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Posts posted by saxokid

  1. 2 hours ago, Keith Addenbrooke said:


    Hi there, you invite our thoughts, so I hope it’s OK to share a question I was asked too:


    It’s only as life has begun to settle down that I’ve become more active as a modeller, even though I’ve been in and around the hobby almost all my life.  When it came to practical skills and experience, I therefore classed myself as a newbie / beginner, but was soon being asked when I would graduate from this ‘level’ and just be a ‘modeller’?


    Looking at the standard on this layout, in terms of scenery and detailing, upgrading the ballasting and track work (including the layout design), and the enthusiasm with which it is all being tackled, makes we wonder here too?  While it’s still a first layout project, the team are clearly learning fast and producing modelling up to exhibition standard.  The only ‘clue’ this is a first project would appear to be the use of Setrack - but as that was inherited I’d say it was more about giving the team a head start.


    In my case, I set myself some clear objectives - things I wanted to try (and some I wasn’t so interest in).  Once they were done, I ‘graduated’.  I still have a lot to learn, but we always will.  Just wondered?  Hope that’s OK, Keith.


    All the new guys in this layout group have come into hobby,with no back ground from model railways from there youth.

    so every corner is something new to them keith.

    also with alot of them stil working or semi retired and paying club fees they all wanted to pay little amount into track and points.

    so group went with set trackpoints and flexi.

    In past ive built my own track and points from scratch but this is to advance for new fellows,most have never used soldering iron or have any basic tool skills which you no can make layout building hard..

    • Thanks 1
  2. 4 hours ago, rorz101uk said:

    Sorry for no update for a long time, busy with work and family is taking its toll.


    tonight I’ve finally made the back scene for the layout temporary fix for now! 


    Some advice guys what should I do to break the scene?







    I have relocated the DCC control to the fiddle yard, 



    Great progress again 👌

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