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Everything posted by Finsbury

  1. Ice station zebra crossing The bridges of Midlothian County The day the Earth caught 'flu 5:10 to Yuma rail replacement bus service
  2. The hitchhiker's guide to the Ford Galaxy
  3. http://www.brdatabase.info/sites.php?page=depots&subpage=locos&id=277
  4. A manky cold meant I had to bale out on this show, it sounds as if I've missed out big time. Hugely annoyed at myself. I'm glad everyone had fun, I look forward to pics? KR, Bern edit;Note to self, quarantine from the 10th, Feb, 2019
  5. well MC will still win this w/e!
  6. Guys, be cool. I supported Fulham when they were 91st in the league. I haven't been since the a/se did us 3-1 at home.*. Love your team, if you can afford it! I used to have change from a fiver. Too much cash for me, now. *Actually my last game was a 2-2 home draw with the gas, lost on replay.
  7. Diddy Levine was suprised.

  8. Diddy Levine was suprised to hear

  9. Diddy Levine was suprised to hear

    1. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Diddy Levine was surprised to hear that

  10. Like Sir Topham Hat, I reckon I'm done buying blades... Another few hundred in the bathroom. Works out at negligible pence a week. SLW loco's here we come. Sir TH, lovely black beauty you have there, btw!
  11. With my current luck at the bookies, West Ham will finish above city if I keep backing Pep's gang to win.. Agreed, well done to Spurs.
  12. That looks fresh out of Park Royal compared to the abortion sitting on my workbench, lemme at it! Bernie
  13. Cheers Scott. I've absolutely no idea about slow speed running as My dc control consists of a 9v battery! When the dcc chip is in, I'll have a better idea. Dave ( Vitalspark) Thanks for the info, but I'll plod on with the axle hung motor, it at least gets me back into the modelling thing. Way too many years playing with motorbikes has left my hand/eye co-ordination more suited to 12"/ft. Thinking about P4'ing it before it gets nailed down finally, or em, who knows. Need passengers and lighting sorted, and as Dave mentions, un-banana-ing it! Great fun, anyway! See you all at Biggleswade on Saturday, if anyone is going. Bernie
  14. Before the thread gets dragged on topic with facts and such dull.. A previous poster remarks on up and downy pantographs. If this were found to be unfeasible and tunnels had to be dug, surely a bit more digging and we are in the world of double decker trains (diesel, of course)? Robots and home working for us untermensch makes such theorisation utterly redundant, obvs. (Or should that be O.V.S.B?) Kindest, Bernie
  15. Me too. have a like for helping to control the population boom. edit, It'll save the mancave getting cluttered up with childish things like railwa.... oh. Good luck, feller! bernie
  16. My capitals. Indeed. How long before children(?) mean an outgrown abode, though? A new shed is one thing, a fifteen yr old potting shed is another! A moment of jest, forgive me. James, I am sure your construct will involve the highest of order. Lincrusta? Get you! I settled for mere crust. Bern
  17. That is a refreshing ideal, James. I am sure I am not alone in wishing you all the best.
  18. Hello James. This may sound odd, but have you considered what you want, and then going with that? For the sort of numbers being bandied about, I would be throwing that right into an extension. Cash tight because many, many mortgage? Maybe practicing laying track, modelling, whatever. How's that BLT idea coming along? Many ways to skin a railway cat. We don't do that to cats, btw, that is for another modelrailway 'forum'. We would give them a uniform. Or a hat. More practically, somewhere comfy to sit where their fur is far away from gearboxes and stuff. They way things are going, 'Our Glorious Leader' will nick your garden and build a flammable multi-occupancy 'dwelling' anyway. And then up your CT with reduced bin collection/dibble/useful things. OT your shed will be worthless in a land valuable area, when it comes to selling time. Kindest regards, from someone who had big ideas in London and now cannot wait to sell up and b#%%{r off. Bernie ps nice garden, btw. It looks like a pleasant place to be in the big smoke.
  19. Which leads me on to... Is there a chap herewith that can do a neg/copyneg/contact (clear lettering on black) of destination boards at 5 point (transport, caps), on the cheap? I could have done it eyes closed, but that was a quarter of a century ago. Blimming digital! ATB, Bernie
  20. Well here we are. Again. @DavidCBroad may be on to a winner regarding the glue as it it all fell apart. Again. Well, half of it. Paint is now shocking, I thought it would be a super idea to re-line. It would have been a super idea if I had pulled the pin on a Mills' mkII and waited a few seconds. The bloke that discovered microwaves via a bit of chocolate in his top pocket... if only he had this kit in there instead. Insta-melty-togetherness. Harrumph, I do believe, is a technical term. Had a crack at the suspension thing, it probably won't work, either! Regards to you all, Bernie edit just to complicate things, you may just make out the slot cut in the roof for destination boards.
  21. As much as I am in love with this sound system, is there a quick way to shorten the horn? A quick press leads to a whole second of parp. I would like a pip, peep or a peeeeeep, dependant on length of horn-pressing. It's only a little one, and it makes too much racket compared to a big 'un. Also, the lights switch off after changing direction. Not a massive issue, but is this normal? Charlie? Ian? Cheers in advance, Bernie
  22. Had a crack at lining this afternoon, I really should try and practice first! Ruling pens are addictive. Mine is only a cheapie, Joker, or something or other. Good fun!
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