and the relevant wagon book(s) will give the nominal height.
  11. Unfortunately - for the purposes of this discussion - they're not allowed to use lead-based paints and demonstrate colour deterioration in action.
  12. Could it be that the Mitre Bridge overhead was - shall we say - built to a price and not designed with the resilience for changeover at 100mph on the move.
  13. Muddy brown, indeed, on my screen too ...... but memory of my tin ( at home ) suggests it's actually a bit pinker - though how this relates to the warning colour it must have been intended as is a mystery.
  14. Watching a model layout - which shall remain nameless - at Tolworth the other day and the pans on a class 76 were going up an' down like yoyos !
  15. Not entirely unlike this ! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harz_Railway#/media/File:199_872-3_am_16.08.2007_in_Eisfelder_Talmühle.jpg
  16. There's already a thread on this topic - somewhere - I think it started talking about Thameslink units where the overhead light is still on when the train's operating on the third rail.
  17. Stephen Hannington has modelled PART of a - hypothetical - main line station with short trains : Surrey Arms might give you some inspiration : https://esngblog.com/2017/10/31/not-quite-a-minories/
  18. Now, there was talk, at one time, of these appearing in 'bauxite' ( gawd 'elp us ) ....... these look to be a very 'Dairy Milk' chocolate brown rather than the 'Bournville' Hornby used for the cattle wagons !
  19. As ever there were exceptions and the Bluebell's Brighton 'Milk Van' managed to survive into BR days - as a departmental vehicle - on a set of spoked wheels : it was last seen on a set of Pullman four-hole disc wheels after those were condemned ! [ Hopefully Hattons will supply wheels on standard 26mm pinpoint axles ( unlike some other manufacturers ) so purchasers can chop-an-change at will.]
  20. Traditional British Army red coat colour ( Redcoat colour ? ) would, indeed, be a useful warning colour ......... the 'venetian red' paint available from model suppliers is believed to be a faded rendition.
  21. I remember the Craven Arms map - must have been a favourite with skools at one time ............ and when we had a geography fieldwork trip it was to some place called Bridgnorth that nobody else had heard of ! ( Should be back there Sunday as it happens.)
  22. I remember waiting for a London train at Newcastle many years ago and there was an announcement that the train from Edinburgh was arriving in reverse formation ...... so everyone shuffled along to the other end of the platform and the train arrived the right way round ! ( it departed the wrong way round though )
  23. Yes, the partition would be painted 'Venetian red' - but probably not below the level of the veranda rail. Next question : Exactly what colour WAS 'Venetian red' ? .......
  24. Ah, but is that a reduction in the level of stupidity at level crossings or simply a reduction in the number of level crossings to be stupid at ?
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