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Everything posted by InTheTrainShed

  1. I am NOT an expert but someone just starting out. This is how I handled it on my tiny test board - and I might do something like this on my real layout when I get to it. I used white wire insulation and then marked bands using a sharpie pen - in this example I used a wide band to denote 5 , but if I did it again I might use a black band for a 5 then red and singles up to five … Not suggesting anyone should follow this idea but it did work well for me.
  2. :-) a Castle is already in the schedule though for phase 3/4
  3. I am sure ? that I saw SK in one of the videos say something along the lines that there will be surprises, things that will turn up that are not in the published schedules
  4. SK says some interesting things in this youtube interview. Starting around 14.45 minutes. He says that something will be revealed (my words) in around a months time …
  5. Watching with interest - I do hope you are right , i am itching to build something ( small ) for TT120
  6. This is a page from Hornby’s TT120 club magazine , issue 1 - refers to shelf layouts (window ledge)
  7. I am quite interested in TT:120 and have bought some of the Hornby stuff and it looks great. However the initial locos are not quite ideal for me. The trainset R3 curves mean you would end up with quite a deep board if you wanted to go round and round so for me an end to end layout would be more suitable. The problem is a lack of suitable locos for a traditional BLT , some have been mentioned by Hornby but none actually shown in the schedules? The 08 will be ok for wagons but not much else really. I did consider just using my Hornby A4 and run it around the coaches right until I realised it had no front coupling or any socket to fit one - oops
  8. Another interesting and candid interview with SK - and also a mention of another company getting involved in TT:120 ?
  9. Thanks Neil yes as per usual I got my wires crossed - and thanks for the pictures and the replh
  10. Thanks for the photos Les - do the new Peco short radius points seem any more robust than the longer Peco ones to you ?
  11. Neil that front tyre appears to be directional ? And fitted the wrong way round ?
  12. If you have decided you really must build a layout that is too deep front to back to be able to reach to the back of it ( I am thinking just over 3 feet ) and that the layout was screwed to the wall and you couldn't build in any holes to pop up from underneath how would you manage that problem when something derailed or you were building scenery etc ? I am sure this has been done many times before and that some of you will have come up with clever ideas of how to reach the unreachable areas by human hand ? No cheating with grabbers or anything like that.
  13. WOW - thanks for that detailed answer , I feel like I am an expert on them now :-) I find the models far more interesting when you know how the real thing worked Thanks
  14. Hornby describe this as a ‘First Class Kitchen’ I have no idea what I am talking about in regards to such things but I know there are plenty of people here that do so , my question please is … I can see this is a dining car, ie it has tables to eat at , so are these correctly referred to as kitchens rather than dining cars ? is there are facility for cooking at one or more ends ? How would these have fitted into to a train of these , I assume not every carriage would be a dining car and somewhere a brake of some sort ?
  15. This is now in stock with Hornby along with some other new locos and coaches …
  16. When I looked under these points I can see two spot welded pieces with the end of those pieces shaped and look like they should be touching the bottom of the point blades once thrown - is that what they are supposed to do ? ( I assume for better electrical contact ) - or do they have another function and do not need to be touching the bottom of the relevant thrown blade ?
  17. Can anyone tell me what this odd looking ( to me anyway ) auto coach? is please. This is in the bay platform at Churston in Devon
  18. Thanks Iain I wasn’t sure if the itrain forum was the right place for such basic questions? I will go and have a read and watch some videos now i know what I am looking for. I also need to go and discover the difference between train and track routes Thanks again
  19. I am brand new to the idea of automation and know as near to nothing as is possible, so please excuse me if this is a daft question. If I define a number of routes in itrain could I use a feedback detector, with a physical button connected, to set an entire route , ie push one button on a fascia and have all the points set for me on a route ? Again forgive me if this is in the itrain manual but there is a lot to take in when you are getting started … Rob
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