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Everything posted by Oncomin5torm

  1. I've been busy with work, and bad weather has stopped me getting the facia started. I've had the bits and pieces for a week. I have used a 3.6mm piece of ply I got from a wickes last week, I cut down the top first to roughly (over estimated deliberately) to where I needed it, and then with a decent pencil I marked out where the cutout would be, including the landform. There is a bit of fine fettling to do, but that can be done in situe as well as removing it, as its only temporarily held on with some small clamps to get the photos. I have base coated/sealed the facia with a white household paint, and when I get chance i'll get a black paint which I can use for the main coat of paint, a tester pot will be fine for this.
  2. Sorry for the massive photodump in multiple posts but its the only way to show the work progress i've had on the layout since the last update. I am really happy with how it looks, and I am working on a small project which will hopefully enhance the operation of the layout.
  3. Hi all, its been a long time since i've updated this thread. I have not been idle, but I have forgotten to update this thread and kept it to other social media platforms.
  4. I have only just discovered your layout, I love it. The setting is something I just addore, I live relatively close to north Wales (English side of the Dee, I look at north Wales every morning) I model and buy stock that ran during the early to mid 90s in the north wear of England and particularly north Wales. Love the flask operations. Unfortunately the older pictures of the layout have gone when rmweb had the issues. Do you have a track plan at all?
  5. Of corse you can. I have to post an update on here as I tend to do Instagram and Facebook more.
  6. Temporarily on hold. Lots of things were not going right on the build so I had to take a step back. I've got something smaller being built atm, Old Hall Works, a micro wagon repair depot. Hill's Cross will be completed, just doubtful it'll be this year due to life and things getting in the way.
  7. Do you think it would be possible to see an overall airial shot of the layout? and possibly the fiddle yard?
  8. This layout looks superb, I dont get on well with N gauge myself, but I can tell when someone does I tip my hat to thee. Well done.
  9. Shame i'm not closer, its about 5-6 hour drive for me unfortunatly. I wish you all the best with the layouts first outing.
  10. The layout looks superb. Excellent weathering an track work if I may say so. Where is your first outing?
  11. I spent some time yesterday removing the old ground cover. I just sprayed with water and scraped it off. I then applied very fine sand and used IPA sprayed over it and dilute PVA to stick it down. This is my old layout, with the same process applied, so I am aiming to do similar with this new one.
  12. Sorry no updates, life got in the way of railways. I was never happy with the transition between ballast and ground. I always wanted something similar to my first proper layout, Oakford Lane (sadly now sold), so I scoured old posts and found what I did back then (about 4 years ago) and I'm going to remove the ground cover and take it back to bare baseboard and re-ballast with the fine sand across the entire layout to give a consistent surface across the whole thing. watch this space
  13. There is a stage of of a build when it starts to feel like a layout and not just a board. For me this is when the greenery starts. Woodland scenics fine turf used for a very fine scrub so far, letting that dry before I remove the excess and start with courser grades and grasses.
  14. I'm the kind of modeller who puts details into spaced that won't be seen all that much if at all by most people. With that in mind I've used Wills palisade fencing to block off the rear of the industrial unit from the railway. I have also included a little nod to my other love, comic books. Let me know if you get the reference.
  15. Cracked on over the last few days. Ripped out the old backscene and did a new one, warehouse is installed and so are the walls. Painted the ground in textured paint and added the small bits of landform. I have also blocked up with a piece of ply on the rear the access hole I had for putting wagons onto the layout, instead I will be using only the end access with a fiddle stick connected to put wagons and larger locos onto the layout.
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