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Everything posted by barney121e

  1. Thanks, that is a great starting point. Have drawn baseboards and gap between them is about 18inches, is that enough?
  2. Well my list of stations is firming up, a little worried some might be lacking in track movement but the station and possible things around them would also interest me and they do sometimes say simple is better than complicated.
  3. Thanks Karhedron, gives me food for thought for a creamery.
  4. I haven't got a creamery in mind at the moment. Trying to get station sorted and then work form there, but if/when I find something will let you know.
  5. First trip to show in a while. Think was a mistake going on the Saturday as so many kids there, which is good for the hobby but not for viewing layouts. Good selection of traders. Wasn't particularly wowed by the layouts but the Portuguese and the WW1 layouts were very interesting as was seeing one that was work in progress. Rest were good.
  6. First trip to show in a while. Think was a mistake going on the Saturday as so many kids there, which is good for the hobby but not for viewing layouts. Good selection of traders. Wasn't particularly wowed by the layouts but the Portuguese and the WW1 layouts were very interesting as was seeing one that was work in progress. Rest were good.
  7. Just a small update on things. The layout size is not set in stone but two possible stations have emerged. One is called Dunragit (which also has a rail connected creamery) or Tarff on the Kirkcudbright branch line. Tarff is sort of my favourite but is only a single line with a couple of sidings which were used for anything from a creamery to unloading Churchill tanks. If anyone knows anything about these two places, let me know. Thanks
  8. The layout will be a stay at home one. The fiddle yard idea is interesting, especially if I have a quiet station where the fiddle yard is.
  9. Well would like to do a real place of sorts on the Dumfries to Stranraer line. It was a single line with passing places at stations. Very scenic so was thinking of 2 stations but not sure where to put a fiddle yard as there were no tunnels on line.
  10. Hi All This is plan of my room. All measurements are in inches. More inclined for N gauge and have picked up a book called 'The Port Road' about the Dumfries to Stranraer line and will hopefully base plan on one or two of the stations on the line. Some of the stations have a lot of track whilst others are just line and a siding. Not too interested in a terminus as prefer to see trains run. So if anyone can suggest best use of room that would be great.
  11. Well room is about 12 1/2 feet by 8ft (wall to chimney breast] window and radiator on right as you walk in on 8ft wall. Door opens to the left and when open door to wall is 9ft.
  12. Hi I would have access to both 8ft sides and 1 of the 4ft sides hence my thought on no well.
  13. Hi all Following a house move I have a dedicated train room. I think N gauge is the way to go but thought I would ask people's view on possible layout sizes. I could do a 8x4 or 10x4 as will have access to the two long sides and one of the short sides. But was also thinking I could do 8x6 with a 4x2 well in the middle. So my main question would be would the well be better for track with easier curves or would the 4ft be sufficient and provide lots of space for a village/townscape. Any views much appreciated.
  14. Hi Does anyone have any contact deals for the Carlisle OO club, as cant seem to find them anywhere. Thanks David
  15. Thanks for all the replies. Electrics is a dark art to me. I understand DCC, which my n gauge layout use a lot easier. As for highlighted plan, wouldn't I need four controllers as there are four connections. I am using electrofrog points so will insulate the V's, anywhere else I need to insulate?
  16. Looking to use DC on my layout below. Got a 3 track controller, is that good enough to run the layout and if so where should i put the power? Any help much appreciated.
  17. Thanks guys. Now need to see if possible to control by DC.
  18. Was actually thinking of south west Scotland, well a feel of it anyway.
  19. Hi guys Thanks for the replies The headshunt was suggested just to help things instead of using the main line for shunting. Your right, the upper siding is a bay platform. I have put it on the engine shed line in the second plan. I'm trying to not be too era specific so coal depot might or might not stay. What do you mean by trap points? Cheers.
  20. So i have 2 possible plans and wonder if anyone has an opinion on either. Any thoughts much appreciated.
  21. Would where the red line is be what you are thinking for the headshunt?
  22. Hi all Found a plan in a old Railway Modeller which i like. I have an area of 14ft by 2ft so plan would fit nicely. Can anyone suggest any improvements to it? Will be a diesel/dmu/emu railway with a Scottish flavour. Already thinknig of changing the coal depot (CD) to a refuelling point but open to other thoughts. Any help much appreciated.
  23. Probably something from 80's to present day, but it will be a run what I like so era not so important.
  24. Thanks Griff Lots of good information there. Have noticed from the picture that the train in the inside line would need to reverse into the goods yard etc, does that make sense?
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