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Everything posted by Kaput

  1. Got the sound decoders for mine today (thanks Charlie) and I have to say this is quite possibly one of the best model trains I've ever seen.
  2. Always a possiblity but generally the sensible thing for a business to do in that situation would be put a notice on their website....
  3. As mentioned it needs to be on the latest software version (1.5) to use all 28 functions. When you power up the Select it should display a two digit number telling you the version, if it doesn't say 15 then contact Hornby and arrange to get it updated. (Costs about £15 + postage I believe).
  4. Managed to do a spot of testing with the rolling road and it looks like on one bogie only one axle is reliably picking up power. Giving Kernow a couple days to respond before having to try and find time to phone them during work but its looking like I got the Friday afternoon special
  5. Don't imagine the stay alive would make much difference either, was just curious as every review and chassis picture shows a capacitor fitted from the factory albeit on the 10201 models and it seemed a little odd to include it on the first models but not the later ones. Not sure how to actually test the pickups, visually they all seem to be contacting the wheels fine and on a rolling road there seems to be no stalls. Have sent a message to Kernow via the website to see what they suggest - to be entirely honest I don't think my sanity can handle needing to tinker and tweak a £180 model to get it running well.
  6. Anyone had issues with 10203 stalling randomly? Worse on points but also happening on random corners. All other locos glide around the track with no issues (Tested on DC and DCC). Also do the models of 10203 not have the little stay alive/capacitor factory fitted or is mine even more dodgy?
  7. Anyone had any joy with the contact form on the Revolution site? I ask as last weekend I sent a message using it enquiring about cancelling my orders (moving away from N gauge) and I've heard nothing back. I understand the guys do the whole thing in their spare time but surely a week to get a response (assuming the dodgy website even sent the thing) isn't asking too much.
  8. Speaker needs to be added, there is space for a 15x11 one provided.
  9. IIRC the late versions have a bigger fuel tank, different hand rails and AAR style multiple working wiring.
  10. SInce its a thread for dreams....an N gauge Class 71/74 would be lovely....
  11. On a lighter note, what's the chance of an N gauge Class 71?
  12. Will the sound fitted Scotrail Saltire versions be coming back in stock again or even will the sound decoders/speakers be available separately?
  13. Thanks, got my decoder and speaker today - excellent service Sounds quite nice even with the standard pre-solder speaker, will get the bass reflex fitted at some point.
  14. I think you remove the coupling bar from one of them (leaves you with a spare bar) and that lets them couple.
  15. Picked up a Scotrail 68 at the weekend and planning to get sound for it, does the Std V4-21 Pin+ SuperBass Spk listed on dckits fit without any modifications to the loco? Its not exactly clear to a noob what the difference between Std V4-21 Pin+ SuperBass Spk and the slightly cheaper Std V4 - 21 Pin + Bass Reflex Spk is.
  16. Can't see it mentioned in the thread but is it possible to control the rear marker lights independently from the front on DCC? I know theres a switch on the bottom for non DCC (and it probably works for DCC as well) but thats a bit....old fashioned. Secondly, what are the headcode stickers actually like? Complete pain to swap once applied or not too bad?
  17. I've pretty much decided I'm going to get myself a Class 71 soon and I'm trying to figure out whether to get the Hornby one or the DJ Models one. The coreless motor in the DJM one worries me as I only have a bog standard Hornby controller for non DCC usage for testing it and running it in before chipping it however I prefer the way the changeable headcodes are done on it verus the Hornby method of stickers. One thing that has got me curious is whether either of them can control the rear marker lights independantly while on DCC so they can be turned off when actually hauling a train without having to use a physical switch on the loco. Any insight would be welcome (and any other pros/cons from owners of either/both). (Hope I've put this in the right section of the forum)
  18. Hi Folks, I got a Hornby Elite (preowned) for my conversion to the world of DCC and it seems to work perfectly fine except it randomly switches off/reboots when moved/held. Happens when not even connected to the track so I don't think its shorting on anything. Any suggestions? Have already fired off an email to Hornby Support to see if they suggest/offer anything but its most likely not under any sort of warranty and due to the delay getting decoders and a layout sorted its been a number of weeks since I bought it from ebay.
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