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J. S. Bach

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Everything posted by J. S. Bach

  1. J. S. Bach

    On Cats

    I was thinking more of the stone lions "guarding" the main entrance to the New York City Public Library's main branch: https://www.tripsavvy.com/thmb/7H872tkBgp5yE3MUVRHAPnwJ8do=/4608x3072/filters:fill(auto,1)/NPYL-exterior-5c59da02c9e77c0001a41bbe.jpg
  2. Hmmm, has the second from the right been slowly chomping away at the gate?
  3. I along with a friend used to own a 1958 ex-Cleveland, OH fishbowl (TDH5301-0157): My friend is behind the wheel and I must have taken the shot (somewhere in Baltimore, MD where we lived) as my '67 bug is right behind the bus. Another photo taken at the National Capitol Trolley Museum just outside of DC: I'm behind the wheel in this one.
  4. With the hundreds of thousands of bombs (maybe millions counting those from both sides) dropped in WW2, I am surprised that more are not still being found throughout the world. EDIT: i see that they are after reading one of the above posts.
  5. I suspect that the Fishbowl is also in the Heritage Fleet.
  6. You forgot the lettuce, tomato, and onion!
  7. People Eating Tasty Animals?
  8. An interesting read, but places that I will never visit. I have, though, been to London, ................................... .........................................but it was London, Ohio! 🔔
  9. That does not sound too appetizing there, sir!
  10. The version of the above, for me anyway, is more like: "Into each life some rain must fall, so why am I getting hurricanes?"
  11. J. S. Bach

    On Cats

    I read somewhere that bathing a cat is not good for them; protective oils(?) in the fur/skin, something of that nature. An exception would be because of a medical necessity such as dipping for flea treatment. I had that done to one of my cats and had the "dip" left on rather than having it bathed off. Not harmful to the cat and had a pleasant odor that lingered a week or so. This cat to be exact (with the highly original name of "Whitefur"):
  12. Nah, Nero played the Banjo!
  13. The Ventures were in England? Must have been an international tour they were giving.
  14. What is the gauge there? It looks quite narrow to me. Maybe it is the heavy rail that gives that impression. The former Edaville Railroad on Cape Cod used 100-pound rail in spots; it was only 24" gauge!
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