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Posts posted by EasternO

  1. Thanks all, I didn't expect this many responses.


    I haven't made my mind up on S7 or O gauge yet, but my 'layout' will be a fairly simple oval in the loft with one or two turnouts to storage lanes. The min radii will be fairly tight, maybe 3' 6" to 4' but I'll put the turnouts on straights.


    The modelled era will be Victorian, so mostly 4 wheel wagons and coaches and mostly 6 wheeled locos.

  2. This is an alternative plan. I've sacrificed the length of the loop, which is no big deal, and shortened the 3 small sidings, but I've added a longer siding for a couple diesels. The short sidings will still accommodate my 0-6-0 tank locos when I build them. If anyone has any suggestions or alternatives, I'd like to see them.



  3. 11 hours ago, Harlequin said:

    @EasternO Could you have a lifting section over the loft hatch so that (a.) the plan is less constrained by the access and (b.) you don't bump your head?


    If so, that would open up the design possibilities.


    Edit: P.S. Where is the loft hatch on the plan (measurements, please) and which way do you face when coming up?


    I don't think I could include a lifting section I'm afraid. The hatch is in the bottom left corner, beneath the curve. I don't have measurements at the moment, but I'd say it extends 1/3 of the width of the floor and enter to the middle of the space.


    This isn't the whole loft but is all that I have to play with. We've sectioned off other parts of it for storing specific things. There are 'rooms' top and bottom with small doors to access. Similarly, there is a 'room' to the left. The track will be eye level when I'm sitting to allow for the small doors to access the other spaces.


    I think I may have optimised the space I have available to create a loop with a few storage sidings. I may have another play tomorrow to see if there's anything else I could do to squeeze in a bit of extra storage at the top end.

  4. UPDATE: I have decided on 4mm scale due to limited available space. Still deciding on OO or P4, but will make a temporary test layout in OO first.


    I have a few 7mm kits to build (still undecided on O or S7) so I'd like to build a test track and something to run them around me while working on other projects. It doesn't have to be complicated, but when I'm in a playing mood, some sidings to play with would be nice.


    I'm not interested in passenger stock, so if any trains are going to be running they will be freight - box vans and maybe some open wagons. As it's a test track I will not be building a 'layout' with scenics. Wire-operated turnouts and DCC control.


    My current kits are 0-6-0 short wheelbase steam, but I'd also like a couple Type 2 diesels - nothing bigger than that. This is my loft space. Dimensions in cm



    And this is what I have come up with.



    The critical area is the bottom left corner as this is where the hatch is. I think I've drawn 6ft rad curves on this plan, but ideally I'd like to reduce this corner so I don't bang my head on the way up. The roof eve is on the right side, and I don't think I can get quite as close to the wall as I've drawn it. I have a bit more space freedom at the top end, which is where I work from anyway. I will likely build the track myself by soldering onto PCB or similar.


    Can I make it more interesting? Have I optimised the space available? I looked at double tracking the straights, but I don't think it's possible - certainly not on the right side, but maybe on the left. I know there are some clever designers here because I've been looking at a few in this section while researching. Please, be my guest. Building will start in January.



  5. For no other reason that my own curiosity I was wondering which is the more popular motive power type used in layouts. Having recently returned to the hobby I haven't seen any survey results, if they exist, so I was hoping somebody could point me in the right direction to get an answer. A very brief tot up of layouts on this forum suggests that the most popular if the transition period between steam and diesel. I also prefer this period.

  6. 27 minutes ago, Sitham Yard said:

    There is some confusion here. LNER Dia 186 was an unfitted goods wagon with a steel body but a wooden floor. You need to clarify which kits you are thinking of.


    The kit is made by ABS. Your description sounds correct.

  7. It's definitely not the Right Price kit. I had one of these too many moons ago and can't remember whether I built that or the Vulcan kit. This test etch set is only a nickel chassis etch with CAD for a full set of 04 locos. I'll take a picture tomorrow.


    I just did a search for 'Drewry 04 kit' and I can see a thread about developing an 04 kit but there are no pictures loading. This may be it?

  8. About two years ago I stumbled across a local tool and machinery auction and without any intention of buying anything I bought a box of bits for just a few pounds. In it were a few spares for a Class 15 loco made by The Little Loco Company and some artwork for a Class 04 Drewry, along with what looked like a couple test etches. I was thinking of continuing the development of this kit but I have found out that another company is producing it. I'll probably not make it for sale but it would be interesting to finish it to build myself. I would have liked the tram Drewry all those years ago but nobody made one at the time.

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