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Everything posted by Paul_C

  1. Cheers mate, I've just sent them an email so will await their reply. Paul C.
  2. Can anybody suggest where I can get some cylindrical roof mounted air vents please. I'm revamping my model of the old Bowaters clay shed that used to stand adjacent to Sittingbourne station and need some new ones. Previously I got a supply from Mark, one of the chaps who exhibits the Treskilling EEC layout but I have no way of getting in touch with him. Hope someone can help. Paul C.
  3. David, Your layout looks superb with some great detail. Where did you get the platform signs and lamps from? I'm going to need some very similar when I get my build underway. Paul C.
  4. Hi All, Can anybody shed light on this please. I'm looking for photos of the station building that stood on Kemsley station at the time of electrification in May 1959. I know that it was erected in 1938 and lasted until the early eighties (I think) but, I can't find any images. I can't recall enough detail of it from memory in order to build a model so photos would be a massive leap forward. Hope someone can help. Paul C.
  5. Thank you for your replies, very helpful. I am now much wiser having checked the links that you posted. Paul C.
  6. Hi All, I've recently decided to use the new Peco code 75 bullhead track buying a box of flextrack. This week I added a large radius LH turnout and will be looking to make more purchases once I start building the layout and when Peco release more parts. Can anybody advise me as to any other makes of track that would be compatible with this i.e. C & L Finescale, Marcway etc.... Hope someone can help. Paul C.
  7. I'm looking for a ZTC 611 controller if anybody has one for sale please. Paul C.
  8. Hi Jack, Thank you for responding to my question. I followed up your suggestion and it proved a real winner. I found details elsewhere in the forum linking Branchlines to a small company called Kean Maygib. That showed an address for Trowse (Norwich) so I gave them a call. They are now on the Rackheath industrial estate which is about 15 minutes from me and when I spoke with them and it appears that they actually make and supply parts for Branchlines. I then phoned Branchlines and managed to get the exact buffers for my model so a brilliant outcome. The kit is being built for me by an experienced modeller so I had them sent direct to his address. They arrived yesterday morning so a fantastic result, thanks Jack. Paul C.
  9. Insert other media Hi All, Can anybody point me in the right direction with this please? I'm looking for some sprung buffers as per the attached photo of this SR D1 4-4-0. Colin at Alan Gibson's has told me that they don't do that one so any thoughts please? Paul C.
  10. Hi Covkid, Thank you for that very useful info, I'm still very much a novice with these things so any comments/hints/tips etc.... are so helpful and most welcomed. I'll try and find a way of sampling the generic files, I'm a firm believer in listening to things before I jump in and buy (if that's possible). Regards, Paul C.
  11. Andy,

    Where do we go to now in order to view content (topics & posts) ?



    1. MarshLane


      Click on the 'Activity' tab at the top, then 'My Activity Streams' you have a variety of options for what you want to see, or you can create your own 'Activity Stream' to replicate what was there previously.

  12. Hi Jack, Thanks for that, I'll certainly have a look. It might be that the sound files do not yet exist in which case I'll have to go for the nearest similarity. Paul C.
  13. Thanks for that Mike. To be honest I'm still a little unsure when it comes to posting things on the forum. I do have a few different "subjects" on the go but from now I'll just keep it all in the same place. Paul C.
  14. Hi All, Can anybody point me in the right direction with this please? I'm looking for sound decoders/files for a D1 Class 4-4-0 and an E Class 4-4-0 both SR locos. I've had a look through various websites but haven't found anything so far. The D1 is a DJH Models kit but I am still looking for a suitable model of the E Class. Hope someone can help. Paul C.
  15. I have read with great interest all of the above entries on this subject but have gone off on a completely different route regarding these structures. As I have yet to make a start on my track laying I am convinced that a lot of what I do will be trial and error but I have committed to having pylons in the foreground with the confidence that I can position them in such a way that they will blend into the surroundings. Initially I ordered four of Andy Vaughan's standard towers which are superb but then needed to go that one stage further as there are two high ones carrying cables across the river Swale. Actually there are four now but the era that I'm modelling only has two. Things are in progress and hopefully we will come up with something that will look pretty good to say the least. Although still somewhat inexperienced I am learning that now and again in this hobby you just have to take a risk. Paul C.
  16. Mike, You've made my day, I had edged a guess that it was to allow access to the windows. I take it there was one the other side as well? I've got a bit of work done on the model although I'm taking my time, early signs are promising. Considering I'm not a model builder I'm very pleased with how it's going. It's not glued together at this stage, just held in place with blacktac. The diagonal sections of the main roof are overcut to allow room to manoeuvre and I also think that I may have to cut them away from the horizontal and realign the angle. Fingers crossed I'll achieve a decent outcome. Paul.
  17. Mike, Do you remember this gantry being on the bridge during your time there? I've got my own ideas to what it was for but any thoughts, was there one on the other side? Paul.
  18. Graham, When you say the inside mirrored the exterior would you say that the stairwells would have been cream tongue and groove or was the exterior wood panelling backed onto steel sheet? I know this is a big ask but the main thing is colour. Paul.
  19. Can anybody remember details of this bridge from the late fifties/early sixties period? I've found a few photographs but in particular I'm trying to ascertain the colour scheme from that era. I have a photo from 1972 that shows the main part of the structure as green but I need to know what coloured the stairwell enclosures were as well as the interior. Any thoughts please. Paul C.
  20. Further to my original post about this footbridge is there anyone out there who happens to have a good recollection of how it looked in the early sixties colour wise? The main part seemed to be green but I can't find any photos showing the sloped sides or interior. Any help would be very useful. Paul C.
  21. Further to my original post I now have exactly what I need, thanks to those who replied. Sometimes there's only one way to get the necessary info that we're after. It seems a bit extreme but last Saturday evening I drove down and did everything in one hit. As well as taking a good number of photographs I also measured it from the inside so I now have very detailed stats and can get on with building the model. For the sake of a few hours I have avoided weeks, if not months, of uncertainty pondering over the finer details. Although I don't know of anyone else who's modelling this location if my photos and jottings can be of use to others I'm happy to share them around. Paul C.
  22. Has anybody got any old photos of the green corrugated shed that used to stand adjacent to Sittingbourne station please. There are a few online but nothing that you would regard as substantial. Apparently this is where clay slurry was offloaded for Bowaters paper mill. Anything that's not already commonly available via the internet would be most helpful. Paul C.
  23. A while ago I came up with an idea to build a version of the old footbridge that stands on Sittingbourne station. To avoid starting completely from scratch I decided to use the Bachmann resin model (44-020) as this is the nearest likeness that I could find. I have cannibalised the parts from two of these in order to achieve the extra width and height of the real thing. Today I managed to overcome some rather awkward sections that have been holding me back for a while and the lower half is now glued together and well advanced. I have lined the edges with K & S brass strips to sharpen the appearance and added Milliput filler to a few areas. Still a very long way to go but it's now starting to fall into place. Paul C.
  24. Are there any references to Sheerness/Sittingbourne area in the book? Paul C.
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