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Everything posted by Ncarter2

  1. There seems to be a rake pass Eastleigh daily.
  2. Got a rake of blue and grey today, stunning models. Was not tempted by any others but now I’m considering some of the green ones!!
  3. And I am pointing out that those of us who use chain have no issues with it. I have worked on the WCML, I was part of the team who done a lot of work introducing ATG, we used miles and yards, I didn’t have any issues with it. Moving down South and getting used to chain wasn’t a problem. Train recorded data is produced with both yards and chains, as for converting yards into chains, it’s not a problem when you do it regularly, my planners have no problem with input into Ellipse or RDMS. Also, don’t forget the train can be up to a chain, 22yds, out, or a length for those that prefer, so the odd few yard over a chain doesn’t make a difference. I’m curious, what are your thoughts on HS1, with its KM and M? As this will be the mileage method used on HS2, there will soon be even more to work with.
  4. Which could be expressed more simply as 72m 139yds ! Because those of us who use chains should convert because that is the belief of some? You may use yards, your choice. We use chains and it works perfectly. So much so that if anyone tries to report in yards to the box or control we are asked for it in chains. Why change something that isn’t broke and has been used successfully for many many years?
  5. I for one have shared many fears on this one, I paid my deposit what seems like an age ago now. However, following the email, which all will be able to see next week, I am happy to say my confidence has been reaffirmed, so much so I will be doubling my order.
  6. MRL run in mixed formations, the Fareham stone trains usually has one or two.
  7. In my depot my staff report faults to me in miles and chains, never a issue. 22yds is but one length. For a specific issue, say a UTU fault, we not only get GPRS coordinations, you get miles, the chain plus yards eg, 72m 6ch + 7yds.
  8. Very true. For the cost of 8 GBRf ones I’ve been able to get a rake of 8 DB and have a good wedge left over. May need to save some pennies over the coming months
  9. Couldn’t resist, ordered the blue and grey ones from Kernow. Hopefully there will still be some kicking about next month so I can add a second rake.
  10. Stephen is a really helpful chap, duly cancelled my DCC ready and upgraded to the Sound version. Can’t wait for this beast.
  11. I wonder if it’s down to Kernow having to sort out permissions for the livery and name use etc, rather than Revolution?
  12. Duly ordered my DB rake, will go well with the Hattons 66 when it arrives.
  13. http://www.revolutiontrains.com/product-category/oogauge/
  14. Just ordered 9016 in Porterbrook. It is the only one I could justify for my layout and era etc. Can’t wait.
  15. Balfours seem to like using them in pairs down on southern area, they are always in and out of Eastleigh.
  16. Yellow cars are far more visible than a dark car with lights on but on the railway, yellow warning panels have just been removed from requirements as long as lights are up to standard. That must be one of the most backward steps I have ever heard. Actually not. Being someone who is out on the track almost every day in all weather, high intensity headlights identify an approaching train further away than yellow warning panels.
  17. If the Reggie Rail gets produced I’d buy a few.
  18. The Sand train has not run for a few years, stopped when High Output done some renewals works between Wool and Wareham. Wool siding was the stabbing location for the Tamper and Regulator, as well as being used to store RRV’s, plant, stores etc. The train ran in from Western each shift. Following completion of the renewal, the train was never reintroduced.
  19. 153 also regularly run into Weymouth during the summer in combo with 150’s and 158’s.
  20. Give the size of the gap they obviously couldn’t get the holes to line up. Not ideal, but allowable for a short term fix while a permanent fix is sorted. Given it’s on a IBJ, and looking at the condition of it, TCF waiting to happen!!
  21. Many thanks, your are correct. My fat fingers trying to type at silly hours!!! I had thought that was the case.
  22. Probably a really stupid question, but is the BSO R4619 and R4811 the same bar running number? The older is not a more basic version? Only asking as I’m looking to put a Cross country set together for my Old Man and while I’ve secured most of the stock I’m short a BSO and FO. Hattons have both At good prices, but also what looks like a later release at a more expensive price. If they are the same models with same details bar running numbers il go for the cheaper ones.
  23. I have come across sellers who set a minimum automatic rejection offer, what gets me is when you then submit a offer that is above the lower limit and the seller then rejects it or counter offers at a coupe of quid off the asking price. Clearly have a minimum they will accept, so why not set it to that!!
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