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Status Updates posted by Butler

  1. Hi

    I have just located a Bachmann RFO in Darker green, it has the same part number 39-253 but the box is marked as (SR) Green, as opposed to my other lighter green RFO marked as BR (SR) Green. So that’s a bit of a spanner in the works. I thought we had it pretty well sussed. But anyway your list has helped. If I wasn’t so OCD about it it wouldn’t matter.



    1. Free At Last

      Free At Last

      Have a nice day.


    2. truffy


      Not so OCD as to use PM rather than the SSU. :rolleyes:

  2. Hi

    Thank you for your reply. I love the model. I love Wagon Lits, and Pullman. One of my best friends is Antony Ford, author of many Pullman books and a world expert on Pullman, and Wagon Lits. 

    Can you advise me, I would like to consider making this kit. I am used to modelling in wood. I have made many model ships, including Amati. These include all the cannons rigging etc But I have never used soldered metal. Do you think , in your opinion that this kit is within my capability. I have attached some images of my models.

    Look forward to hearing from you.




    1. sncf231e




      Of course I have and have read some of the books on Pullman by Antony Ford; he indeed is a specialist (I am still searching for Pullman Profile No 2).


      I think that If you can make such a beautiful ship model it will be very much in your capabilities to make the Amati CIWL LX kit. There is no soldering involved. Note that the kit when build according to the instructions, which are very clear, is a static model. To make it a running model some changes, especially on the frame and the bogies, are needed. I made a description of the build on a Dutch forum: https://forum.beneluxspoor.net/index.php?topic=81704.0, but of course this is in the Dutch language;)





    2. Butler


      Thank you for your reply. Antony’s books are superb and I am very proud to have contributed to some of the books in a small way. 

      Thank you for your kind words on my ships. A question for you though, do Amati only make a sleeping car? Where will I find one, is t still made ?

      If you wish you. An PM me and we can discuss some more, if you would like to.


    3. Butler



      Thank you, I have found one, but do you think this is the best to go for. It is only for display. Unless you suggest anything else, I will go for it.


      PS I expect you seen the Golden Arrow Models  Pullman pre made in brass, O gauge. Beautiful ! Think they not made anymore.



  3. Hi

    Talking about emu’s, I’m going to put lighting in my Hornby Bils and Hal’s . Do you know if the headcode boxes were lit, and what was the tail lamp arrangement, the later emu’s had 2 white bars? Later 2 red bars? Just wondered if you knew,



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Butler


      Thank you for your replies. So no front light at all on these type of locos, even getting in to BR days? 


    3. Geep7


      No, no front light at all, the Bil's, Hal's and Cor's were all withdrawn by 1973.


      Regards, Chris

    4. Peter749


      The 2-Bil, 2Hal and 4-Cor did have illumination behind the white panel

      Otherwise the units would run without any illumination on the front which would not have been allowed


      This picture in the NRM shows the front of the 4-Cor with the box behind the stencil illuminated


  4. Butler


    Thanks for the info on the lights, I’m going to go for the battery ones. Just 1 question, I’m fitting them initially to some 2 bil/Hal units , early 60’s . Should I fit warm white or amber? I’m thinking warm white as amber might indicate gas lights?



    1. AMJ


      Warm white with a resistor to dim it down a bit.  It is worth trying different values as the brightness is your personal preference.  




    2. Butler


      Resistor in Series I guess, what kind of value, I havnt a clue without forcing my brain back to ohms law, you just need to get a voltage drop is that right?

      thank you for your help


    3. AMJ


      I'd try a 1K ohm in series with the LEDs

      placing two 1K resistors in parallel using Ohms law is equivalent to 0.5K or two in series is 2K as below




  5. It’s not despair that kills you, but hope! John Cleese

  6. Hi,

    following my thread on a suitable decoder for the 4TC , having tried 2 decoders to get interior lights workingdid you come up with a suitable one?


    1. truffy


      I haven't, no, but thanks for asking.

  7. It’s not despair that kills you, but hope. John Cleese!

  8. It’s not despair that kills you, but hope. John Cleese!

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