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Everything posted by pwr

  1. Well you will have to find room for Tonleigh Bridge West yard? You can't leave the job half done! Paul R
  2. OK so a quick update on the station building. All the walls have had clay applied and an initial sand down with a detail sander. This has inevitable chipped a few bits that will need doing again and there are some cracks in the sides that I will fill with a clay slurry that I will make from water and some clay to make it slightly liquid and able to be applied with a Bruch. The windows need filing out as they look a it misshapen currently. I am back to the Ravenscale N7 next as I need to fabricate the bunker steps and surrounds. The kit making no provision for these of course except as holes in the bunker sides. All for now Paul R
  3. I always found ballasting quite therapeutic - no Andy I am not volunteering!!!! Paul R
  4. Another great video Andy. I did like the 33 on the tanks - very impressive sound! Do you you have or are you going to get a 58? Paul R
  5. Thats good to know as I need some when I eventually make my APT-E Paul R
  6. A Laurel and Hardy Special - Another fine mess you got me into! Paul R
  7. A plan so cunning you could out a tail on it and call it a a fox! Have you seen those resin rivets transfers you can get from Amazon? Or perhaps that is your plan!!!!! Paul R
  8. Railway Modeller came in the post yesterday Alan. Haven't read the article yet but the photos look superb. Well done you Paul R
  9. Perhaps they should have put it out there as a TT120 loco? Paul R
  10. What about Network Rail yellow trains? Passenger coaches with no passengers!!!! You could even have the HST track recording/measurement train! Paul R
  11. Great to see you back on form Andy. Seeing those ED's led me to wonder if you intended to install third rail? I'll get me coat......... Paul R
  12. So not a great deal of modelling over Christmas but I have finished the shell of the station building and this morning I started covering it with terracotta air drying clay. This is similar to how Gordon Gravett makes his buildings although he tends to use a plywood shell as opposed to foam board. So far I have covered the back and one of the end walls. Once I have covered it and its completely dry I will take a sander to it to flatten the clay before scribing. No further progress on the N7's to report but I may pick these up again over the weekend. Paul R
  13. Rod Was there a Christmas special this year. I look forward to your annul VIDEO? PAUL R
  14. Hi Andy Just caught up on the pre-Christmas video. Good to see things running again. I haven't done much on Notley although I have started the station building at long last. Happy New Year and hope to see you back as your old self in 2023! Paul R
  15. Been a bit quiet on the soldering front although I have managed to solder in the cab window beading on the Connoisseur model and made a start on the Ravenscale. Jim puts two sets in his kits - one the total length of the beading and the other in half pieces. I am using the latter with the Ravenscale as these (as ever) are not included in the kit!. In the meantime I have come to the conclusion that I spend most of my time building stock and as I have enough to operate the layout now I should start on some of the scenic work so alongside the building of the kits I have made a start on Black Notley's long overdue station building which its based on Creating. This is the state so far Its a foamboard core which will be covered by air drying clay in the same manner as for the signal box for those who remember that far back. Since this was taken I have added a floor. A partition will be added next which separates the passenger facilities from the office. The roof will need to be marked up before the clay is applied and there is an extended series of brick courses on the front and sides which I will from with card before the clay goes on. I'll post as we go Paul R
  16. Excellent news Andy. Hopefully the leg is on the mend. Are you expecting Father Christmas to bring you any railway related gifts? Paul R
  17. Compared to the proposed price for the Southern CCT it looks cheap. Dapol's recent announcement of the bogie HIA at at £70 I think it was seems very cheap compared to the CCT. The problem is all the time we continue to pay Heljan's prices they will continue to make the stuff. Dapol don't produce stuff for the love of things so something is not right. Perhaps Heljan need to look t their cost base but its not just them. Just look at Hornby in OO. Best policy is to wait until the box shifters start heavily discounting stuff they can't shift. Risky I know if the model proves popular. I recently picked up a 56 in one of the sales for £450 rather than the nearly £600 advertised when released. I have taken the plunge and bought two CCT's but I think the price should;uld be nearer £100 to be realistic. Then I might buy another. Paul R
  18. Merry Christmas Alan Loved the card! Paul R
  19. And look at the RRP - Bargain. Makes the Heljan PCA at £90 seem expensive. Paul R
  20. Good to hear you are well Andy and making progress if only slowly! You could think about dabbling in the TT120 and getting a few Hornby bits. I think you could then build a layout on the dining room table although I am not sure how Ms P would take that! I'll get me coat!!! Paul R
  21. Rod Having had similar problems myself on Hymeks, 37's and 47's your long term best bet is replacement brass. I did have a set from Jim Snowden and very good they are too. However Ultrascale also now make replacements and I have had a set of those too. The class 20 link is here https://www.ultrascale.uk/eshop/products/view/cat015/561 Expensive for a full loco but it does sort the problem once and for all. Paul R
  22. Right so I have finished the firebox cutouts and false firebox as per the picture below The next job was to solder the Ragstone brake hangers to the frames but after I started the process I realised I would not be able to get the wheels of as unlike the Connoisseur etched chassis there is no give to spring the wheels out and of course these are a press fit to the axle. So I am thinking the brakes may have to go on after the frames are painted, the sprung pick ups fitted and the motor in and working which is a nuisance as it will mean some hand painting rather than a simple spray everything!!!! It also means they will need to be glued in - at least at the top end. he rest can be soldered. So I think I may have to go back to the bodies so I can get them advanced enough to check motor fitting before finishing off the chassis for both kits. Frustrating! Paul R
  23. How are you doing Andy - is he leg any better? Paul R
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