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Everything posted by RedGemAlchemist

  1. Thanks muchly, you're too kind. The space is about 16ft x 10ft, and the layout I plan to go in a figure 6 around the room with the top of the 6 to the right of where the camera is.
  2. The KLR's new home is continuing to come together. The positioning of everything isn't final as the walls on the other side are still being plastered.
  3. All bands which I adore, contrary to what many expect considering my age.
  4. LOL fair enough. Say hello to RMWeb, Nyx! I have three cats living in my house with me actually, but Nyx is the one that's usually wandering around. This photo is from this morning, although I've shown pictures of the other two on here before.
  5. The latest addition to the collection has arrived, and it's pretty significant. For those not aware of who KonectBus are, they're an incredibly Norfolk bus company based just down the road from me at Dereham. I had no idea LFE did a KonectBus as Norfolk stuff is very few and far between in most respects. Also a nice view of my crummy 10-year-old laptop and a cameo from my cat at the back.
  6. Indeed. Though seeing pre-rebuild Percy again after just seeing him be rebuilt was slightly jarring, and I miss your narration Corbs.
  7. Indeed. "Ugly" and "deliberately utilitarian" are two very different things. You'd clearly hate most of my creations then. Damn, you got there before me. That's an early Crosti boiler by the looks of it. I like both, but the rebuild I do feel looks much better personally. Either way the B12 in all of its forms is one of my favourite locomotives. Indeed. The T19R being rebuilt into Claud Hamiltons was a godsend. As for my own pick, do locomotives built by scam artists count?
  8. These are the ones I know. Seriously, a bread roll being called a cob? What kind of alien planet did you come from? I wish. Then I could visit the Nene Valley Railway.
  9. I myself am atheist but I appreciate the sentiment. The show must go on and all that. Yum. How generous of them. Sonic the Tank Engine?
  10. Please. I'm about as far from posh as possible.
  11. I was born in Norfolk, but I've definitely not got a Norfolk accent (though I do use quite a bit of Norfolk slang and am frequently mocked for my use of East Anglian pronunciation). My accent takes more after my late Grandad, who was of Irish stock, and I've had quite a few people comment on my having quite an odd voice.
  12. I did like the original Perseus, but it does look much nicer with the taller chimney and lower-slung boiler. Much more like the later RWS illustrations.
  13. Hooray! Someone listened to me! Interesting Garratt, mate. What gauge is that?
  14. And also you forgot Midnight Oil, Hugh Jackman, AC/DC and Felix the Cat.
  15. Well, technically 9 years and 10 months but I see your point.
  16. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hornby-SCRATCH-KIT-BUILT-SOUTHERN-SR-0-4-0-TANK-LOCO-556-WEATHERED-mw/331201657044?hash=item4d1d2838d4:g:4RoAAOxyCTtTcRwd Another interesting find. I'm not totally sure if I've put this up before, but this little modified 101 might be interesting. It's still rather expensive but it's quite cute. https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/scalemodelstudio?_trksid=p2047675.l2559 I also found this guy, who also makes beautiful diorama sections for model railways.
  17. In my opinion Chris, the slightly grubby windows make it look more realistic.
  18. I definitely wish I could of met him. From all accounts he was a delightful man to talk to.
  19. I DEFINITELY am not an early bird, having only been on the site for about two years. But these forums have very much helped me come out of my shell a lot and introduced me to many people who are now good friends. It has helped me greatly improve at a hobby that I love, and finally start achieving something I have wanted to do ever since I was five years old way, way back in 1998. So happy birthday RMWeb, and here's to another fifteen years.
  20. Fun fact: my own family like used to be landed gentry until my great great great great great great... Until a distant ancestor gambled it all away. And then on my maternal Grandad's side I'm distantly related to Johnny Cash, so a different type of nobility altogether.
  21. Someone ready the burn ward! Also my experience when I went to Bern with my family about 17 years ago.
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