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Mike Buckner

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Everything posted by Mike Buckner

  1. The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Rimmer
  2. All Marklin rolling stock (powered and unpowered) has uninsulated wheelsets, which creates a direct short across the 2 rails. So you could not run DC/DCC locos on the same stretch of track st the same time. You could switch circuits in and out and run them sequentially, or you could fit 2-rail wheelsets. You could also run the Märklin Class 139 locomotive off overhead catenary - it would still short the 2 rails unless fitted with 2-rail wheelsets
  3. Here's another picture: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PECO-SL-17-Stud-Contact-Strip-For-Track-Marklin-3-Rail-System-00-Gauge-New-/121290081435
  4. This might help. Fits Peco HO track (e.g. Code 100): https://www.peco-uk.com/product.asp?strParents=&CAT_ID=3327&P_ID=17519
  5. This keeps a fairly up to date list: http://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/other/events.php/
  6. Had one once. Good book. Got lost in one of my house moves.
  7. Does that include increasing the deposits of dirt that accumulate on the track?
  8. The great majority of items I've bought on ebay have been fairly described and at a fair price. A small number were sub-standard, which were sent back, without problems. Ebay sides with the buyer, which is sensible, or the whole thing would collapse. There are often cases of people offering shoddy goods or silly prices - usually this is obvious, and just ignore them. Having said all that, I do feel ebay need to refine their website, it is awkward to navigate by modern standards. A more modern competitor would find it easy to make inroads. Edited for a spelling mistake and to add: Don't get caught up in a bidding war. just decide what the item is worth to you, and stick to that as your maximum bid. Mike
  9. Thanks lads, for pointing this out. Just whacked it up to the full £75 discount for some items I nearly bought on "Black Friday" - only now cheaper! Cheers Mike
  10. It wasn't a case of a report by a Virus Scanner. I suffered an attack, with hundreds of browser windows being opened, and had to shut the machine off, There IS malware on this site. If it doesn't attack your machine/browser, that is NOT proof that all visitors are safe. Edited to add: it is possible that the hack operates randomly/intermittently
  11. The same here. I think of it interms of thresholds. There is a level of company below which someone feels lonely, and another level above which someone feels overwhelmed/bored. These thresholds differ between people. In my case, below 20 to 30 minutes a day of company and I might feel lonely. Above 2 to 3 hours and I'm usually itching to leave. Life experience has shown me that my particular thresholds are below the statistical norms. I did once have a relationship with a girl who wanted/"needed" company 24/7.
  12. Too easy to generalise. For years the Dutch railway system used not only Full Yellow Ends, but full yellow all over (except the roofs). And for the same reason as the UK - to improve visibility - in their case, from every angle - as a dense electrified system with numerous level crossings.
  13. Or, perhaps, instead of a book, a web presence. This eases development, facilitates input from several heads, and makes corrections/additions easier. A thread if you don't mind other people contributing directly. Or a blog if you'd rather keep control - this still allows people to contact you with ideas/corrections, but you edit all the content - obviates the problem of know-alls who know #### all. RMWeb provides a vehicle for both approaches.
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