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Everything posted by Haverail

  1. Mine had one of the bogie clips out of place that made the wheels make a right squeal on the rolling road. Soon fixed as it appears to be a known issue, although yours sounded more serious.
  2. I have received my Class 56 from Trains 4U. Had an initial problem with a bogie clip, alex at Cavalex talked me through this and it was sorted in minutes. I really love the sound file, there are so many sounds going on as it starts up and moves off.
  3. I ordered one as well yesterday, thought I'd missed out.
  4. Just some feedback on packaging. Mine arrived in a large box, plenty of air pocket protection all around sides and top but the bottom of the loco box sat directly on the cardboard of the box. There was no damage and all is fine. Suggest a layer of the protection wrap is laid in the bottom of the outer box first to give all round protection. New Orange beast next to 37608 stablemate!
  5. I managed to get one on order as soon as my email notification came, they were gone within two hours. Should have mine tomorrow :-)
  6. Some people are quick to knock Sam's trains but I have found his reviews fair and in depth (once past the box opening!)
  7. I believe the stay alive is in the loco as supplied, but I may be mistaken and if that is the case then there is something else affecting the running. I've been meaning to test the decoder in another loco but not sure if any have 21 pin chips.
  8. I am using a Dapol 6 function decoder and it works fine 95% of the time but occasionally will not brake or move when power switched off, I think it is related to the stay alive function. I will be getting the ESU one when it arrives at Accurascale.
  9. I just hope there will be enough to go around. I'd have waited for the model drivers but the the decoder is pretty essential if you are buying a DCC ready version.
  10. Thanks, I had read a similar article and found both pretty confusing! I'll see how others get on and see if they come up the correct CV reading. I clearly need to do some CV revision.
  11. As the accurascale non sound ESU decoders are not available yet I would be interested to know which decoders people are using or are they waiting for the AS ones? I have put in a Dapol Imperium decoder and it generally works well although initially it would jerk forward a few inches when the power was switched off. This seems to have stopped but earlier it refused to slow down when approaching buffers and I had to lift it off the tracks to stop it going off the edge of the layout. I spoke with Accurascale who asked for the reading of CV29, it is 255 and they thought it might be a fault with the decoder although it still operates the loco. I suspect it has something to do with the stay alive. I will get the ESU decoder when it is available but it could be a few weeks.;
  12. I have started by using a Dapol 6 function, it has some odd moments and I'll be swapping for one from Accurascale when they are in stock. When. I shut the power off the loco runs back for up to 400mm, assuming this is because I'm not using the ESU decoder.
  13. The Model Centre are also selling them for £59.95 on ebay
  14. The delays I had were a different retailer and it was an issue with DPD. The retailer finally got the full quota of coaches on Frday and mine are due for delivery tomorrow. The retailler has been giving customers regular updates so I wasn't concerned. Perhaps RMS are having similar delivery problems.
  15. RMS still appear to have quite a few variants left https://www.railwaymodelstore.co.uk/oo-gauge/oo-coaches/accurascale-oo-coaches/
  16. My order is going through a bit of a mare. The delivery to the retailer got stuck in the DPD depot then sent back to Accurascale. They sent it back to the retailer but he only received half of his order. I feel sorry for the retailer who is getting a lot of flack from other customers and of course it is the customers who are having to wait while the mess gets untangled. I'm in no rush for mine but there is a worry that at some point the retailer or Accurascale are going to say sorry lost in the post here is your money back and all the spares have been sold off.
  17. Hi, I couldn't see a response to this, is there any news of when these will arrive?
  18. Page 37 and work from there, it will only be since they started landing on door mats.
  19. I ordered from a retailer this time, I'm happy to wait a few days more. Apparently DPD delivered some of his stock but still have some sitting in their warehouse waiting for them to get around to delivering them.
  20. Those who have received their RTC's did you get the Limited Edition Certificate with it? Not one in my box. It would be nice to have even though my coaches will be working on my layout and not in a case.
  21. I am not seriously concerned, I consider myself lucky to have obtained a set.
  22. NIRCLASS80, that is interesting and not very fair to those who pre ordered, I wonder if the extra hundred will also have 'Limited Edition Certificates'.
  23. I suspect that means that all the pre orders are on their way rather than a batch of more coaches.
  24. Are the 608's ordered directly from yourselves also being sent out as I've not had any notification yet. Thanks
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