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Everything posted by Brimstone

  1. The oat feedstuff requirement for horses in the major cities was huge until the post WW1 motor boom, due in part to surplus army vehicles, whilst this was largely van traffic the similar straw requirement was transported in open wagons and was liable to catch fire from engine sparks, part of the reason for example for the electrification of the quayside branch in Newcastle at the start of the last century.
  2. I recall picking up cheap 2nd hand to reconfigure in the 1970s when on a project in Liverpool, there was a comprehensive music shop nearby where you could test out deck, styli, amplifier, speaker combinations for a lot for, visiting the new shop was a disappointment, display cases of standard products and nothing else, I called in a model shop whilst passing through Peterborough recently to find supplies I had never come across before, the specialist trade has moved on for those that want more than shiny boxes.
  3. A few Lawrence models for auction at optimistic estimates, lot 209 onwards https://www.leonardauction.com/auction/auction-310/page/9/?fbclid=IwAR29n-bhMgOzDwLMOqm5gXc0WPuUiFje5vRmxE9nbLhbf79uJm9uQnBiL60_aem_AdFfP5KOruu8ZdrFS0WqTsoGdscn_diAnCln0FYZmzXLo-g84Cwq7K1P76kxHsvnOubLhxuslKExa2ObKcSHdT__
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