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Everything posted by classy52

  1. If that's the case then Hatton's should get Drax to reduce the price of each wagon or have the option of sending the unsold stock back to Drax and let them deal with it. Those wagons are way overpriced and I just wouldn't pay that sort of money especially when you'll need up to 10 for a proper rake, it also put me off from purchasing Hornby's DRAX Class 60 which I would have liked.
  2. Yes looks really nice, can't remember but will the nameplates be pre-fitted or left up to the customers?
  3. I think Hornby missed a beat with not developing a super detailed Class 66 instead continuing with their old Lima based tooling in the railroad range which for me is a bit pointless unless you are actually purchasing it for your 5-10 year old. I recently purchased the Colas Class 60 and it is top class with detail, weight and livery application expertly done hence why I think they could have done the same with the 66 and given Bachmann a run for their money or at least some decent competition which also could be said for the Class 37. I had always wondered by Hornby gave Bachmann a free pass in regards to OO Class 66 & 37 sales in not doing their own detailed versions, I've only been into railway modeling for 4 years thus excuse me if I'm not aware of any previous history which stopped Hornby from developing super detailed models of these two very common and well sold classes.
  4. Wow that's quite a post, almost like hearing from NASA we will be visited by aliens within the next month. I wait with anticipation and looking forward to any new announcements around the 66. I have to say 66's would have to be selling pretty well otherwise you wouldn't be getting all these liveries being churned out by Bachmann and special commissions from retailers so yes going back to my previous posts that it is due to be completely re-tooled and if Bachmann don't have the stomach for it then I hope someone else does the job.
  5. It's definitely time that Bachmann completely re-tool the Class 66 because it is now end of life in respect to detail and price, going the same way as the Class 20 which has now been addressed in the upcoming releases from Bachmann. But the issue for me is when Bachmann eventually get around to releasing a brand new tooled Class 66 how exactly are they going to price it especially with Limited Editions and current mainstream models always starting above the £150 RRP mark, certainly hope they can keep them down like Dapol have with their Class 68's. Anyway, I know this thread is about the Rails Poppy & Maritime One editions coming out soon which I have pre-ordered (yes even at these prices) mainly because the liveries will be top drawer and spot on which also applies to the previous Rail Express GBRf, LT GBRf's and now the Kernow Sorrento thus retailers who release these great liveries will still get my support but fully understand everyone's point of view in regards to price and the associated detail/tooling. Like I said previously the amount I have spent on sheds this year and on other modern image loco's has burned a serious hole in my bank account thus I suppose I'm a glutton for punishment ...I'll stop moaning now, I mean expressing my opinion
  6. Now that's just ridiculous but anyway nothing like paying £170 or above for old model tooling considering Dapol can do a brand new top of the line model Class 68 for £135 retail before they sold out, I'm sure Bachmann/Retailers are making enough profit on the sheds these days bordering on taking the pee.
  7. Why does forming an opinion always classed as a moan? Whether the opinion is about price, detail, packaging or whatever else please don't assume people are moaning because this just shuts down debate and turns forums into cheer squads.
  8. I have found the Limited Edition sheds really expensive these days as they all start from £169.95 DCC Ready which is pretty steep considering the tooling is now over 10 years old I think. I have pre-ordered this one & Maritime One and about to get the Kernow 66 Sorrento not to mention the other 3 GBRf 66's in their colourful liveries purchased already at the same price so yes it's killing my wallet, too be honest they shouldn't be priced higher than £149.95 which would probably be more reasonable...just my opinion.
  9. Ok people calm down it was all tongue n' cheek, just relax and enjoy the wait for the forthcoming DBSO in 2018 which will hopefully include Network Rail and DRS liveries after the initial Scotrail/BR Blue & Grey editions.
  10. Perhaps for the wow factor or novelty value, we could all pretend it is the diesel generator that powers all the system controls within the DBSO and get Biff to do a sound project for it...the ultimate DBSO.
  11. Yes I know but was thinking for the OO model to have them powered to take the strain off the other diesel model at the other end if you were to push-pull a full rake, it was just an observation and a suggestion nothing more.
  12. Must admit never heard of Britannia Pacific until now thus taken a look at their website and models and yes they look nice but they're unpowered, being bespoke not sure they would be to everyone's taste hence why a new mainstream powered version of the DBSO from either Hornby or Bachmann would be nice.
  13. Nice list and would especially welcome a RHTT Set pristine or weathered and yes more named sheds (especially 66775) with or without tooling mods would be good as well. As for further new models I think a Mk2f DBSO Set in Network Rail or DRS livery wouldn't go amiss.
  14. Agreed and see my previous post about the postage charges as by the time I ship my 3 back it would have cost me £18 both ways, surely one postage charge of £4.50 from DCC Supplies would have sufficed for 3 shells in one box. I will contact both Dapol and DCC Supplies to enquire about this because I will ship my 3 in one box @4.50 so why can't DCC Supplies do the same???
  15. Yes hats off to Dapol for providing future replacement DRS 68001, 68002 & 68005 bodyshells via DCC Supplies...great move. I have ordered all 3 which I have but what's concerning is that I have to pay for postage for each one where I know for a fact they will all be shipped in the same box for £4.50 but I'm getting charged £13.50, almost like DCC Supplies are skimming off the top via postage charges.
  16. Yeah I'm the same and do have to buy this shed since I have the London Underground & Rail Express versions, must admit didn't see this coming until this week and well done to Kernow/Bachmann for producing an outstanding model and yes the livery looks pretty good.
  17. The DRS 68's are a bit like the character Two Face in Batman, there's a good side and there's a bad side.
  18. Good on you Dapol, yes they have been corrected from the pre-production sample thus the buffers are at the correct height...nice one.
  19. I see your point but I think the Dapol 68 has edged the Hornby 60 especially when they refine the model and livery in the next batch run. I am also a big fan of the Hornby Class 67 and again another model with beautiful weighting and detail even though it is a bit more simplistic, for me quite underrated.
  20. Damn Chiltern 68's are going for £99.50 at Rails Sheffield for the next 24hrs, maybe Dapol should up the DRS and lessen the Chiltern quota in the next run.
  21. Have the buffer placements been corrected? I understood they were positioned too low compared to the prototype as they should be in line with the top edge of the beam, sorry I can't tell from the photos.
  22. Yes my pre-order is now being processed...good stuff
  23. Hi Martin, Apologies if I had asked this before but do you also get Hornby products or just Bachmann? Cheers Steve
  24. Hi Jack, There's a 68002 on eBay going for £179.99 plus £5 delivery and is DCC Fitted, link below, there are also 2 others going for £200 each which for me is a bit over the top. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Dapol-4D-022-DCC-Fitted-Intrepid-DRS-New-In-Box-/322500707477?hash=item4b168a4495:g:2wMAAOSw4CFY3lJN I'm not in any way associated with the seller, just being helpful. Cheers Steve
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