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Everything posted by Jammy2305

  1. And so there we have it, the end of another year and with it, the end of the decade! It's been an interesting one for the group and for 37003; with the highlights certainly focusing on the earlier years. Latterly, events have seen the loco fight us all the way, with 2019 landing some particularly heavy blows, but this has meant that the next decade will surely be a better one? With the resolution of Project 3-60 and the loco's planned return to traffic, there are certainly some golden years ahead of us and we intend to bring a new definition to "the roaring twenties"! Thank you to everyone who has supported us during 2019 and we look forward to all that we hope to bring you in 2020 and beyond. It should be a very productive year! Jumping straight into what 2020 can offer, from midnight tonight until midnight of the 5th January, we will have a number of items available on eBay at a reduced price (subject to availability, whilst stocks last). The items on offer are listed below and can be found by following the usual link: https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/c37lg/m.html?item=164005835178&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Happy New Year everyone! See you in 2020! Kind regards James
  2. All of us on the C37LG committee would like to wish you a Merry Christmas for tomorrow! We hope you all have a lovely time, whatever you are doing and wherever you may be!
  3. Paid £190 for No.583 and, having seen the quality of the livery application, it does make sense to me! And, as has been said here, can you blame a company for trying to make a profit on something that has proven to be popular?
  4. Hopefully they will get over their fear of anything pre-1923 and give us a J15 in GER condition as a GER blue Y14 (and not their usual cop out of doing a pre-grouping livery on a pres condition loco!). Surely the range of pre-grouping locos being sold by other manufacturers is enough to convince them that such models would actually sell?
  5. Good evening everyone! Just a reminder that with Christmas fast approaching, our last postal run with an expected delivery before the big day will be on Wednesday 18th, thus if you would like anything from our eBay page, now is the time to place an order! As ever, our eBay listing can be found at the following link: https://www.m.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?sid=c37lg&isRefine=true&_pgn=1 Thank you Kind regards James
  6. Hi everyone! Just a quick one to say that sound fitted models of 37710 are also now in stock and can be found here: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/32-390SDDS-CLASS-37-7-37710-LOADHAUL-DIESEL-LOCOMOTIVE-SOUND-FITTED-/153759393183?nav=SEARCH Cheers James
  7. Hello everyone! As you will all know, Philip has now stepped back from his role as Sales Officer within the C37LG after a sterling tenure. We remain grateful for all his hard work and he has certainly left some large boots to fill! My name is James and I am the C37LGs Public Relations Officer; those of you who have followed us for a number of years may remember me from when Martin asked me to manage this thread following his decision to step down as Chairman in 2017. In lieu of a formally appointed Sales Officer within the group at this current time, I will be taking on the management of this thread once again whilst our Chairman, Gavin, will deal with the business end, so to speak. Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries either on here or by emailing me at james@c37lg.co.uk With (re)introductions out the way I come to you bearing seasonal gifts! Over on eBay we have a selection of new Bachmann locos available including the latest batch of 37s and a batch of 20s! Starting with the latter we have: 32-027B Class 20 D8011 BR Green (Small Yellow Panels) - £118.95 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Class-20-0-32-027B-Disc-Headcode-D8011-BR-Green-Small-Yellow-Panels/153748927363?hash=item23cc267383:g:4F4AAOSwd-hd5vXY 32-030DS Class 20 20156 Railfreight Grey (Sound Fitted) - £199.71 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bachmann-32-030DS-Class-22-0-Headcode-Box-20156-BR-Railfreight-Red-Stripe/153754987769?hash=item23cc82ecf9:g:AskAAOSwXzBd7Ysl 32-035B Class 20 20174 BR Blue - £118.95 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Class-20-0-Headcode-Box-20174-BR-Blue-32-035B/163973144828?hash=item262d8fa0fc:g:koEAAOSw~QVd5u5X So far as the 37s go, refurbs and modern image are the themes of this batch: 32-390SD Class 37 37710 Loadhaul - £152.96 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CLASS-37-7-37710-LOADHAUL-DIESEL-LOCOMOTIVE-32-390SD/153751559142?hash=item23cc4e9be6:g:PkcAAOSwpJJd6aN2 32-394DS Class 37 37521 Colas (Sound Fitted) - £220.97 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CLASS-37-5-32-394DS-37521-COLAS-RAIL-FREIGHT-DIESEL-LOCOMOTIVE-DCC-SOUND/163976184181?hash=item262dbe0175:g:qIAAAOSwCB1d6aZp 32-395 Class 37 37669 West Coast - £144.47 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bachmann-Class-37-5-Refurbished-37669-WCRC-Maroon-32-395/163976151800?hash=item262dbd82f8:g:uiwAAOSwRi9d6Zzy 32-395DS Class 37 37699 West Coast – £220.97 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Class-37-5-Refurbished-37669-WCRC-Maroon-DCC-Sound-Fitted-32-395DS/153751552884?hash=item23cc4e8374:g:9CsAAOSw8G1d6aB2 There is, of course, much more available on our eBay listing and all our items can be found by following this link: https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/c37lg/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from= With the run up to Christmas, maybe you’ll find what you’re looking for? Anyway, that’s all from me for now! Best wishes James
  8. Renamed from 'Sea Eagle' in October 1947 after the then chairman of the LNER board.
  9. And another Purple A4 brings my collection to three A4s in total... It's interesting to compare 60028 with the earlier 60027 (Limited edition from 2008). The shade of purple appears to be slightly more, well, purple and has a matt finish over the more satin finish on 60027. That said the neither looks offensive towards the other and they sit nicely together. I did note Hornby has corrected the lining application on 60028 too. A fine addition, I feel!
  10. Quick question regarding Bachmann 37s - how does one remove buffers from within their shank as I am trying to swap some factory fitted oval buffers for some nice brass Oleo examples. Cheers James
  11. Just reigniting this topic as I found this online. Interesting to see the "official" take on it: https://collection.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/objects/co227595/watercolour-design-sketch-june-1948-painting-watercolour
  12. Off the top of my head, R3416 No.65446 and R3530 No.65469 have D frames. There may be others?
  13. I gave in and ordered No.488 in original SECR... Afterall, I'm going to need something to run with my other SECR impulse buy (Bachmann C class No.583, which is also on pre-order). Starting to feel like I'm betraying my GER roots!
  14. Apologies if this has been discussed previously, but I felt it better to ask direct than go through all 37 pages to check! Regarding D9012; the features list states the loco is steam heated (which, to my limited knowledge, is correct) but the artwork of the end of the loco shows an ETH plug. Can someone please confirm the condition of the model? Cheers James
  15. Unfortunately I do not possess drawings for a H14, however, visually they appear to share the same underframes as the S23 tenders. The tender sides (flat aspect) for an S23 are 3'6'' in height (3'9'' with the curved lip). I apologise for how crude this next bit sounds but measuring pixel length on MS paint on both your photo of No.643 and a side profile of No.644 found on Google (link below) suggests the side of a H14 is approximately 4' in height (using the cabside cut out as a reference for a height of 3'6''). I wonder how easy it is to separate the tender body from its chassis and if, therefore, the additional height can be added to the base of the body to lift it to the correct height? Frustratingly in scale terms this is a mere 2mm difference. GER No.644: https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-ger-0-6-0-y14-locomotive-644-howden-boys-book-of-locomotives-1907-139961108.html?pv=1&stamp=2&imageid=82F79D65-BD94-4AB5-92D2-CDEE99B16F70&p=699200&n=0&orientation=0&pn=1&searchtype=0&IsFromSearch=1&srch=foo%3dbar%26st%3d0%26pn%3d1%26ps%3d100%26sortby%3d2%26resultview%3dsortbyPopular%26npgs%3d0%26qt%3dy14%26qt_raw%3dy14%26lic%3d3%26mr%3d0%26pr%3d0%26ot%3d0%26creative%3d%26ag%3d0%26hc%3d0%26pc%3d%26blackwhite%3d%26cutout%3d%26tbar%3d1%26et%3d0x000000000000000000000%26vp%3d0%26loc%3d0%26imgt%3d0%26dtfr%3d%26dtto%3d%26size%3d0xFF%26archive%3d1%26groupid%3d%26pseudoid%3d%26a%3d%26cdid%3d%26cdsrt%3d%26name%3d%26qn%3d%26apalib%3d%26apalic%3d%26lightbox%3d%26gname%3d%26gtype%3d%26xstx%3d0%26simid%3d%26saveQry%3d%26editorial%3d1%26nu%3d%26t%3d%26edoptin%3d%26customgeoip%3d%26cap%3d1%26cbstore%3d1%26vd%3d0%26lb%3d%26fi%3d2%26edrf%3d%26ispremium%3d1%26flip%3d0%26pl%3d
  16. You're most welcome! My apologies (again) as I neglected the 1905 setting of CA so, yes, you are correct in requiring a loco from order X45 (Nos.640-644). A quick look back over my notes identifies the tenders as belonging to order H14, which fits with the pairing to the G14's as you mentioned. They are, however, larger tenders than their S23 counterparts; the difference in height being observed in the photo of No.643 where the main body of the tender sits higher than the bottom of the cab cut out. This leaves you with two options: Try and model a H14 tender or apply Rule 1 and claim the original H14 was swapped for an S23 as per the donor Hornby model, although I agree that, historically, this would have been unlikely in the given timescale.
  17. I believe the Claud would have been difficult to justify given how different they were pre-rebuild (same as the S69/B12). The J15 however is something they could very easily have done and, thankfully, rectifiable as we've discussed elsewhere. I do believe if a T26/E4 is done then we will, at the very least, see No.490 modelled in GER condition as it is a National Collection loco.
  18. The GE is very short given the only GER loco produced is Oxford Rails K85 (LNER N7). As nice as Hornby's GE section range is, the B12 and D16 are Gresley rebuilds and the J15, whilst having the potential to be modelled as a GER Y14, has never been released as such. Equally, Model Rail/Rapido's J70 was never offered in original C53 form. - James
  19. On my screen it views as RF grey for the bodyside, a darker shade for the roof and black for the bonnets (which is what I've always understood the livery to be but as we know, this wasn't always followed).
  20. My apologies for not replying sooner! The higher cabside cut outs were implemented from order numbers I45/S45 onwards in 1899, meaning for a dual braked loco you will require a high sided machine. Thankfully the one and only J15 that Hornby has produced with a low cab roof profile happens to be a post 1899 loco! Furthermore, the tender attached to this model is one with oval holes in the frame; New GER S23 tenders built from 1892 onwards incorporated this feature, replacing the earlier D shaped holes. It also features both tender tool boxes, which was standard in GER days but often reduced to one during the LNER years. The model is R3230 No.7524 in LNER black. It is an unbraked example but this provides a perfect blank canvas for back-dating and adding whatever brake components (and additional details) you require. The only feature it lacks are the fluted side rods (fitted as built from 1906 onwards) but that is a most minor detail! I hope this proves useful. I'm assuming any progress with such a conversion will feature on Castle Aching (which I really must reacquaint myself with again as I imagine that, having caught up, I'm now several months behind!). If I decide to go ahead with one myself, I'll be sure to let you know. - James
  21. From researching various prototypes, my understanding is that the grey on the roof is meant to be a darker shade than that used on the body side, in keeping with the engineers grey livery that 'Dutch' was developed from. Having owned a Bachmann 37035, I too noticed the lighter shade being used on the roof but can't currently comment how accurate it is.
  22. In answer to my own question, from Hattons on Facebook: "It will be a mid-brown with a hint of crimson. Chocolate is a contemporary name for the colour." I believe, therefore, it will be a colour similar to that used on GE 140 on the Mid Suffolk.
  23. An excellent announcement that will hopefully raise the profile of modelling the pre-grouping era. Just one question though: was GER coach brown (applied to older teak stock as it became scruffy with age) as dark as the "chocolate" described?
  24. Ah, fair play, my bad! I'm hoping they'll consider GNR 1470 for a centenary release. You never know...
  25. Not being a Southern man, I was not aware a number of those were preserved examples (much like the NBR J36), however, when one considers livery representation (which to any lay observer would be representation all the same) then the following is observed: For the Southern we have: 2 x LSWR M7s 1 x LSWR T9 2 x SECR H 1 x LSWR Radial Countless Terriers For everywhere else we have: 1 x GNR N2 1 x NBR J36 Caley No.123 Pecketts I haven't included S&DJR locos as the locos modelled were of post-grouping origin and I have not included the GWR as I admit my knowledge of the GWR is not the greatest. Now, as a whole, Hornby are poor at representing the pre-grouping era, especially accurate period/non-preserved examples. However, I think it's fair to say (and therefore I stand by my original point) that when they do represent a pre-1923 company/livery, it is more likely to be a Southern constituent.
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