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Everything posted by Hacksworth_Sidings

  1. These the sort of prices you’re on about? :) Chassis will go to… Something, not sure what yet, body’s an acetate and warped, but the tender’s a Rovex (coupler gives it away) so I may pair that up with my Rovex Princess…
  2. This one? The WP Pacific? Looks an awful lot like the streamlined variant of the NSWGR C38s... I've mentioned before that I've been tempted to do a conversion for the C38, so I reckon a WP would follow a relatively similar process to that...
  3. @33C Recently watched Train of Thought's new video on the Australian 4-8-4 "Heavy Harry", you reckon that'd be a decent loco to attempt? An interesting design which I'm certainly tempted to try... Might try and grind the flanges off some spare wheels I have, not as ideal as using factory-made unflanged drivers, but if filed the right way you could have increased traction by having more driven wheels that are actually in contact with the rail...
  4. Personally I’d do it for preservation reasons, given those are, what I assume at least, the last remaining toolings for Rosebud kits. Ah well, if the original casts are completely cream-crackered, replicas are always an option…
  5. So here’s a thought that just came up: I’ve heard of collectors associations for niche ranges of models buying out the toolings of the models they collect to produce replica components, the Trix Twin collectors association owns most, if not all of the original TTR toolings, and a Wrenn collectors association exists too, owning a selection of Wrenn/Dublo toolings acquired from Dapol (though I haven’t found much info on this). Out of interest: Does a Kitmaster collectors association exist? If so, has anyone considered the thought of possibly purchasing the K’master toolings from Dapol should the range become discontinued? Outlandish maybe, but not impossible…
  6. I do believe the madness has gone too far… So back to eBay! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/386305337298 Over £200 for boxes!? (And two unbuilt Airfix 4MTs)
  7. Hey, whatever blows your whistle
  8. The Kitmaster Pug motor kit didn’t actually come with a motor, that was for the builder to supply themselves, but I believe Perfecta (the company that manufactured the motor kits) recommended using a Romford TT Terrier motor.
  9. Might I recommend Little Wicket’s pug conversion? Involves a 3D printed replacement motor mount which takes a coreless motor, mounted diagonally, though you could likely toss something together out of plasticard.
  10. “In fact, Edgar and Toby said that they preferred working with female engines, because they had ‘nicer couplings’” 1:55 for that exact quote
  11. I don’t drink, nor does the friend who initially bought it, but that purchase led us both down a rabbit-hole of actively looking for weird, wonderful, and downright horrifying RTR repaints. I wouldn’t be surprised if the guy who made the original repaint was drunk when he did it though!
  12. Thomas repaints are the topic today? Well here’s one I found earlier, April of this year in fact. One of my friends bought it for 5h1ts n gigs, but ended up handing the devil on to me! Will grab pics of it once I’m done at college if anyone wants to see some better photos of it…
  13. I used to play a game on the Xbox 360 called “Train Frontier Express”, they had a loco roughly based on the Deltics in the game and those puny bogies make it feel like it’s something straight out of that game.
  14. …Would that not defeat the whole purpose of doing this bash?
  15. Finally decided on one of the conversions, unrebuilt Scot, already got the frames cut to size, need to find a 3/4in diameter tube though…
  16. love the brown livery on that first Jinty, reminds me of Triang’s railway children set, though I much prefer what you’ve done in terms of a brown Jinty.
  17. I have considered such in the past, saw a fancy conversion someone sold earlier this year based on a Train Sim model, Princess with GWR details and a King tender, heck, with the right mods you could probably do what Sam did to that School… Dual motor loco, Lima King tender with the motor still fitted hooked behind an 80XX on the Princess chassis, still fitted with the motor… Would be a fun one to charge around with a long rake behind it… Edit: Just went to google for images of the 80XX and found a conversion someone else has done to the Triang Princess…
  18. Anyone else think it’s about time I invest in more shelves? …And in more time cleaning than building and fixing?
  19. Just gone and serviced one Princess, thought I’d show the comparison between sanded and unsanded wheels. Left chassis runs considerably better than the one on the right, I simply hook the motor directly to my power supply, get the wheels turning, use a fine grit sandpaper to polish off the tarnishing on the rail contact surface (and the backs of the insulated wheels which make contact with the pickups), cut the power supply, brush any filings and dust away, then swab clean with white spirit, again with wheels turning, dry off the cleaning fluid, and it’s right as rain!
  20. Will have to give ‘em the standard treatment for getting them running properly… Sand the wheels just ‘till they shine, clean out the motor, lube ‘em up and they’ll be mechanically sound, then it’s a matter of choosing what I want to turn them into before they go to the chop block… Also yes, on some Triang locos I’ll sand the wheels to clean them, since earlier models had steel wheels (which allowed the creation of the magnetic traction gimmick some models had), and as steel tarnishes I find simply swabbing them clean doesn’t do the trick as well as it should. A controversial choice? Maybe, but I find it works far better than *just* swabbing, though I do still use a cleaning fluid after sanding. Recently got one of those room dehumidifier tubs too so that should assist in slowing the tarnishing and generally keeping the models a bit safer.
  21. Any Thomas modellers in this thread? Here’s a conversion for you… Wilbert Awdry’s OO model of the character Gordon was made from a Triang Princess. Was reminded through a conversation with a friend when he bought up Gordon whilst I had Princesses on the brain…
  22. I did ask if he’d be able to lower the price, but he wasn’t able to, there was a B12 up for grabs, £25, but he was willing to drop to £22 due to a damaged wheel… But I wanted another Princess, and I had the cash, means I’m not limited to just making one of the conversions either, not the first time I’ve picked one up for that sort of price though.
  23. I was considering their German loco kits on a Princess chassis, yeah… Haven’t been able to find a Hudson though, shame as that’s one I really want to have charging around my layout at the head of some Triang transcon carriages…
  24. Family’s gone swimming to celebrate grandma’s birthday, which I was unable to participate in due to health reasons (nothing serious but I shan’t elaborate), so whilst they were out I decided to take a trip to the local antique store, I think you all know how that ended… Probably overpaid, £30 for this one when the £20 one that arrived this morning was in better condition (paint wise at least), but that’s another Princess to convert!
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