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Everything posted by WIMorrison

  1. Ideally you should use a YD6016LN-GND for the feedback from the microswitch, but you could use the YD6016LN-CS if you place a 10k resistor in line.
  2. The serve different needs and have different uses. the CS stands for Current Sensing and that is what you want. The GND (Ground) version is for use with switches that will ground the input e.g. relays, reed swiches, and to.
  3. This is where your logic unfortunately falls over 🫢 If you do not have sensors on all the track then when a train leaves the track that does have sensors it will remain showing where it was last 'seen' until you delete it. This is understandable because the software relies upon being able to see where items are and if they 'disappear' then it will fail safe and leave them occupying the block where they were last seen. Similarly when it reappears on the monitored section you will need to tell the software that it has 'reappeared' (unless You are using Railcom)
  4. This is correct, plus if you do go for automation as you suggest in another thread then by using a Z21 (or iTrain) controlled, soft mimic screen then everything will be in sync all the time ;)
  5. Use electrofrog points and wire them correctly by switching the frog externally and ensure that the blades are bonded, I haven't ever seen a layout using insulfrog or unifrog turnout provide good running. I was mentioning DC only to show that good running is eminently possible without stay-alives which only mask issues, they don.t solve them. DCC does not consume 'power' depriving the motor of power. It is actually the converse because DCC provides what DC owners call PWM 100% of the time and gives vastly superior running when compared to DC, something that I responded to in this thread yesterday Lets talk PWM controllers. - Electrics (non-DCC) - RMweb
  6. I have assisted an 86 year old gentleman (he was 83 when we started) do exactly what you are suggesting and he has done it with ease and actually made the statement that it has taken hi 50 years to get his layout running the way he always wanted it to and it is iTrain automation that has provided this for him. He uses 17" touchscreens (£119) to control his turnouts - effectively mimic diagrams on steroids because he can also control the trains using the same panel 😉 The biggest challenge you will have is the NCE because their interface is not as robust as others, certainly poor compared to Loconet or the Z21 interface, and I would recommend that you consider this new requirement very carefully in your choice of command station because they are not all equal!
  7. @RvSwol - please look at this statement I posted on Saturday ;) Official YaMoRC Statement - DCC Discussion Topics (not questions) - RMweb
  8. I have been at 3 exhibitions in as many weeks, exhibiting at two of them, and the thing I noticed on several of the layouts was the superb running that was being demonstrated, especially noticeable on the shunting planks when trains were stopping wherever needed, not avoiding turnouts, frogs or blades - and something that was also evident was that all of these layouts were DC, which immediately rules out the ability to use, or rely upon stay-alives, in fact the only layout where I saw issues in running was actually a DCC layout which actually had stay-alives fitted to the locos (according to the owner) So is good, reliable running possible without stay-alives? Absolutely, many layouts have been demonstrating this for many years and they are still showing that good running is down to good, and appropriate trackwork.
  9. I suggest that you want the Railcom transmitter version and not the function only decoder version.
  10. I don't know which exhibitions or videos that you have been watching but I think you have confused layouts that are running DC with those running DCC. One of the major benefits coming from DCC is the ability to get incredibly smooth starts (and stopping). It s possible, though perhaps not desirable, to start the trains so slowly that you are not sure if the wheels are turning at all, indeed a complaint from many is how long it takes to accelerate a train out of station and also to bring it to a stop
  11. But remember that this is a one way process - the Z21 will see that you have done something with your NCE set, but the NCE will not be aware of anything being undertaken by the Z21, any throttles, or control systems attached to the Z21.
  12. Assuming the Train-o-matic Railcom decodet works the same as the ESU and Lenz items you simply connect it in parallel over the track connectors and it will adopt the decoder ID and report anytime Railcom queries the decoder. Drop Sven at Tramfabriek a line and he will respond, he answers my mails within a couple of hours.
  13. Hello dear YaMoRC customers. Here is a status report on delivery delays, and the YD7100 in particular. As already written on our website, due to the withdrawal of a DC-DC converter chip, we are unable to produce a number of products. This same shortage of components is what is affecting all suppliers in the model railway community (Zimo, ESU, Uhlenbrock, Roco, Tams, etc) The affected products in our range are: YD7100, YD7101, YD7652, YD6016LN-RC, YD7910 and YD7912.... The pre-order has already gone quite well for "YD7100 + 7101 Set", and to prevent disappointment we have worked out an interim solution in consultation with our distributors. We have good contacts with the Far-East producers of the bankrupt Digikeijs and we were offered some remaining stocks of products that were ordered by Digikeijs, but never paid for by them, and because the bankruptcy of Digikeijs they contacted us and offered us these products. Among these products there is a limited number of DR5000 PCBs. This makes it possible to offer a DR5000-based central called YD7001-E as a replacement for the pre-ordered "YD7100 + 7101 set". You can read the E as "expanded". The YD7001-E has already had the YD9401 upgrade, has YaMoRC green LED, some weaknesses in the area of power measurement fixed and the YD7001-E will measure not only the track current but also the track voltage, also the input voltage from the power supply. For information on this offer, please contact your dealer. Exactly the same goes for our turntable controller YD7652. There is also a similar offer for this because we also bought DR5052 that had been produced but not paid for by Digikeijs. We also need make some quality changes to these units before we are able to sell them as YaMoRC products. And onto what and how the future is going... 1. Since the command station needs to undergo a redesign due to the component shortage we are about to hit the road on this and instead of making a "small + expansion", we are about a complete the YD7100 + YD7101 into the same, larger, housing being used for the YD7001-E. Attached are the pictures of the new YD7110 We will come out with a release date later this year. The current rough estimate suggests the end of April 2024. 2. Because of the YD7110, the extension YD7101 will be cancelled. 3. If there is sufficient demand, the "small" YD7100 could possibly be released at the end of 2024. 4. YD7652, YD6016LN-RC, YD7910 and YD7912.... Well, because of your enormous demand for our products (Many, many THANKS for that ) we have been a little cramped in terms of development, and because development is very, very important to stand us well for the future, we will temporarily stop the production and distribution of the YD9401 until the beginning of December. We are truly sorry because we know how many there are still to deliver, but in order to stay healthy within company and staff this is an unpopular but very necessary measure 5. Our booster YD7403 will be produced soon – hopefully in the 1st or 2nd week of December at your dealer. A long post, and not always with pleasant news, but we believe this is the best way for as many people as possible – and importantly we will keep our company healthy Your YaMoRC Team!
  14. Mardec is the arduino code, you can use any code that you want - or buy a kit with all the parts from MERG and just solder it together. https://www.arcomora.com/mardec/
  15. There is no negative, or positive in DCC. It is an asymmetric signal. It may help to consider it ‘like’ AC, but do not confuse it with AC. As long as you are consistent and always use the same side for the rail that you place the insulation in then you will be ok.
  16. Keith I am not playing with words. The fact that a similar, commonly available, plastic case is used has no bearing at all on the internal circuity, components or the functional design. These are completely new designs and not a redesign of the old units.
  17. You will need to pre-order and you *may* be lucky and get one this year if additional production runs can be fitted in. Pre-orders are being fulfilled in order of receipt. YD9401
  18. You don't have to look far to see how inaccurate your statement is 😉 Electronic Circuit Component Exports by Country 2022 (exportsnews.com) I should also correct the statement that the YAMORC items are 're-designed' Digikeijs items, they are not. The YAMORC products are completely new designs with different functionality and capabilities compared to the products that Digikeijs were licenced to manufacture and sell.
  19. Digikeijs only licensed the rights to manufacture and sell the products they did not design any of the DR4xxx or DR5xxx models that they sold which were all designed by Drenth Design and Consulting. You cannot simply swap a DR5000 into a YAMORC, you need to replace the core of the DR500, which is relatively simple, then upgrade the firmware to make it into a product that is supported by YAMORC.
  20. YAMORC is NOT the current incarnation of Digikeijs. It is a completely different company from Digikeijs and the YAMORC products may appear to offer similar facilities as Digikeijs did but they are completely different, The designs are totally different, the components are totally different, the company ownership is complete different and the company ethics are very, very different. The TAMORC products are also all manufactured in Germany - not China - and YAMORC does dot expect a failure rate of 10% in their product and every single item is tested before release. Please do not post incorrect information about YAMORC.
  21. You will find that these Railcom add-ons are not made anymore (nor is the Lenz version) and unless Hornby decide to add Railcom then you will be stuck without it. They were very useful when they were made but as most European decoders now support Railcom the need has diminished significantly and I think that the pandemic put the last nail into the coffin. Hornby are unlikely to add it because they don't use Railcom anywhere in their range and there is the technical challenge that they would have in making it work when the supply can be DC or DCC and control via Bluetooth
  22. The challenges that YAMORC is having are due to the incredible demand that there has been for the products that have been announced with it being several times what was planned for. The success of the YD9401 has resulted in production lines running at full capacity for longer than anticipated to meet the current demand which shows no prospect of abating with all of the next few production runs already sold on preorders! The other products have also proved significantly more popular than expected and they are shipping as fast as they can be assembled and tested. The issue with the announced, but not yet available products is an insufficient supply of components to establish the production runs that are going to be required based upon the demonstrated demand for the currently available product. You can rest assured that it is not difficulties in completing designs, that is done, it is not difficulties in testing or acceptance - again they have been done - it is simply a supply issue whereby the supply has not yet fully recovered from the pandemic and securing supplies for model railways is challenging when there are are major multinationals securing all production of componentry. All that doesn’t give you what you need, but hopefully it allays fears that YAMORC will suffer a similar fate to Digikeijs - rest assured that the demise of Digikeijs was happening for a long time and YAMORC is not its successor, nor was it involved in the demise. It is a completely different company, with different values and beliefs which will ensure its continued success for many, many years - meantime patience is the watchword.
  23. Yet Another MOdel Railroad Company – Model Railroad Products FROM modelers FOR modelers (yamorc.de) Everything that Digikeijs made, just much, much better and everything you have is 100% compatible, and check out the YD9401 upgrade for DR500 Have a good look at the FAQs for information about the company 😉
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