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Everything posted by Enfys_Rainbow

  1. I've reluctantly decided to try selling the layout (or scrapping it as a last resort). Despite putting a lot of effort into each element, I've simply run out of the motivation to develop it further. Sadly nothing is completed, which I'm aware makes it an unattractive proposition. The stock will stay with me, as will the telegraph poles and bufferstops - they'll be reused in a future project. In the unlikely event someone is interested in taking on an unfinished project like this, drop me a PM! Matt
  2. Hello all, Back to the Lowmac. I decided to just grasp the nettle, so to speak, and scratchbuild my own springs and associated parts. Nothing fancy here, some chopped up cast springs, some bits of plastic rod and a few offcuts. Nothing here will pass close inspection, but I'm hoping that under a coat of paint, no one will really notice either. The brake lever came from the spares box - the prototype lever has a loop at the operating end - I tried representing this but it just looked overscale and clumsy however I did it so my lever is flat! I think it looks like a Lowmac at a glance, and I can just about get away with the springs! Matt
  3. Hi Jon, Any other, closer, photos of the red BV? Always a kit I enjoy building and detailing. Matt
  4. Happy Christmas - many thanks for the support, comments and interest in this, and my other random projects, throughout 2023! Matt
  5. Thanks for the kind words Rob, ask away if/when needed. I don't really like Xmas at the best of times so will no doubt do some bits of modelling over the next few days if I can. Have a good one! Matt
  6. Thanks Chas! The crane has been a long term project but it's finally getting there - I just need to paint it now. The Palbrick is on the finishing straight construction wise at least. The underframe details are a work of art. Is it just me, or do etched kits look better unpainted? Matt
  7. It's amazing what can be done when you get left alone to do it - I'm my case my wife and daughter have been away yesterday and today which has afforded me some relatively undisturbed time at the bench. The morning started with a head scratching moment as I tried to work out a way to assemble the triangular end parts - the instructions recommend clamps but I didn't have anything suitable to hand. So, a simple jig was knocked together and construction could continue. Fast forward a few hours and a Palbrick is starting to emerge from all the parts... Matt
  8. Hi all, The Lowmac has ground to a halt while I ponder the distinctive springs. Meanwhile, I've started a new project. Soldering has always been something I've really struggled with but, over the last 12 months, I've been practicing whenever I've had a chance. So, at long last, I've started my very first etched kit. This is the 1/024 Palbrick kit from @macgeordie. It's designed to be built by less experienced etched kit builders so was ideal as a first project. The kit itself is lovely with well written instructions that a novice etched kit builder like me has had no problem following. So far so good! Matt
  9. Buffers are from LMS models and axleboxes are 51L BR Split Axleboxes.
  10. Lowmac update! Springs, brake levers, couplings and a few other bits still to do. Matt
  11. Ok, the yellow Lowmac. As touched upon in a previous post, this being an Airfix (as opposed to a more recent Dapol) kit, the parts are in better condition, and less prone to being twisted, even though they're 30 - 40 years old. The Lowmac I attempted 10+ years ago had a noticeable twist that I was never fully able to rectify. All the parts are in good condition right from the box, but I decided to fabricate my own solebars and bufferbeams from plastic sheet. There's no desperate need to do this, but as I was going to be removing the axle boxes anyway, I thought I'd just save myself some time and cut out the middle man. The deck will be the only part of the kit I'll actually use - everything else will be scratchbuilt or added from other bits and pieces. This is now drying, but the whole lot is nice and sturdy and square. Matt
  12. Thanks Rob, much appreciated! Lot of work and effort, but worth it in my opinion. Rebuilding the jib was the single biggest improvement visually at least. Matt
  13. Thanks, it was a fiddly job but worth it in my opinion - even though it's quite delicate. Matt
  14. I quite agree with everything you say - the original Airfix kits are superior in every way. I built both of these from ancient Airfix kits: You've made some nice modifications to the w-irons and brakegear there though! Matt
  15. This will be my next work in progress project - a Lowmac made from the venerable Airfix kit: I have a real soft spot for the Lowmac and in fact it was my attempt (ultimately unsuccessful) to build one of these 10 or so years ago that got me started on my wagon building path. I'll be using the (yellow!) kit as a basis and going from there. Matt
  16. I've decided to relocate the wagon building part of my modelling to a new, dedicated workbench thread. Maybe you'd consider taking a look if you've followed progress here: Matt
  17. Hello all, I've decided to relocate the wagon building part of my modelling away from my layout thread. If I'm honest, I prefer building wagons to anything else, so I think the time has come to set up a dedicated thread. Anyone who has followed my layout thread will have seen several of my completed builds over the course of the last few weeks and months - there's certainly been more wagon building progress than layout building progress! If you've not already seen them, maybe you'd consider taking a look: Anyway, I'll aim to share my wagon building progress here from now on. I have a few projects underway, plus many others I'm planning! Here are some of the current works in progress... Detailed Bachmann Limpet: Scratchbuilt Gannet ballast wagon: Triang Cowan's Sheldon crane with scratchbuilt jib: Scratchbuilt Izal Palvan: All my modelling is, at best, sporadic so progress on any project ebbs and flows. Matt
  18. Ok, last photos of this wagon...I promise! I'm getting bored of it myself! I finished off the remaining 1% and added a few items - may add a bit of ballast in the corners next time I have it out. Now I've got to go and get the Christmas tree out of the attic! Matt
  19. Looking good! I built a Tope a while ago, needs revisiting now though! I agree about the Dogfish handrails - Hornby use pretty chunky wire on their models. Matt
  20. Very nice work! My own 08 needs finished off, this might prompt me to finally finish it!
  21. Ok, this is more or less finished now! To recap: originally started and part-built around 5ish years ago. Finally finished off to act as a match wagon for my crane. Matt
  22. Never have done before, or even been tempted to, however I have recently pre-ordered two locos. I do often ask myself if I did the right thing though (nothing to do with the locos in question, more to do with my own circumstances)! Matt
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