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luke the train spotter

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Everything posted by luke the train spotter

  1. Well thankfully there are no frog wires to worry about! Not using a point motor is even more important for this layout because there is no room for under baseboard wiring/point motor wiring so everything electrical has to he surface mounted.
  2. Now that the track is down and I have a clear idea of what I want to create I can begin the electrical side of the layout. First of all I use wire in tube point control to control the single point from the fiddle yard section of the layout. The method unused can be seen in my YouTube video below. The wiring has also been done. Since I use dcc all the rails are wired to be live. Lots of wires for such a small layout!
  3. I could do but I think an industrial building would act as a nice scenic break as well which would be helpful in such a small amount of space. If I was modeling a light railway or something with a passenger service I probably would use a scenic traverser..
  4. It's been a little while since I've done anything on the layout but I've been really focused on the planning of it. I wanted to get the right balance of rural scenery to industrial scenery but I think I've come up with a good compromise. I also found it very difficult to come up with a good track plan. A loop would be too tight for most of my stock with the nem couplings so that was ruled out. I really wanted to have it all scenic and no sector plates/traversers but due to the really small amount of space I have to play around with I've decided to use a sector plate. So far all the track is laid but I still need to wire it all up and test it. I plan to use the wire in tube method of point control which I've used on most of my other micro layouts.
  5. A great layout idea! I am also currently being drawn into the world of 009 modelling at the moment. I may have missed it but what are the interior dimensions of the box?
  6. In amongst work and holidays I've finished of the now ex L&BR box car. I used t cut to remove the L&BR branding then coated it in a dark grey enamel wash. This was followed with some various weathering powders and then a coat of Matt varnish to seal it all in. I've left the roof loose so I can fit some weight to it at a later date.
  7. Here's a picture of a Bachmann scenecraft gaurd figure next to the wagon as a point of reference.
  8. It's been a little while but modelling time has been fairly limited with work and holidays etc so I'm glad to be back at the workbench. This project is one I'm a little unsure of. The L&BR box car is a new purchase and will be debranded and weathered in due course. The brass kit is an A1 models mounted on the recommended Kato 11-103 chassis. Is it me or does it look too big and maybe out of scale. I know the length of the chassis is longer than most but it's the height I'm concerned about. I might have to scratch build a body to go onto the chassis mounting plate because that is a big difference. Admit stands the loco is 7mm taller than the box car, nearly 2ft in scale difference.
  9. I've been sorely tempted by the scale scenes box file kit and will be good to see your progress on it. In regards to the copper clad PCB board, I've used it on all my layouts and it works really well. As long as you get a good flat solder joint you'll have no problems what so ever.
  10. So as some of you may know I have quite a fast layout building pace and often build a layout every couple of months. The completion of distillery yard and the near completion of Marmalade Wharf has lead me to look for a new project and I thought I'd continue with my exploration of narrow gauge this time with a little of a twist and more of a focus on aesthetics. In IKEA yesterday I picked up one of these crate kits. Not bad for £9 and is pretty robust and sturdy. The plan is to make it so the layout can sit inside the crate for storage then sit on the up turned crate for display. The baseboard is a spare IKEA shelf in the shed which I've cut down so it measures 27.5cm by 37.5cm The plan is for there to be a simple loop of track. I can't decide whether I want it to be a small light railway so I can have mixed traffic or maybe a small quarry.
  11. Looking great! I really like the way you've framed the layout.
  12. Sorry for the lateness in my reply but here is a picture of the sector plate. Excuse the mess of the broken bits of airfix kit!Ive also been busy recording a new YouTube video which shows how I turned a glossy Oxford diecast vehicle to this toned down, weathered and detailed vehicle that now resides in the staff car park. If you want to see how I did it (without an airbrush!!!) Check out my YouTube video:
  13. Such an attractive looking boxfile! Superb modelling to a very high standard and the peckett looks very much at home there.
  14. So it's quite simple, because I use DCC every part of the track is wired to be live. The gap is only a mm or two so I don't need to worry about locos struggling to get across it. I guess if you weren't DCC you could just wire it all live then add isolating switches. There is no electrical sliding things or anything attached to the rails between the sector plate and the tracks, the sector plate just positions itself as it hits a block of wood. I'll post a picture of this later to help explain it.
  15. Really enjoyed the recent YouTube video of it. Has the layout got a new home yet or has it been broken up?
  16. Oh I definitely get conflicted about my layouts. I love 009 but can't really afford it so don't know whether to sell it and get more money for the oo gauge stuff or just leave it as it is as it collects dust and takes up space. My train room is a walk in wardrobe minus the shelves and coat racks and it only measures 6ft by 5ft, even more difficult when it has a slopping roof and inconveniently placed door. Trying to find room is a constant struggle as I like to have a decent sized workbench. I think every modeller must battle with some space compromise really and having to prioritise different layouts over others.
  17. All coming together very nicely and the colours youve got on the buildings look very natural. Nice work!
  18. All looking great Kevo. That plasticard building is looking good too. Very best baseboard construction as well.
  19. Today's job after work was to fit new pick ups to my hoe Roco diesel. These are really a budget model so aren't the best. I bought mine in November last year from rails of Sheffield for £42.50 so quite good value really. The pick ups are 0.4mm phosphor bronze wire from eBay. They are soldered onto some copper clad PCB board fastened in place with super glue. Bit difficult to photo but you get the idea. Once I assembled everything I tested it and realised that the transmission between the motor and the gear chain was locking. It is a kinda spring thing that locks into place but the original spring was disfigured and bent. I've removed it and will source a suitable replacement.
  20. I'm often found lurking in the micro layout section of this forum working different layouts and such. My most recently completed being a 4ft by 1ft oo gauge distillery layout (called distillery yard for anyone interested). I've always had an interest in narrow gauge and have built a few micro layouts experimenting in 009 and 09. However since the rest of my modelling is oo I decided to give 009 another go. I'm very pushed for space (my modelling room being a walk in wardrobe) and being 17 means that my income for models is very limited. Anyway, that aside I thought I'd make a workbench thread to show my different modifications of my current 009 stock and maybe the future build of a narrow gauge layout. Today's offering is this set of peco skips. Theyre lovely models but like most things theyre improved but a good weathering. They have had a black wash, light brown dry brush and various different weathering powders. I still need to seal all the powders in and that's my next job. thanks for looking.
  21. Just saying I think this day should be an international holiday. I could definitely do with a 3 day weekend to get some modelling done.
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