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Everything posted by spikey

  1. Cheers chaps. Can't be doing with a scootery-type thing on account of my aversion to windscreens and all that bodywork, but the Bullet does indeed seem to tick a lot of boxes. One thing's for sure - if we were anywhere near Pinner, I'd be knocking on this bloke's door this very afternoon, willingly risking the subsequent wrath of Mrs S ... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/224949244355?hash=item34600511c3:g:e-UAAOSwSMxiYT37 Love that the thing's got an actual carb that I know and can understand, and I could probably get a quid or two for that windscreen. I could even live with the green. Would one of those run OK on the new-fangled petrol? ETA - what pray is that chrome-plated thing to the rear of the oil tank that looks like it's for keeping a large sausage roll in?
  2. I'm probably going to regret asking this but I do keep wondering about finally getting one last bike before I turn my toes up, just for pottering about on a fine day with the Lady Wife on the back. But ... I have neither the facilities nor quite frankly the inclination nowadays to get into anything other than routine maintenance. There's also my need for a very relaxed "traditional" riding position. And seeing as how I get a replacement knee in 10 days' time, I guess electric start. So, gentlemen, suggestions are invited for the best way forward at the least cost. What's the latter-day equivalent of the 350/500 AMC single? ETA - ref the carb drip tray thingy, everybody I knew seemed to take them off and I never did understand why!
  3. Love the way that rocker oil feed meanders all over the place 😀 Anyhow, you've now got me trying to work out how long it must be since I last saw that type of cable splitter ...
  4. Seeing as how this thread's dropped off the radar ... anything happening nowadays in the world of old bikes ?
  5. Much obliged, gentlemen. I hadn't watched closely/long enough to realise that I was supposed to be entranced by what I saw and eager to see more, therefore obviously I must subscribe ... I'm really glad that much of this sort of thing passes way over my head. Yet another advantage of not having watched television since 1981 ...
  6. But how, when there's no sales message, no product placement, no branding or whatever - just successive clips of people being stupid, car crashes, cats or whatever? Do they appear courtesy of Mr Zuckerberg or are they "inserted" by whoever administers the group? It all seems very rum to me ...
  7. I've joined a couple of local FB groups on which people list household stuff for sale. On one of the groups, the posts are interspersed with singularly banal short videos of "life hacks" and other such nonsense, the point of which is beyond me. What is the point of them?
  8. Exactly how did the contents get from rail to road tanker in that setup?
  9. No. You wouldn't. We never learn the real lessons from the past
  10. I resisted it for years but was persuaded to give it a go last year. Since then we've got several real bargains by way of furniture, household effects and things music-related, but no way would I buy anything on FB unless I could actually see it and check it out before parting with any money.
  11. It is indeed. Thank you for those figures. In our case, using the Energy Saving Trust's figures, it seems that in theory we could show a potential net benefit over the 25-year system life of something like £5K, but with the following caveats:- No annual maintenance costs have been included in our calculations (e.g. replacing the inverter or inverter components). Average domestic electricity prices are used and updated regularly - the price used currently is 28.3429 p/kWh. Assumed Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) tariff is 4.1 pence / kWh. Carbon emissions are estimated using the latest national grid carbon intensity published by the UK Government. The amount of generated electricity which is consumed in the property is estimated following Loughborough's self-consumption model which accounts for different occupancy patterns and annual electricity generation. Lifetime calculation assumptions (additional to the above) We assume a system lifetime of 25 years with a 0.50% decrease in efficiency every year. We assume static electricity prices and SEG tariffs throughout the lifetime of the system. We estimate lifetime maintenance costs of two instances of £725 (e.g. replacing the inverter or inverter components twice during the lifetime of the system at year 10 and year 20). That's based on an installation cost of £5400, btw.
  12. Hmmm. So they* say. But whatever. I've been following your various figures with interest, but I don't seem to recall the finite life of your inverter being taken into account. When are you reckoning on replacing it, and what sort of cost have you allowed in your calculation of payback period? * "They" being Doris and Co.
  13. @hayfield and @boxbrownie our stat is in the hallway, which opens into the kitchen which is where we tend to spend much of the morning and afternoon. Unless something unusual is happening, the accurately-measured temperature in the kitchen is normally within 0.5°C of the temperature shown (as opposed to set) on the stat. Our heating comes on at 0600 when I leap joyfully from my bed, and it goes off at 1500. In the evening we move into the living room, which is heated by a small multifuel stove. There is no heating overnight. We live in a very basic and cheaply-built Victorian semi with stone walls and no effective damp course.
  14. Sorry, I don't understand. Ours is set at 17.5°, therefore the recorded room temperature normally stays within the range 16.8° to 17.6°. Do you set max and min separately?
  15. Good grief!!! I'm in my mid-seventies, I really feel the cold nowadays and in fact have a serious recurring chilblain problem in my fingers, yet my Lady Wife and I manage with ours set at 17.5°C.
  16. spikey

    S15 questions

    I'd rather like to have an S15 but I really don't want to buy one and then have issues with its motor. Is it pot luck with all of them irrespective of part number and year of manufacture, or are some reckoned to be OK? If a secondhand one runs more or less continuously for an hour or so on DC without slowing down or emitting Magic Smoke, could that be taken as a sign that the motor's a good 'un, or is there a better way of testing? And am I correct in believing that the only Southern olive one they did was R3327 (running number 824)?
  17. True. But the answer is to educate those people, not to take the easy way out and give free money to those who already have plenty of it.
  18. But alas there is also the Winter Fuel Payment which is not focused on the most needy. It goes instead to everyone who qualifies for State Pension, irrespective of their income, and that is surely wrong. Just for the record, although my Lady Wife and I own our humble abode, for the last three years we have been officially classed as in relative poverty, Now we're apparently in fuel poverty as well. Misguided as we are, we think we're actually relatively well off.
  19. Ahah! The Jet Provost, the engine type of which was classified in my day as a VNCT jet i.e. Variable Noise, Constant Thrust, . Nice aeroplane to fly, though I got less than 100 hours in on them before losing my aircrew medical category. Once rode a Clinton-powered Trobike in full flying kit* , but never a pushbike ... *All the way round the peri track at Acklington, since you ask. Flat out, in the dark, with no lights. Don't remember why, exactly, but it was a dining-in night ...
  20. First Poo Patrol of the year yesterday. 12 hilly and windy miles around the lanes on the Batavus, and the first time this year out of town with the electric gloves switched off all the time. Even took me woolly 'at off at one point! Very pleasant, but I don't know what's up with the horses round here as I came home with no more than 6Kg. Maybe they need more roughage. Anyhow, the front disc brake (Tektro) has decided to act strangely. When I start to apply the brake and the end of the lever's travelled maybe 1.5 - 2cm, there's sudden and very distinct resistance to further travel. Modest increased lever pressure easily overcomes the resistance and the brake then feels and functions perfectly normal. It doesn't do it every time, and never on two successive brake applications unless they're at least a minute or two apart. It feels like a piston could be stuck but then frees, but what's the odds on that? Any ideas for a proper diagnosis and a cure?
  21. Sorry to interrupt the flow, chaps, but an enquiring mind here needs to know - which was the last mass-produced British-built car that did not have independent front suspension?
  22. People who make it their life's work to use a cash machine.
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