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Pete 75C

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Everything posted by Pete 75C

  1. If you follow Kris's link (above), there's another link to the webcam that created this time-lapse footage showing the damaged stretch of track where the containers are. It appears to be on a 30 second refresh, and at 08:50 this morning, it seems to be raining again! Did it ever stop...? Direct link below: http://www.siteeyelive.com/monitor/bbcdawlish/camputerb86.jpg
  2. Especially in light of some earlier comments about our "inability" to deal with things like this. I, for one, never doubted. CK, at the risk of repetition, I find it hard to believe how much has been achieved in such a short space of time, especially since there hasn't been much more than a slight lull in the weather. I know you're only doing your job, but incredibly well done to all of you and thanks very much for the pictures... they give valuable insider insight that I wouldn't normally expect to see. Thanks again.
  3. Yes, that is rather the impression I got. Another non-headline, I guess...
  4. PM: We'll open Dawlish line but not an alternative Plymouth Herald-39 minutes ago. Spotted this - fact or journalistic misinterpretation? Did the PM actually say that an alternative route would not be considered or has that bit just been implied by the Herald? I'm finding it increasingly difficult to separate fact from fiction with regard to the alternative route discussions...
  5. Doctor Kernow, I presume...? Sorry... "Captain"...
  6. I've seen something similar done before and there's usually some kind of slip knot between the hook and the bulk bag straps. I very much doubt there's anyone in the container! If there is, I don't fancy that job either...
  7. Absolutely. Did you ever at any point consider a career in politics? Sir Humphrey Appleby would no doubt have approved... Edit: Actually, scrub that. I don't think I've ever heard a politician admit "I don't know"...
  8. Looking really really good. I've always liked the steelwork on the overbridge in particular.
  9. Thanks Ashcombe. Looks like there's plenty going on. No such thing as a "day of rest" any more!
  10. Yes, I heard that too. Sympathy to all those affected, but I did get the impression that some people just like having someone to blame for everything. In her case, FGW was the obvious target. There are no trains. They run the trains. It must be their fault. Make of that what you will...
  11. Thanks for that. There's nothing like a little bit of local knowledge. Hopefully the Captain might find time to hit the keyboard later if there's any new info.
  12. Maybe after nearly 30 pages, some of us have got bored with the OP. I do hope not. So far today we've had global warming and now HS2... I did ask about 7ish this morning how the temporary repairs held out overnight. I guess no-one's about on a Sunday. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.
  13. That's interesting, Simon47603. I have to admit that I've never subscribed to the hand-wringing "we're killing the planet" brigade... I personally think that as a cause, we're* all pretty insignificant when it comes to making much of a difference. * The human race as a whole, not just RMWeb members...
  14. What an interesting thread - I've only just discovered it. Do I believe in ghosts? Maybe I do. If anyone has the patience, the following is something I experienced in 1983. 16 years old - just started work at Sutton station (South London) as a junior railman. About two months into the job, there were just two staff on duty to lock up after the last arrival. My job was to check the station for any stragglers and then lock the front doors in the booking office. Having locked them, I walked back through the barriers to head back downstairs. Just wanting to go home, you can imagine my annoyance seeing someone halfway up the stairs from platforms 2 & 3. I called out to him that he had to leave and I turned around ready to unlock the doors. As I unlocked them, it struck me as odd the way he was dressed. Dark suit, waistcoat, watch chain etc... very formal. I think you've guessed the next bit. By the time I had unlocked, he was nowhere to be seen. Between the two of us, we searched the station from end to end, all waiting rooms, toilets etc. Took us a while. He was just no longer on the station. There were a few ways he could have got out, but we thought it unlikely he'd go to the bother of climbing a wall when I was about to let him leave through the booking hall... I genuinely thought no more of this until I mentioned it to the supervisor a few days later. I gather the supervisor mentioned it to our acting station manager (Cedric Pearce, I think his name was) and I was duly called into the SM's office. I'd been in there a few times, but had never really paid any attention to all the historic photos of the station that were hanging on the wall of the office. The SM asked me to take a look at some of the pictures... Imagine my surprise when I recognized the station master at Sutton between 1908 and 1914 as the man I'd seen on the stairs. I got the distinct impression the SM and the supervisor had been sharing some kind of private joke. I later found out that he'd been seen on the station many times over the last 70 years or so, and always either on the stairs or the station footbridge...
  15. Embarrassed by my ignorance of future plans for the GW main line beyond Bristol, I did a little homework and found this useful: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/21st-century_modernisation_of_the_Great_Western_Main_Line Interesting to note that a percentage of the new Hitachi units meant to replace the HSTs will be Electro-Diesel to allow their use further into the south west beyond the limits of the planned electrification. There's a lot of info there that I didn't know.
  16. Probably, if I had ever suggested 3rd rail would work in the West Country any better than OHLE. But I didn't...
  17. I have to say, I hadn't really thought anything in terms of electrification or the practicalities (or impossibilities?) of electrification in the West Country. Personally, I find all that overhead spaghetti ugly and prone to "falling over" in high winds, so maybe not a good idea along the sea wall! There is also, no doubt, problems with tunnel clearance. I really don't know, so pardon my ignorance with regard to OHLE.* * To be expected, really. I spent most of my career tripping over 3rd rail in the saaf.
  18. High tide at Dawlish was around 1am. Does anyone in the South Devon area have any news about wind speed and wave height? From what I can gather, last night was a big worry but the weather is meant to improve slightly today with the winds easing tonight. Monday is looking good, but gales possible again on Tuesday. Apart from wondering when it will ever end, what's it like now?
  19. That is good news. Amazing how you miss something so simple... Direct link: http://www.dawlishbeach.com/
  20. You'd never get away with that on a model, would you...?
  21. I'm not sure there should be any thread separation... talk of diversionary routes is at least still relevant to the thread title. Loosely, maybe, but it is still relevant. Most threads seem to veer all over the road like a teenager in a Renault Clio, and this one is no different. Just try and skim past any posts that don't interest you. Just my humble opinion.
  22. Dutch_Master, I'm not sure anyone suggested reversals should be "banned" or "prohibited"... unless I missed something? From an operating point of view they are just not a good idea. If indeed I do know nothing, that actually suits me fine as there are always people that know more than me. Mind you, twice nothing is still nothing, isn't it? I can't even remember who started all the chatter with regard to reversals now... it wasn't me, m'lud. Pete.
  23. A nice little media snippet further along the coast at Plymouth... According to Radio Plymouth 106.7, the owner of the Wet Wok Chinese Restaurant will be offering a 20% discount to anyone who doesn't take the mickey out of the name when the restaurant reopens after repairs...
  24. The "reliable" time that Mike mentions needs to be at least twice the "fastest possible" time. Radios need to be set up once you've changed ends and then there are all the little things that need to be addressed. Not least the height of the driver's seat. Don't laugh. If the train is to be met by a new driver to take it onwards, imagine if a vertically challenged driver was the last to use that cab and the seat is wound all the way up... any driver over say, 5'10", will be looking straight at the metal rim of the sun visor if he doesn't adjust the seat. Every little thing takes time. There are so many reasons why reversals should be avoided where possible, that is, assuming you don't want end to end journey times to go back to what they were 100 years ago...
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