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Everything posted by LNWR18901910

  1. Of course. I can suggest more locomotives (and rolling stock). *An express passenger engine based on the GNR Ivatt C1 large boiler Atlantic 4-4-2 (firebox, boiler, smokebox and cab), the SR Lord Nelson 4-6-0 Class (smoke deflectors and chimney) and the LMS Princess Royal Class 4-6-2 (running board); the tender is combination of the Lord Nelson tender, the LMS Stanier tender and the Bulleid SR West Country tender. :A goods engine based on the LMS Fowler 4F, the GWR Dean Goods and the LSWR Drummond 700 Class using the Hornby Thomas Toby the Tram Engine Chassis; the tender is a mix between the Midland 3F tender, the GWR 2251 Class tender and the Bulleid Q1 tender. *A streamlined express engine which combines the LMS Stanier Duchess, the LNER Gresley P2 and the SR West Country Class (the tender would also be stream-lined, too). *A freelance high speed train inspired by the French TGV, the British Rail Class 43 and the Virgin Pendolino and the Japanese Shinkansen. *A heavy freight locomotive based on the S&DJR 7F 2-8-0, the LMS Stanier 8F, the GWR 2800 Class, the BR Standard 9F, the MR Lickley Banker 0-10-0 and the WD Austerity 2-10-0. Finally, some goods wagons and coahces inspired by the old Bing O Gauge and Gauge 1 models. What do you think?
  2. I'm sure you will. Plus, I am working on a freelance 0-6-0 tank engine.
  3. That's a very creative HST! Even BR would go for a prototype like this! Good luck making it into a model!
  4. Nice pacific model, though the cab is kinda sagging down at the back.
  5. It's been a while since I last read and commented here on this thread. You'll be pleased to know that I am improving my social life and intending to go out into the world more and meet more people.
  6. The guy who founded Dapol has kicked the bucket - sad, really. Aside from model railway equipment and rolling stock, they also made toys, particularly the Dr Who action figures which combined the space fantasy touch of Star Wars and the impressive articulation from G.I. Joe and their action figures. I heard in the Railway Modelling newspaper he actually met Colin Baker the Sixth Doctor at a Comic Con in Preston. He even had a TARDIS coffin thus crystallizing his connection with the Whoovians and the franchise forever.
  7. My support for the GWR Saint Class 4-6-0, the LBSCR K 2-6-0 and the SR U Class 2-6-0 was overwhelming, but what baffles me is that the only LMS consituent locomotive to make it into the Top 50 is the MR 'Big Bertha' 0-10-0. There are other LMS locomotives with so much potential. It's too bad that there's hardly anything in RTR format, so for the time being, we'll just have to make do with scratch-built or kit-built models (I know I would). Sorry, I was just impressed by the results and disappointed by the lack of RTR LNWR locomotives.
  8. This is something I have been doing for a while over the last fortnight. I'm not sure if anybody here has done something like this. This was based on an old brake van body I found at my local model railway dealer. It was in such a sorry state, so I bought it along with a chassis, a pair of couplings and a new set of authentic metal wheels and took it home. I cut down the chassis to make it fit within the body using a piece of plasticard to hold it together. The cracks in the braking were filled in with Milliput and painted over. The livery is grey just like the Midland Railway and LNWR brake vans. In case you are wondering, the letters WM mean West Midlands Railway just like the new train service in my town of Kenilworth. The brake van is gonna be part of this set with the freelance 0-6-0T I announced on the Pugbash/JintyStein thread. I am gonna find some suitable rolling stock for it to compliment this train set I envisioned in my mind.
  9. Now this I really like! Why, it would be great in LNWR black or Midland crimson! Or even better, LNWR red like the LNWR Greater Britain 2-2-2-2 locomotive! I know because I've seen pictures of models. If this baby had the same tender from the first one but with LNWR features, that would make it sweet and charming. All the same, fantastic model, Sir! However, if I made a suggestion or two, it would be making the chimney the same high as the dome, sticking a whistle on top of the cab roof and making the buffers bottle-shaped like the LNWR locomotives. Plus, the steps at the front could be moved back slightly to where the splashers end and handrails on either side going along from the smokebox along the boiler to the firebox as well as some attached to the cabsides and tender would make it a nice touch.
  10. If I had Shapeways, I would've gotten some as well as freelance tender locomotives. Did you get my suggestion?
  11. That's very clever, Tom! I ought to do the same with some Hornby 4-wheel coaches and modify them.
  12. Those are some fine looking locos, my good man! Why, they are indeed similar to the early Meccano O Gauge tinplate trains, of course! The livery on the finished locomotive is very much reminiscent to that of the Great Western Railway, the oldest railway company in Britain that has remained the same since 1835 when it was first formed. The LNWR George the Fifth Locomotive is one of my favourite Pre-Grouping steam locomotives. I was wondering if it was possible to make an LNWR tender locomotive using the chassis of this Hornby 0-4-0: The running board is straight and flat, the loco is an inner-cylinder engine and it has a Belpaire firebox, short chimney like the LNWR Whale 4-4-0s and 4-6-0s and smokebox with the LNWR piano-front and is also reminiscent of the LNWR Improved Precedent Class 2-4-0 (another LNWR locomotive I have a soft spot for), SE&CR D Class 4-4-0 and the Midland Railway Class 2 4-4-0. The tender has a Midland and LNWR flare and aesthetic to it. What do you think, Sir? Are you willing to give it a try?
  13. Those are some fine-looking coaches! Perfect for the Pre-Grouping Era and on toy-like layouts, too!
  14. How so? I did own a Hornby Terrier in GWR livery (Portishead) and the Hornby Oliver model once.
  15. I've just ordered a Hornby 14xx body and Terrier chassis - I am using these to create a freelance 0-6-0 tank engine. I once drew up plans for it.
  16. Yes, I have always liked these 4-4-0s because of their elegant and refined design without the outside frames.
  17. I have made an LNWR 19-inch Express Goods 4-6-0 using that complete with LNWR fittings and tender. I am welcome to share pictures of it with anyone if they like. I am currently working on an LMS Belpaire boiler and firebox version of it (which should have been completed by now if the damn LNWR Whale tender I require from Bachmann spares that my local dealer has ordered from Bachmann ever arrives).
  18. That is a pretty awesome and marvellous tank engine. I'd see it working at a dockyard or taking a local passenger or freight train along a branch line.
  19. This loco looks marvellous and nice! Could you make a 4-4-0 version of this without the outside cylinders and such?
  20. I must say this is quite a model. Any clerestory coaches in the GNR livery to haul?
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