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Posts posted by saxokid

  1. 4 hours ago, Willl said:

    Fair bit of progress this weekend. Spent hours painstakingly painting the rails and chairs and then proceeded to cover much of it up with tile grout! The grout will be where the track in the sidings is bedded into the mud/cinder ballast. The rest of the layout has been ballasted with vast quantities of woodland scenics dark brown ballast. I think the cork underlay I used may have been too thick so it was a bit of a challenge to get the ballast high enough to cover the edges of the cork. 

    I’ve mocked up the layout to give a rough idea of what I’m going for. The oast definitely gives a sense of place but it may be a bit contrived. Plus it lives on my main layout so I’d have to buy another one, and I fancy having a go at making a proper Wealden hall house or something to that effect. The halt is also up for debate - in operational terms it would be useful to be able to run the odd passenger train, plus from a ‘rule of thirds’ perspective it works well - oast & trees on the left, forest in the middle, halt and sidings in the right. I’d rather not use the Peco halt if possible as I’m trying to push my abilities a bit with this one, so I may have a go at crafting something out of coffee stirrers or the like. 

    the layout is increasingly drifting away from the James Hilton plan, and as such I’m considering a name change to Pattyndenne. This is a reference to pattenden sidings on the hawkhurst branch, which was sited near pattyndenne manor, a Wealden hall house that still stands. Oddly I really like the idea of modelling some isolated sidings with little infrastructure, even if dropping the halt and provender store would impact the composition and perhaps make it a bit boring for anyone other than myself!






    Very nice progress here.

  2. Very pleased with how chassis weathering has turn out on 37605,using both airbush and dry brush finish.

    colours used from both matt brown enamels and acrylics from vallego and mig..

    just need to fit buffer beam pipes..


    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, Iron Horse said:

    Once again, thanks for the kind words gents, they really are appreciated, I do find Forums much more personable than Facebook groups and so it is always nice to get some thumbs, likes and comments. I was once a member of a Lowered Split Screen VW Forum, there was a wealth of information from both sides of the Atlantic and the banter was great too..........Facebook ultimately killed it and so it is nice to see this Forum buoyant amongst all the competition out there...........but that's enough waffle!!!!!


    So, as I mentioned a few posts ago my Prodigy Express exploded, well at least the transformer did, low and behold Rails had one of their Advent Calendar deals the following day and so this was duly purchased.........but where should it go. Well ultimately not here




    But I think here is much better




    And how much better does it all look with a local programming tack




    Then it was time for a little play 57305 enters the platform




    On hire to GWR bringing in the day stock




    The 08 shunts the sleeper coaches onto the back of the stock




    And off they go on their way to Paddington




    Cheers all 😎

    Nice update here adrian

    • Thanks 1
  4. On 20/01/2024 at 12:53, ModRXsouth said:

    Thank you very much for that pointer. EBay has provided me with some N gauge 3D printed floodlight towers so have been pondering a suitable paint for a metalwork effect.

    The pools of light created by your towers in the photos is very atmospheric.

    Yer these lighting towers realy make depot or yard scenes perfect with right amount light cover


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