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Gordon H

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Everything posted by Gordon H

  1. Gordon H

    Peco OHLE

    If you look back at the original photo, you will see that what is being shown is a two track portal with an extension, so it seems someone at Peco has considered the expansion of the system components from the start - which has to be a good thing. Pity they didn't show the basic two track portal as well while they were at it.
  2. Gordon H

    Peco OHLE

    It was the most regular question over 30 years ago too when we were running 'High Gill' at shows, and I was always glad to be able to report that 'yes, it is live'.
  3. Gordon H

    Peco OHLE

    Unlikely I will have any queries, having seen your layout on several occasions - and refrained from commenting each time. Will your forthcoming article cover operation with pantographs actually conducting at high speeds? I can assist with any queries you might have on that aspect.
  4. Gordon H

    Peco OHLE

    Could it be that the viewers who were in a position to notice were too polite to say so, given that you were unlikely to change what you had already made? Agree that any or all new products concerning OHL are welcome if they promote interest in the subject as a whole - even if their deficiencies meant I wouldn't use many of them myself.
  5. Well, another good reason for using the MERG kit is to gain proper control of the signal, i.e. you can then actively set the signal to the state you want, not just change it from whatever it happens to be now. According to Dapol, much earlier in this thread, they extensively tested the initial signals produced during their development phase. Perhaps poor Quality Control crept in shortly afterwards.
  6. Dapol signals use a motor for operation (while they last), they are not solenoid operated. It was clear from the day they were released (5 years ago now) that these signals were poorly thought out in many ways. You only have to look back to the beginnings of this thread (about Page 5) to see how those who pointed out the deficiencies at the time were often dismissed as overly negative. Indeed 12V DC usage supposedly invalidated the warranty at that time and an explanation as to why was never forthcoming. Personally, I wouldn't touch these signals with someone else's bargepole.
  7. You can get an idea of what can be achieved building your own if you observe the layout 'Netherwood Sidings' during your visit to Stevenage. Although 7mm scale and Woodhead based, its basic OHE construction method can be applied to any scale or prototype with appropriate tweaks. If Eileen's Emporium are there at the show (they usually are) they should have all the bits you need.
  8. One question is why did his set have Super 4 track? He claimed it he got it for Christmas 1972, yet my almost identical set from 1970 came with System 6 track, which would had taken over by the time his was produced.
  9. The layout was 'High Gill', and was located at Riverside Railway Society's clubroom at Tilbury Riverside Station. Fully fitted for OHLE operation, and (eventually) controlled using route selection via a BBC Model B computer with a light pen. It was sold to a couple of members of Southend Model Railway club in the early 90's, but I have not seen it since.
  10. First RTR maybe, but some of us got there over 30 years ago . Here are a few examples: [Edit]: I should also add the pans shown were being used as well...
  11. Yes, though rather more robustly than the scenic section. The layout (28' x 10') was designed such that only one end was non-public viewing, and even that was limited to a small area where it was intended to locate a TV/PC monitor. Apart from this, the layout is viewed from all sides. The fiddle yard is hidden from view along the Lanark/Law Junction side by the backscene. You simply get used to the solid wiring in the fiddle yard. It sounds far more of a problem than it is in practice. If you watch the video, which is of a complete lap of the layout, you can see some of the fiddle yard arrangement. [Edit] I see Neill got in just before me with much the same reply!
  12. I bought a kit when they first appeared, at the Nottingham show a couple of years back. Still not put it together yet - but then I have no idea where the kit is now anyway... The overhead was certainly available for power on 'Carstairs' (as an alternative common return) if each rolling stock owner chose to use it. Having gone to all the trouble of erecting the OHLE and scratchbuilding the pantographs to go with it, it would have seemed ridiculous not to.
  13. Actually, Post 12 I believe. And who was responsible for using an 87 with a diamond frame pan on the tankers ?
  14. No doubt you will be hearing rather more about it soon, with the 50th Anniversary looming in the not too distant future.
  15. Slight clarification required here... MB cannot realistically be considered a founder member, having joined only (?) about 20 years ago (of the 49 years the group has existed). I can only claim a 30 year stretch myself. Sadly the number of members still with us who could reasonably claim Founder status can be counted on the fingers of one hand these days.
  16. This is why MERG also produce a couple of SMD trial kits where you can practice assembly techniques on a low cost collection of components and a PCB before committing to putting anything more comprehensive together. You even get a potentially useful end product. Kit 436 is a 2/3/4 aspect colour light signal controller, and Kit 461 is a multichannel Gas Lamp Twinkler.
  17. Actually, the Command Station (CANCMD) uses through-hole construction. It is the CANCAB that uses SMD construction. However, another member is working on a through-hole version of the CANCAB in a slightly bigger hand-held box, so that may well become another option in the future.
  18. It will also mean having masts much closer together to allow for the narrow pan head. A TT or HO pan would probably fare better.
  19. Not even sure where it can be sourced from in the UK nowadays. The reel in question was bought from the late Bernard Weller when he was still running Exactoscale .
  20. I think you meant to say that you have replaced the catenary wire, not the contact wire. That is how I planned to use it on the 'Carstairs' OLE when I bought the reel I suspect you are now using for Netherwood Sidings.
  21. Sir Richard Arkwright, surely? 87026 a.k.a. Redgauntlet originally
  22. I do something similar, drawing at 1000 times size in millimetres, then exporting in metres. It quickly becomes apparent if you are a factor out if your 3D printer software is able to preview your exported design on its print bed. Sketchup doesn't like working with curves less than 0.5mm radius, so iterative scaling down of small items by small factors could cause real problems.
  23. That is the point - on each occasion they are passed your reed switches are not 'setting' or 'resetting' the signal at all - they is merely asking it to change each time. It only needs one false trigger to put the system out of sync. Another will put it back, etc, etc. The essence here is that in a controllability sense these signals are not fit for purpose, no matter how good they actually look or perform mechanically.
  24. I didn't say that is what I used it for, just that such a thing existed. I was using it as an actuator on a heavy duty camera panning mechanism.
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