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jcb 3c

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Everything posted by jcb 3c

  1. Thats an interesting flickr pic and thread DVLR. Going back to The Atki theres also an enormous and long standing Bacon factory in Malton,but I think Atki was something to do with BR engineering. With one of the real vehicles still around and the Corgi model I suppose their's a good chance we will find out sometime.
  2. Another tack ,as their's also a BR FG crewbus in attendance could it belong to the BR engineering/permanent way people.
  3. The Corgi model livery and the Malton pic look a good match .Tractor unit at least
  4. Yes its 1.50 scale was in the 'Hauliers of Renown' series, one on ebay now - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/CORGI-ATKINSON-BORDERER-FLATBED-ARTIC-+-REELS-LOAD_W0QQitemZ160418940985QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxq20100401?IMSfp=TL100401163001r5046 Corgi usually give a potted history with model if anyone fancies lashing out !
  5. To be honest pulled Corgi Atkinson catalogue pic off google images , model no. is CC12512 and its a limited edition of 2300. Nice model but should the trailer be yellow? all the dealers I've looked at are sold out.
  6. Answering my own question ,google search on reg. no. HLV608P reveals yes its a real vehicle and in preservation , apparently it was new to NCL , so Merfyns theory looking good.
  7. Interesting stuff chaps,google search for BR Atki's reveals the Corgi model which has an identical livery and is registered HLV 608P , a real vehicle :icon_what:
  8. Spotted BR yellow Atkinson Borderer artic tractor unit at Malton on these pics ( with a CoMmer van , FG and Marina ) what were the Atkis used for ? never seen a BR one before . Photos 5 + 6 click to enlarge. http://www.yorkshirewoldsrailway.org.uk/history/malton_station.php
  9. A book on the yellow period alone would do me ! I find the Transpennine books a bit disatisfying , although reasonably priced . When they cover a big topic it just seems like a magazine article , perhaps they are better when they just cover one type/make of vehicle .
  10. Slightly off topic I know but this is a cracking site covering GPO engineering vehicles of all types , would be great to see BR road vehicle site like this . http://www.britishtelephones.com/vehicles.htm
  11. Interesting pics Adam , always amazed by how few BR road vehicles have been captured on the zillions of railway photos.
  12. Possibly well known pic ,shiny BR yellow TK with black arrow emblem, East London
  13. Impressed with your North West Gas Knowledge chaps , I thought it was unusual as never seen a coalman using an artic for bagged deliveries , however if it was gas company...
  14. Yes think your right , looks very like a Thornycroft Sturdy when i look at similar lorrys on internet. A few more odds and ends- BR Morris FG in colour with rather fine Bristol bus at Ledbury Station-full screen for big pic. http://www.photobydjnorton.com/BusLedburyStnClr.jpg BR Dennis? artic with Pagefield? crane http://www.picturethepast.org.uk/frontend.php?action=zoomWindow&keywords=Ref_No_increment;EQUALS;NTGM008063&prevUrl=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 Not railway but near one ! unusual because its an an artic Thames ET4 coal lorry jackknived. http://www.wiganworld.co.uk/album/photo.php?opt=5&id=12946&gallery=Stairgate&offset=0 BR Thames trader K type (down the page ) http://www.leytransport.i12.com/joint.htm
  15. http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/3275340/Hulton-Archive Another pic of the Austin Loadstar ,amazing that they both got out of this , specialy looking at the steering wheel, but luckily the cab seems to have folded around them
  16. Few more t'internet sightings BR Austin Loadstar artics, goods yard Crawley http://www.westsussexpast.org.uk/pictures/dserve.exe?dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive2&dsqCmd=ImageView.tcl&dsqDb=Catalog&dsqImage=PP_WSL_RBP5283%20copy.jpg BR Dennis? loading strange crates, goods yard Crawley http://www.westsussexpast.org.uk/pictures/dserve.exe?dsqIni=Dserve.ini&dsqApp=Archive2&dsqCmd=ImageView.tcl&dsqDb=Catalog&dsqImage=PP_WSL_RBP5293%20copy.jpg BR Austin loadstar crushed -click image twice for full page . http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/Search/Search.aspx?contractUrl=2&language=en-GB&family=editorial&assetType=image&ebd=1955-01-01&eed=1979-01-01&p=%20TRUCK%20UK%20LUCKY%20ESCAPE#
  17. Good pics, never thought the 50 series vans looked quite 'right' square body and curved cab . Its funny that the Dodge 50 series was such a success whereas the earlier Ford A series in similar sizes was a dismal failure.
  18. Sounding like a rivet counter but here we go-I believe the generic model name was Dodge 50 but when they came out there were 3 gross weights 3.5te , 5.6te and 7.5te known as the 35 ,56 and 75. the reasons for these sizes were:- Up to 3.5te gross no operating licence or plating required . 5.6te a trailer could be towed and gross kept below 7.5te . 7.5te gross biggest size that can be driven on a car licence. I think they added more weight options later. The 3.5te had single rear wheels and weren't very common, in truck form anyway. The Movanos only go up to 3.5te gross as far as I know. Changing subject slightly ,Commer PB s and KC? van in London- -
  19. Thanks for info Merfyn , Vauxhall Movano very dull in comparison ! did the welding gear get lighter ? and is the Dodge a 56 ?
  20. Is this Dodge 50 dropside tilt a rail truck ? it enlarges. http://www.picturethepast.org.uk/frontend.php?keywords=Ref_No_increment;EQUALS;DCAV001036&pos=1284&action=zoom&id=1037&continueUrl=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
  21. ex BR Caterpillar 951A tracked loader (From Classic Machinery Net with permission)
  22. Aha -heres a ex BR CAT 951A still in their livery. http://www.classicmachinery.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2458&hilit=cat+951a
  23. Anyone know where's there any pictures of this type of BR plant ? red or yellow !
  24. Not an expert on BR liveries but I thought the cream wheels on the Thornycroft looked odd for BR , what is the story behind the brown / cream colours ? Well spotted with the Fordson shunter .
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