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Everything posted by andytrains

  1. and Rhinestone Cowboys
  2. train in Glencampbell
  3. jumpers for goalposts
  4. trainspotters at Clapham
  5. I will post updates as and when I can, but I am still working, albeit from home. As long as you leave your computer connected you can spend as much time on the layout as you want!
  6. Funniest one, now thinking back, although not at the time, for our friend. A friend of ours had done her on-line order for Christmas eve for all the normal Christmas fare and food. Driver turned up with a Medium sized Chicken in place of a 15lb Turkey!. She told the poor old delivery driver to F-KK off and get her a Turkey. He was back within the hour with a complimentary 20lbs Turkey.
  7. Up front payments for delivery slots do not guarantee a delivery. I have had one with Morrisons for ages and since this crap they state that they do not deliver to where I am. They are happy to take the £8 per month to cover the delivery cost, but suddenly they cannot deliver. I have of course cancelled the £8. Sent several sh!tty emails asking for a refund for the March payment I have made and of course, no answer.
  8. expunding black pudding
  9. I agree. Excellent day and congrats to the winners and to the organisers for putting on this event and raising so much for a good cause.
  10. Who knows with beer. That's what it said on the tin and as you can see it is very dark. No runs this morning or a headache. (I obviously did not drink enough. Will try harder).
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