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marc smith

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Everything posted by marc smith

  1. Sorry you couldn't read the number.... The depot staff obviously can't be bothered with cleaning the 08 Only just noticed, it does look like the word "depot" though..... Cheers
  2. Hi there, I use several different materials, as I like to use different textures and shades, I feel this breaks up an area - particularly in the foreground... This is best not overdone, however, as it could look too "fussy" I hope it doesn't appear that way here.... Some of the foliage is heather, which I think I got from continental models... With the grass, I have mainly used the longest fibres (best for overgrown grass, in O) It is mostly static grass, applied with a cheap, £15 applicator from ebay As a basis for some of the grass, I have also used Gaugemaster dead grass- the type you get in a sort of sheet, and tear clumps from... Onto some of the static grass, I have sprinkled some very fine, bright green scatter I bought this in the 1970's - and it's way too bright to be used alone However, it is very fine, and works well when used this way I sometimes build up the static grass, to give a more unkempt/ overgrown feel This is done by adding further applications, but wait untill the previous application is well & truly dry... There are also a few patches of silflor grass tufts in there, and the bushes are made from rubberised horsehair, finished off with Heki Flor foliage (now hard to find in the UK, I think) Hope this helps? Cheers Marc Edit: PS the nettles are old decorators brush hairs, dipped in pva, then into the fine "debris" bits from the bottom corner of a woodland scenics packet....
  3. Hi there, The layout is just under 5 feet in length The depth varies a little, as I wanted a forground which slightly curves toward the viewer It's around 15 inches or so, at its' deepest, I think... The height is also around 15 inches Hope this helps Cheers Marc
  4. On the topic of commercially available backscenes, Just wondered how other modellers find them? And do you find them difficult to use? What adhesives and methods work best for you? Let me know, as I do find them tricky to stick down evenly, and without shrinking, or air bubbles appearing... Cheers
  5. You certainly got the paperclip uncouplers working well tho Stu! I suppose The mould ridges can always be filed down? It's the hoods that are hard to model and from what I saw, the moulding of that looked pretty good on the Bachmann model.. Cheers again
  6. Yes, a good plan is to use pairs, or small rakes of wagons.... I've done this myself on a few examples You also end up with being able to use the wagons with other types of couplings e.g. you could run wagons on a non-stopping service, with a loco that only has 3 link.. Or you could leave tension lock type couplings on one end, and use Stubbys method of attaching part of a paper-clip to the dropper, as he cleverly does on Porth Bythan... As my eyesight diminishes, I find S&W's are tricky to fit these days, a plus to that is, once fitted, they are less obtrusive to my eye Could you use Bachmann clay hoods? From the brief look I've had, the tarps look pretty damn good Cheers again, and please bring the layout to the next rmweb members day Marc
  7. Yes, smashing pics again Richard I really like this lovely scene, and it suits the china clay traffic down to a tee... What other wagons will you eventually run? If you're modeling the 70's, I think there's a nice variation in stock and if you look at the Cornish China Clay books, some nice small rakes of mixed wagon types too.... Good luck with modeling the tarps... I did that with some 4mm wagons, years back and I didn't find it easy to get it as convincing as I'd have liked.... Making the tarps removable could be a challenge too... If it were me, I'd take the easy route, and have 2 rakes; One with tarps on top, and one with them folded up.... Looking forward to seeing this one progress Marc PS. Have you decided on couplings?
  8. Hi Wenlock, Yes, I like the look of your eliptical baseboard Nice looking design, and I think the slip does look a nice touch, although it does look as if it may be a very tight radius, as someone suggested... What design of engines shed were you thinking of using? Something like one of the old wooden constructions? I think it will be a very small affair, in the space you have allocated.... I like the private siding in front of it though, and a gate accross that siding will be a nice feature Cheers Dave Marc
  9. Just a few thoughts on backscenes folks.... Someone recently posted some questions about using photo backscenes on my old O gauge layout thread... Several people had commented on the spacious feel of Poynton Sneer I think this is partly down to not having too much stock on the layout at any one time... I'm sure the backscene helps here as well It does seem to have a sense of depth to it - adding to the feeling of space, I think. I've hinted that the layout isn't quite finished One area being the mirror on the right hand edge it's a large area, and I intended to cover some of that area with an oil tank, and some associated pipework / stanchions / girders etc The feeling of space is also aided partly by the backscene continuing under the bridge I originally intended to place some strips of black polythene, to help as a viewblocker under the bridge However, the continuation of the backscene, and scenery (another uncompleted job!) seems to do the trick. The fiddle area has been painted, sprayed & weathered to match the layout, and I think I'll not bother with the polythene now.... Cheers Marc
  10. Cracking pics on that link Pete, Hadn't seen that site before..... Re the cassettes, I didn't intend putting you off using them I was only trying to make you aware of some of my findings They can be a really useful method of "fiddling" Now I'm thinking about a china clay layout again Cheers
  11. Dave, couldn't agree more I do like the usual "platform view" too, but there's something about modelling the "back" of the usual view Perhaps it conjures up some of the excitement and anticipation of approaching a station? Hemyock.... now there's something I always fancied basing a layout on..... drool! Mudmagnet, thanks for posting those great pics However, now I'm even sadder that I never saw Osney Town rcf, please don't dismantle "The Shed" - looking at all the positive comments here, you would upset a few people! Cheers again Marc
  12. John, deadlines are the best thing for motivation It would be great to see more exhibitions in Wales, so anyone with ideas, please post them....... PS. A nice weekend show in the sunny West is a must....
  13. No problems sir... This forum is all about sharing information and inspiration There's so much stuff on here, I often miss great threads too ANother one to check out is a user called "Sandhills" He has created some fab dioramas / small layouts again they are OO, but there are some neat ideas which you could transpose to 7mm well worth a look at his stuff anyway Cheers again
  14. Hello 838 rapid, I would start by looking closely at what Rob has done... Maybe as a starter, have a bash at a diorama? Just to get an idea of how to ballast, have a go at scenery, or use an unfamilar technique.... It's a good way of learning Sometimes, you can have too much space... I know that sounds a strange thing to say, but when you have a lot of space, the tendency is to try to "fill" it with interest Building micro layouts and dioramas teaches you a lot about composition, and is relatively inexpensive Start with a photo, of say a weighbridge, or goods shed & crane, a depot refuelling point, or maybe a wayside halt? It could even be that you end up incorporating that into a larger "modular" layout.... Good luck, and let us know how you are getting on Cheers Marc EDIT: (again!) Take a look at what mudmagnet has done here I know it's OO, and not O but he has taken a real minimalist approach, and though the scene isn't full of railway it is packed with atmosphere.. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/23647-east-yarde-now-2-metres-plus-fiddle-yards/page__st__150 It can be run with 2 fiddle yard cassettes, or possibly just 1 at home on the kitchen table (provided she's out!), and can be used as part of a larger "modular" layout
  15. Hi again Rob, Appols for thinking Bude Quay was at Warley Still, it was nice to see it in the flesh anyway.... I too find myself looking at models, photos or real scenes, or parts of those scenes, in order to envisage how I can make it look in model form.... I find it's an aprroach that works for me even if I never get to build 90 per cent of them Re your dismantling of Osney Town, I tend to think of not re-using baseboards, because I think they may not suit any future plans. I myself dismantled a layout years back, and found that ballast & scenery were stuck fast and it was difficult to lay the track as smoothly as I would have liked Also, the boards needed a bit trimming off in places, and bits added on in others... I'm sure you would have had very decent offers for Osney, if you advertised it for sale.... I like the new idea though, and I know Abergwynfi It's a rarely modelled area, and I'm looking forward to seeing your progress Keep up the fine work Rob Cheers Marc EDIT: I do like the colliery line behind the platform.... Again, not too often modelled, but a nice touch, as is your "part of a point"
  16. Correction, It was Warley.... Cheers again
  17. Hi Rob, Once again I'd like to say welcome to the forum Sorry I pestered you about posting some pics But I think your work is definately worth an airing, and I'm sure you'll get some useful feedback and draw on the ideas of other modellers here Besides, were it not for rmweb, some of us would never get to see your models in the flesh I think I saw Bude Quay - was it at Telford a few years back? In 7mm it seems minimum space modellers have the key to creating a sense of space Although it may seem a contradiction in terms, there seems to be less tendency to try to cram in another siding or building.... cos you simply don't have the room Bude Quay is delightful Osney Town is a nice, and different approach to modelling a station.... I like the fact that although it represents a station in a cramped area, by modelling it from the entrance / car park aspect, it creates a sense of its' own space I know most prefer to see all the adverts, signs, trolleys etc but this different, rarely modelled aspect is nice to see "The Shed" is a favourite of mine Rob, I too like to see rust, rubbish, dirt, grime and weathering and I think here you have portrayed a highly atmospheric scene although it is freelance, I get the feeling that it is based on somewhere "real" Fab stuff sir! Please keep posting more pics Best Marc
  18. but hey babe, take a walk on the wild side
  19. Hello bungus - didn't realise that was your name on here sir No, the world tour isn't over - we've just been training up a temp replacement singer, untill our singer can return It's put things on hold for a while, but anyway I've been busy with Blond-e as well .... could run to TWO world tours, or a CBGB's world tour, playing in both! but then I'd never get any modelling done..... shock horror How is Saxlingham doing these days? No more shows for it? Also, haven't seen many pics of Trevanna Dries... Can you post some on here? I really liked what you did in such a small area... cracking layout sir Speak soon & keep in touch Mr T
  20. Folks, Don't forget the annual Fathers Day charity event in the PUmping Station, Cardiff THe good folks of Lord & Butler have arranged another free weekend-long exhibition, in support of a good cause - this year, I think it's the McMillan Trust.... Shame there aren't too many shows outside the more densely populated areas of Wales... I'd accept an invitation for somewhere further West and my expenses are travelling in a family-size car, and accomodadtion - if needed Any organisers in Pembrokeshire out there? It's my fave place
  21. Is the "Y" point 8' radius though? If it is, why not produce a 6' radius version? It's strange that they have made this "rule" regarding their O gauge track, but not their OO Many seem to think that 6' radius is the minimum acceptable, but if you're using short wheelbase stock, I think it's rather large I've seen plenty of tighter radii points, which still look fine to me As you say, the answer is to build you own Keep your eyes open at shows though there are often a few second-hand points around... Damn, I'll have to get there earlier now If you choose the Marcway option, take care to get rail heights right Also, I tend to use cosmetic chairs - to match better with flexi track.....
  22. It's both I think Pete, but also a fear of losing concentration, and driving something off the end of a layout, when the fiddle cassette isn't in place.... When I first exhibited Hendre, I used cassettes and nearly did this! Using my exhibition table, this wouldn't have been too much of a disaster, as it wasn't too far to fall - wouldn't really want it to happen though It's cos I spend more time chatting, than I do running trains.. Or SWMBO might say I can't multi-task
  23. Would love a 37, but may be a tad large for Poynton.... one day, I'll start my min-space layout which WILL have room for one though.....
  24. Just a bit of fun folks..... "Margam Sneer" ???? Crirtics of the Bachmann 08, beware
  25. Couldn't agree more! Mr Peco, are you listening? .... there'll be a demand you know, when the Dapol 08 is out......
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