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Everything posted by RedGemAlchemist

  1. Have you checked everything is properly lubricated? And before any of you on here who know me comment on what my sense of humour is like, no, that is not a euphemism.
  2. Hmm. Does look a bit Neilson's. Also could be Peckett or Black Hawthorn.
  3. Not my creation, but I do own it. The KLR's newest addition, the as yet unnamed No.20. Bought for relatively cheap off eBay, is a Smokey Joe with a lot of new parts added and a custom built chassis (though still using the same old motor for some reason).
  4. Also introducing the new No.20, name pending. Small Smokey Joe bash with a metal kit built chassis, a new cab and new boiler gubbins. Not sure what manufacturer it looks like the work of yet, and it needs some minor paintwork (running board in grey, chrome brass on the whistle and safety valve etc.) Looks a bit like one of the Swindonised saddle tanks tbh. But it runs alright, it was relatively cheap, and I love the look of it, the KLR can't have enough tank engines personally.
  5. They're certainly not bad. I'd seen them around a few times but hadn't put them up here as, honestly, I didn't think they were interesting enough to talk about.
  6. Exactly. Broken or bad condition stuff on eBay to me just means kitbash material.
  7. Update for you. After some discussions on the matter with @Annie, @sem34090 and @BlueLightning, I've now repainted Edward Bradleigh I, Sergeant Gordon Cash and the now somewhat ironically named Jack-in-the-Green into the new third KLR livery of mixed-traffic lined bronze. The colour is a 4 to 5 mix of Vallejo Model Colour 70.911 Light Orange and Vallejo Model Air 71.035 Cam. Light Brown (the latter you may recognise as the colour I use on much of my coaching stock.)
  8. May I suggest using Wills plasticard sheets for it? That additional level of physical texture will do it the world of good.
  9. Well, I've been scouring eBay for bargains and found this cute little guy: It appears to be a Dapol Pug body on a Hornby 0-4-0T chassis, which is a new one. Gives it a bit of an interesting look to be honest, though the inside cylinders on an 0-4-0ST do look a tad odd. Second, I encountered the classic Hornby Caley - with a stovepipe chimney and bizarre red buffers. The paintwork is probably the best bit of it all (sorry if the person who made this is reading). I'm not a gigantic fan of the Hornby Caley anyway due to how terrible the chassis looks and the over-fast motor (do like the body-shell though, excellent bashing fodder). Also just realised I forgot to link them for if anyone wants them. Crud.
  10. The Hewe Embankment is now built. Also Hewe Station and Dock are now built, starting off the Alnerwick Quarry branch. I am very, VERY pleased with how Hewe has turned out. Now to fill in the scenery leading up to it. Onwards and upwards. Also the boards for the line up to Berkham Station and Works are in place. Progress is definitely going well.
  11. Quick question, @Hawin Dooiey - when you get to Peter Sam, will that be with or without Giesl ejector?
  12. The open wagon I won from @BlueLightning's giveaway has arrived. Very nice indeed. (Apologies for the paint on my fingers, I've just popped home from work to get lunch.) Thanks a bunch Gary. This'll definitely be hidden somewhere in my usual stock circulation, so keep an eye out for that!
  13. Very interesting. Also nice to see someone else posting something on here for once lol
  14. Slightly more positive find today. This beautiful freelance 0-4-0T, built in G Gauge. Possibly yours for £100-140.
  15. That is gorgeous, but too Western for my liking sadly.
  16. Interesting. As someone who loves unusual tank locos, this definitely piques my interest. Standard gauge, I assume? Not a line I'm actually familiar with.
  17. Didn't know about this. Any photos? Not opening that can of worms.
  18. Same. There were a few 4-6-0Ts but not 2-6-0Ts AFAIK.
  19. Here's the update that was meant to be on the weekend. The corner near the church needed new points as they refused to work. As such, has to rework the corner. Second, the Hewe Embankment has begun. It is foamcore as the case and, as you can see, paper mache for strength.
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