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marc smith

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Everything posted by marc smith

  1. Thanks to the 2 Davids above for your kind words If I'm free, I would be more than happy to support the Exmoor show again I had a good time, and I know my friend and invaluable helper Barry Ten enjoyed the show too..... Cheers all Must get some more shots done for this thread, and for the imminent magazine feature! Marc Quote: "You'll be bloody imminent if you're not careful" - Billy Liars Dad
  2. Just wanted to say "Hi" and "thanks" to everybody that came along for a chat at the Exmoor show on Saturday There were some great layouts at the exhibition - a high proportion of quality layouts, for a relatively small-ish show Well worth a visit next year, I'd say Great to see Mudmagnet, Darren, and Ray again and thanks to Barry Ten for all his help Well done exmoordave!
  3. Hi all, Just a quick reminder Poynton Sneer is due to appear at the Exmoor show tomorrow, at the Methodist Church Hall, The Avenue, Minehead TA24 5AY If you're free, come along If you're already going, please come & chat, and let me know you're a fellow rmweb member Cheers
  4. Rob, you are a modest man, I can tell Your modelling skills are of a very high standard sir! Modelling skills are not limited to how well you can build a kit, make a working chasis, or complicated painting & lining Modelling railways encompasses so many skills, no-one can be adept at all of them.... but what makes a model look good in my opinion, is a consistency throughout the whole scene.... Planning is as much a modelling skill as any other requirement and I'm in the same camp as you, regarding keeping things simple that's not to say I don't like more complicated layouts - far from it But I do like the "less is more" appraoch, for my own models I think building a micro or small layout can really help you focus on what details are important, and what details can make a layout too "fussy" The fact that all your layouts so far have been fab, is a sign that you have planned well.... a small scene can be both overdone, and too simplistic You Rob, have a gift for knowing just how far to go.... To anyone thinking of building a layout, or to anyone thinking they haven't space for one, try your hand at a small layout like this.... you can learn so much - honest Keep us posted with progress Rob Cheers again Marc
  5. Looking good Rob, I really like that shelter! It's difficult to tell from photos, but I'd say you could darken a few patches, slightly.... But I wouldn't go everboard... The amount of soot, grot & grime would depend on frequency of trains, which classes of loco, weather conditions and how porus the local stone is.... I'd go for a gradual building up of effects.... Let each subtle application of weathering sit there, and have a cuppa whilst pondering That's what I do Good work sir! Marc
  6. Henry is probably trying to tell you "there's no way Mrs Wenlock is going to have you build this in here mate!" Looks a good plan sir, but whew, is O gauge big.... .. unless you're me lol!
  7. Hi, several modellers have asked where I get my mirror material from... well, several suppliers actually, but I just came across this on ebay haven't tried this particular one, but it looks very similar Poly mirror material has several advantages over a glass mirror; obviously it's much lighter, easier to cut yourself, and less likely to break but since it is also surface-silvered, you don't get double-reflections, and there's no "gap" between the mirror surface and the layout.... On the negative side, it isn't as optically "true" as glass... Just in case you may be interested in trying out some mirror material.... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SILVER-MIRROR-Mirrored-Acrylic-Sheet-PERSPEX-SHEET-A4-/290662001083?_trksid=p4012.m1374&_trkparms=algo%3DPI.WATCH%26its%3DC%26itu%3DUCC%26otn%3D8%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D65918752610489971 Marc
  8. Having seen Wenlocks' modelling in the past, I can only say this is going to be superb... But they are going to be BIG baseboards Dave! Hope to see you in the gym this week
  9. If you can't get hold of any plumbers hemp, you could always use some "dead grass" static grass fibres... They are available in long-ish lengths... I've got some new stuff which looks great, and is v suitable for O You can have some fibres, if you'd like to try Dave.... Cheers Marc
  10. Ah, you've talked about a similar concept before Mr Ten, I seem to recall... I think it would be a good idea The majority of US stuff you tend to see at shows is 0-16.5 or HO (certainly locally) Would be nice to see an N gauge small layout built to the sort of standard you have built GA&S... Haven't looked at this thread in much too long seeing those lovely pics in the mag at the weekend prompted me to have a peek.. Now I'm glad I did Some smashing pics there sir Speak soon
  11. Nice job you've made of it too Richard.... .... Since reading this, I've been thinking about finally getting stuck into my "Cashmores" scrapyard layout. So I dug out a couple of old EMG points I made what now seems like decades ago... ...hang on, it WAS decades ago Cheers Marc
  12. Thanks for posting those pics Brian Trouble is, I want a 22 now as well.... But oh dear, it's too big for this layout.... damn back to the drawing board.... again Marc
  13. Thanks for that It was nice to see some movement on the layout, which of course still pictures cannot do... I still think Osney had bags of atmosphere, and the fact that you modelled the opposite side of the station to the usual side, was nice to see. Got a real feel for the layout Good luck with the new one, and don't forget to keep us up to date with developments Cheers again
  14. Glad to see there's some progress seriously tho, I would like to see you exhibit this one.... You know how fond I and several other South Walians are on steelworks... Hwyl Marc
  15. Thanks for your kind words Rob, great to see you again sir I usually play a soundtrack to accompany my layouts The last one "Wales, Rails, Rain & Steel" was set in the rain, so the soundtrack was of rainfall & thunder & lightening! I am intrigued to know why you used to trainspot from up a tree? I recall seeing you as a lad, and knew of no such antics Or was I up a tree as well? lol PS. If you play running water sounds you might end up making onlookers want to visit the loo.... Cheers
  16. Hi Wayne, great to see you too sir It's been too long since our local rmwebbers have had a get together... Thanks for your kind words re Poynton Sneer I'm glad you felt inspired to get Dragon Steels out of the loft I'd really like to see you exhibit that one at next years show and I'm sure you'd get an invitation to Cardiff, as they're after new, local layouts and your modelling is a really high standard... ... time to see all that steelworks research pay off? As I said over the weekend, I personally like to have some low foreground, at some point on the layout - it does give you the opportunity to take some eye-level photos, and gives you a slightly different perspective on a layout or its' stock Speak soon Wayne Marc
  17. Thanks Dave, Great to see you at the weekend too - glad you enjoyed Poynton I use them in OO and EM, and I do find them a bit fiddly to fit... Generally because there's less room to play around with, when fitting them Also, in O, it's easier to align them by eye... but I would never dissuade anyone from using them, in any scale.... After all, they are my couplings of choice, and when they work well, it's great to shunt hands-free Cheers again catch up soon.... Marc EDIT: It's also become more fiddly for me, as my eyesight isn't what it was..... I'm sure Brian R wouldn't even be able to hit that sparrow
  18. Hi Mikey, Good to see you at the weekend - thanks for making the trip to Cardiff again Hope your daughter didn't get too bored.... Earlier in this thread, there are some postings of a layout called "osney town" and further pics of a layout by the same chap, "the shed" take a look at those layouts - there's also a thread for them on here They're absolutely smashing little O gauge layouts, with loads of atmosphere in a small space... Cheers again matey Marc EDIT: Here's the link.... Take a look / drool http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/56870-osney/page__fromsearch__1
  19. Hi Brian, Glad to see Ranson Bridge is still looking good Please remember to post some pics of Rogers lovely 22 when it visited Poynton Sneer.... Marc
  20. I know what you mean about stress... Having said that, I've built several layouts over the past 3 -4 years ... all micros of course, but I haven't been unduly stressed by the building of them... A micro EM layout is a must- otherwise your stock may never get a run... what a shame that always is..... I'll be working on a micro EM layout next - unless she disowns me for having too many layouts Let us know when you start your micro Cheers all PS Great to see several rmwebbers over the weekend Great show at L&B again, and thanks to the likes of Keefr and Mikey for travelling from further West
  21. Hi again, I spoke to someone at the L&B show yesterday who found the very same thing happened to him.... I'm sure the problem won't happen with C&L's O guage point kit..... I'll let you know... I recall speaking to a modeller who built his oo trackwork in-situ laying the sleepers first, then ballasting before the rails are put in place This also has the advantage of making the ballasting easier & neater... This modeller said that sleeper curling never happened when trackwork was built in this way I think this method is employed by Norman Soloman? Of course, the difficulty is that you have to be working on the baseboard the whole time, and can't make a point on your lap, while watchin the telly, in the lounge.... Nice set of pics again Rich Cheers Marc
  22. Roger, It was a pleasure to see you too sir Thanks for the kind words re Poynton Is there a thread for your "Gnott Mushroom" layout? It looked great, honestly Roger You can't ditch the scale.... ... I mean Myfanwy now has her own fan club Best Marc
  23. Hi wayne, I know this is an older reply to your post, but Wordsell was thinking just the same subject we discussed over the weekend.... You don't see many disused / semi-lifted sidings modelled The layout is looking good Now, get it finished in time for next years L&B show Cheers Marc
  24. Hi Mikey, Good tro see you & Keefr (another Jack) today too glad you enjoyed the show don't worry, Brian often makes us all chuckle Perhaps the guy you saw had just made a purchase from a charity shop? Speak soon sir Marc
  25. Hi again, To gronk the shunter, I would say yes, the C&L track does look much nicer... Wish Peco would improve the appearance of their track and to Richard, how did you find the point kit? I personally don't like the sleepers I find they're a tad on the thin side.... I had noticed some curling up of the ends of the sleepers! and this was having secured them down with double-sided tape (a very sticky one at that) I know of other modellers who have experienced this in 4mm This is why when modelling EM years back, I opted for ply & rivet sleepers... To gronk again, If you're reluctant to have a go at point construction, maybe try an SMP point kit? I've seen a few knocking around on ebay quite cheaply... Oh if only PECO would improve their track.... Cheers Marc
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