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Everything posted by Hacksworth_Sidings

  1. Tested, and barely able to haul its own weight, model is given a light dusting, and the box checked all over to see if they can say it’s a good one.
  2. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/134900706047 ”Dapol 0-6-0 TERRIER BOX HILL chassis only” Proceeds to only show the box with a body inside, no indication of a chassis whatsoever.
  3. Should’ve checked Elaine’s Trains before Christmas, I think she had a motor kit for the Airfix J94 up for grabs, probably around a fiver. Either way, thanks for this info, gives me an excuse to try and get more BR80s. Which reminds me… Lima did a BR80, which for some reason I’m only just remembering, despite the fact that I actually own one! I would butcher it for an industrial loco, but it was part of a pack from their golden series (with three 2 axle carriages), a gift from a member of my local MRC in exchange for my services fixing up some of his models, so I don’t really have the heart to butcher it, haha. Maybe I’ll pick another up some day…
  4. Got some old Dublo tinplate wagons back in 2022, 3 rail, converted them to 2, but I used standard Hornby disc wheels when I did that conversion, which didn’t much like my Triang series 3 track, decided to experiment tonight, wheels from the Princess tender with cut-down axles seem to be a good replacement for the HD wheels if you’re looking to convert them to 2 rail for use on an older layout.
  5. Genuinely took me a while to realise there really was a track there, most of the photos don’t even show what the main focus of the diorama is meant to be! And the first photo which does show the track, and a train on it, the lighting was so poor my brain must’ve ignored it!
  6. That reminds me of one of my first few models, probably the condition it was in when I got it, haha. When dad was living near Wrexham, his landlord found out I was getting into the hobby, gifted me some tatty old Triang stuff, a Jinty and a milk tank, the tank I still have, but the Jinty has likely been used for several other projects. When I got it, it didn’t run, can’t remember when I got it but maybe around 2013? Early 2010s when I was young and knew nothing about repairing models, that much I remember. The one thing I remember me and dad trying to do was ripping the type 7 motor out of my first model, the Hornby Toy Story 3 train, but with no way to properly mount or wire it we ended up writing both models off. Come 2020 and I rediscovered the chassis in a box of spares, when I was getting into vintage model collecting and repairing things for myself. The X.04 motor it had is probably in something else now, and the chassis block likely under one of my Dapol kitbuilt Prairies. Oh the horrors my first models went through…
  7. https://youtu.be/61V3P1iHZ44?si=tiWxJmfEV8XB-zdG Decided to check YouTube… This? Or something totally different?
  8. Haven’t gotten around to it yet, need to get some 0.2mm enamelled copper magnet wire, which I’ll do after I’ve paid off some other things, but I’ve removed the old windings, 155 on each pole for the Dublo Ringfield motor if I recall correctly.
  9. Given the prices of Dublo stuff in recent years* I might just take you up on that offer, if you do have one that is, could also do with a 2 rail A4 tender for a restoration I started nearly a year ago now… £36 for one on eBay last I checked. I do have a tender, but it’s a rather tatty 3 rail one, a member of my local MRC who I do a good few repairs for gave it to me free, so I need to either rewheel it or get a 2 rail, body is a little rusty so I’d like to try get a fresh canvas to work on. *Saying that, I have got some pretty decent stuff, same guy who gave me the A4 tender also sold me a 4MT, 2 rail, very nice running condition for £25, and gave me a 2 rail (converted from 3) Duchess completely free! Also got an AC-HO prairie, the French one they did, £40 last year.
  10. It baffles me how those models can get into such bad nick, yet ask such high prices. The Dublo 8F I bought a few weeks ago? £30, no front bogie or tender, and the motor was totally fried! An excuse to learn how to rewind motors, sure, but thirty quid and the motor was toasted!
  11. Searching the 'bay again: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186251751651 K'Master 08, unbuilt, ends on Saturday.
  12. I do have a Bachmann Thomas chassis, no motor, the whole model was received in a right state from a friend, with the side tanks cut off, pieces of carboard blu-tacked on, coloured in with low quality paint and sharpie... I've repaired the model cosmetically but need to find a solution for the motor.
  13. Unsure if this is a thing on older releases, but I've had a Toby for a while, no Mazak rot problems for me! I'll keep this in mind for the future though. Another reason it might be so rare is because it's a short wheelbase chassis, and thus popular for industrial models? A similarly scaled chassis would have to be CraftyNerd's (same guy who made the OO Ivor I showed earlier) 3D printable 0-6-0 chassis, a replacement for the standard Hornby 0-4-0, but that has it's own issues, given you need the 0-4-0 chassis, Bachmann Thomas rods, a Bachmann Edward motor, etc, I don't deny it's well made, but a bit pricey considering you need to own a 3D printer, or know someone/somewhere that can print it for you, then get a bunch of third party components.
  14. Being perfectly honest? I’ve begun to hate split chassis locos, not because they run poorly, but because of the axles and how much of a pain they are to replace. Not to mention that Mainline chassis’s are bulky, and you can’t really mod them to fit other models without significant modifications, could maybe mod one to take Triang Nellie wheels and a type 7 motor though…
  15. Massive flanges? I can work with that, my layout is built with series 3 track so larger flanges mean it’ll probably run better over my points if anything, and since I upgraded to a System 90 control unit (the handheld one Hornby made) I don’t need to worry about cooking the motor like my Triang P5.5 or Dublo A3 would possibly do.
  16. On the topic of Nellie… And just general starter 0-4-0s. Anyone know any decent short wheelbase 0-6-0 chassis’s? Tempted to make myself some industrial models after seeing the amazing models in this thread, the old Dapol/Hornby Terrier chassis, whilst decent, is overpriced for what it is based on what I’ve seen, and don’t get me started on the Hornby “Toby” chassis, I’ve got a Toby, but if I’m going to use that chassis then I’d much rather get another Toby, which has become rather rare since 2017, maybe Hornby will rerelease it in the same manner as the other Thomas toolings they’ve been pumping out recently? 🤪 But yeah, after short wheelbase 0-6-0T chassis’s, would appreciate any recommendations.
  17. Tender is off one of those Atlas models, is it not? What’s the 4-4-0 from? Interesting looking model, if it’s of a reasonable size you could probably toss a Nellie chassis underneath!
  18. Did the early Dapol kits use a decent quality plastic like Kitmaster and Airfix used? Either way, the tools would be pushing 40 years old or so in the late 90s, compared to the 60 or so they are now, so they’d certainly have less problems with flashing, but if they’re still of the same flimsy, warp-prone plastic that the new ones use then I wouldn’t put it much higher than the modern equivalent. An original Rosebud Deltic would be worth something though…
  19. Been thinking about the “Scalextrix motor + Railbus” idea for a while now, and I think I may have something to bring to the table in terms of how to go about actually motorising it. The tyre’d wheels from a Ringfield drive, both fitted to the Scalextrix drive axle (or the gear from that axle on the Ringfield axle), a sufficient amount of weight to maintain contact with the track, reuse the collector braid (or throw together a pickup on the front axle), and it’ll possibly give Smokey Joe a run for his money!
  20. Anyone here won that Prairie chassis? Listing just ended, I tried to bid but left it a few seconds too late, haha. Only one bid, sold for the initial asking price of £2.95.
  21. Only major gripe I have is the lack of buffers, I’m certain that whoever initially made it planned to swap them out for higher detail ones though, would love to know what the starting price for that was…
  22. James never used that particular block, he was retooled from the Triang Deeley 3F, oddly enough fitted with a School’s tender (Gordon and Edward also used this tender). Otherwise, yes, taken from a tender drive loco, probably from the tender drive 5MT, and thus any other locos which used that particular chassis. Reminds me that I’ve been wanting to convert a tender drive 5MT to take an X.04 for a while…
  23. Triang tooled chassis block, was used under the B12, Hall, A3, 2MT, E2, streamlined Coronation, later 08 (original used the longer Jinty chassis), was probably used on plenty of other models, but those are the ones I can recall off the top of my head.
  24. Unsure where I saw it, but I recall seeing an eBay listing a few years back, was called something along the lines of “Thomas the Train relic art”. It was quite literally one of the wooden Thomas toys which had been set on fire, with a gigantic googly eye stuck on the front*, I’ll try and find the screenshot… *It was being sold for $100 (USA listing) Edit: Wasn’t able to find that listing… But I did find this, also from a good while ago:
  25. Wheels look to be of Dublo origin, likely a Duchess, A4 or 4MT, cylinder block looks to be off a Triang Hall (or not, looked again and it’s a metal cast, possibly off a GraFar loco?), as does the drive gear, possibly meant to take an X.04. Might try and bid on that myself… Might not though as I have something I said I’d pay for at the end of the month.
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