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Status Replies posted by davegreenly

  1. Radio 3 has gone all psuedish and arty-farty on me again, so I've turned the radio to Classic FM, that'll teach it.

    1. davegreenly


      Turned on R3 this morning and heard what could only be described as the scrap metal man emtying his skip on my lawn!

      Also agree about the ads on Classic FM. So its back to asking Alexa for MY choice of music!

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  2. ..did enjoy the 'Third Man' movie on Friday. What a classic with that atmospheric zither music.

    1. davegreenly


      I had the great good fortune to be sent to Vienna by the Queen, in 1955, to help hold back the Red Hoard!

      The city had been partly rebuilt but was still a little worn at the edges, and we actually used to go  past the doorway

      from where Ha  rry Lime was {not} killed!  Lovely memories. National Service was not all bad!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. What is that moment called when you discover you've dripped epoxy all down what, thanks to the enforced inactivity of the last few months, is now the only pair of trousers that still fit you?

    1. davegreenly


      I mean to be helpful and sympathetic , but I had yhe same with pva glue and got a couple of nice pairs from Cotton Traders online. Yes, they were a size bigger than the gluey ones!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Any one know of a firm that can  pebbledash 4mm to the foot walls?

    1. davegreenly


      Our buildings expert uses tile cement/grout and taps it with a toothbrush to give the texture.

      Looks OK to me when dry and painted.


      PS Stay out of way of toothbrush owner!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Just arrived for the blood donation session and been asked to wait outside for 10mins. It's flippin' cold!!

  6. Just arrived for the blood donation session and been asked to wait outside for 10mins. It's flippin' cold!!

    1. davegreenly


      At 86 my bloods apparently no god, although I seem to be coping with it.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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