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Everything posted by moawkwrd

  1. I guess the J50 makes sense with so much of the range being Eastern Region. Hopefully we’ll get the Jinty one day. Think I have what I needed to commit to my branch line layout (J50 and green Class 08) and the scale as it is. Class 37 (since it looks like they’ll be doing an early green livery) or 31 in the future plus a DMU I can be patient for. If Peco bring out some more goods wagons too that’d be great this year. The pricing without the club discount is a little hard to bear though. £26 for a tank wagon… ouch.
  2. Indeed, this is the crux of it for me too - a small steam tank loco with availability in the next 12 months would be icing on the cake. Further announcements of TT related stuff from Peco and some other manufacturers would help this year too.
  3. I believe that's a website error - when you go on the actual product they still show as preorder.
  4. That’d be amazing thanks - I think I can visualise what you mean but a plan always helps. It may not be possible with the track I have now but worth considering whilst my Hornby track sits soaking to get the ballast off.
  5. Not sure which loop you mean? I don’t think I have any, certainly none for running around as it stands. As already explained, I already have the Hornby track and points so I’m not looking to use Peco at the moment. I actually found the Class 08 to run okay over Hornby points, both DC and DCC so I’m happy to stick with it until I find problems - assuming the rumoured steam engine is an 0-6-0 of course.
  6. Thanks - I don't think I can get a headshunt to work unfortunately anyway. I think they're technically double straights - so I can move the diamond crossing over by adding in straights on either side. That lets me add a further straight on 2 of the 3 sidings. The platforms can then still accommodate most of 3x Mk1 carriages depending on where the engine stops.
  7. Indeed, and in hindsight I should probably have started with an end to end instead using the class 08 or something. I wanted to run trains though, with the excitment from the original TT launch. I'll have a play around and see if I can work a headshunt in, as well as the fiddleyard arrangement - valid points, thanks. I was hoping to avoid buying any more new track to be honest - since I already have the Hornby stuff and can reuse almost all of it. I think if I was looking to use Peco or Tillig points I'd want to replace all of the track with flexi to make it more realistic, in which case holding out to see if Peco make a singleslip makes more sense. The Tillig doubleslip also has awkward geometry so would throw out all of the other track in the plan, requiring Peco flexitrack to make up gaps. From a practical point of view, I think sticking with Hornby to start with will be easier and get me to a point where I can see if the layout works in action faster. I could then, with more skills and hopefully rolling stock, look to rebuilt the layout with a more realistic plan using the better track. Thanks for the tip re EU vat though - that's useful to know. I do actually have a Peco Smartswitch kit that's currently boxed up - so that could well be something to employ in the future with this layout for the scenic area at least; think it can control 4 points. To begin with I'd likely just hand operate the points, as indeed, the DCC point motors I bought of the solenoid type, are awfully violent.
  8. Hi all, After dabbling recently in OO and N, I think I want to stick with TT 120. Hopefully there are some nice announcements on Tuesday (small steam engine please!). Originally I built the layout below on a 5ft x 2.5ft board with folding legs. I want to reuse this baseboard as I'm still restricted on space. I got to the point of ballasting the track (with DCC and point motors installed), and buying some buildings but then I've lost interest. My BR Blue HST set remains unopened. The trains don't go anywhere, there isn't a proper station platform; clearly I was trying to fit in too much track in too small a space for this scale. I was building loops for the sake of it with the excuse that it would be a way to learn how to build a layout. My thinking now is that I might as well build a model railway in the process rather than something just to accomodate the pacifics. Now fortunately there's a lot I can reuse so not all is lost. I've played around in AnyRail this morning and think I've come up with a better plan - a single track station with some sidings for a goods shed/yard and Some-Other-Industry™ with a platform length long enough just for 3x Mk1s (I have the 57fts on preorder also). Some thoughts - Clearly a single slip would be better to replace the diamond crossing to provide a run around loop and maybe that's a future improvement. I already have the diamond crossing so thought I might as well use it and Tilling currently only make a double slip and it isn't cheap. Hopefully Peco will expand their range this year too. I've used Hornby simply because I already have it. I'm not sure what I was thinking with the fiddleyard - using Hornby points and the track I already have makes it difficult to build something better but it kind of works for storage for my rolling stock and locos. Control - I'm thinking of going back to basics with DC rather than faffing around with DCC. It wouldn't take much to change it at a later date but I don't like the Hornby Elite and with this layout there's not much point in buying something to replace it since I find most DCC sound annoying. Setting - ideally this would be late crest steam and early diesel, so DMUs making an appearing alongside Jintys, 4Fs, etc. Obviously that isn't going to happen soon in TT, but hopefully I'll have a better idea on Tuesday. The alternative is a heritage railway setting in which case rule 1 applies although perhaps the HST wouldn't be suitable! My thinking is that this could be a nice little model railway with the scenery all done, a timetable, signalling, etc so long as there's suitable rolling stock. Assuming TT is here to stay for a little longer, and it's likely a small steam engine gets announced this week, it doesn't seem implausible that a DMU, another steam engine, and an early diesel will be available at some point. They may not make sense together in a historical sense (my preferred setting is ex-LNWR/Midland) but it could work operationally and I don't imagine I'd finish building this that quickly anyway. What do you think? Does this seem like a better plan? Or do I sod TT and use the space for something similar but more spacious in N and give up on patience? 😇 Thanks,
  9. moawkwrd

    TT120: HST

    Statements like that aren't particularly helpful. We've so far got one person with some MK3s that aren't free running (and no idea if that's all of them or just one) and a video above of 8 running perfectly fine. At this point there's nothing to suggest that it's a design or manufacturing issue as defects occur in small quantities even with the best designed products.
  10. Isn't the issue with a lot of the go to choices (Powercab, Gaugemaster Prodigy, Digitrax) etc that the sound functions are either on or off? My understanding is that you need to look at European systems to get something that'll allow momentary functions from the controller as the US ones only allow that with function 0 or 1 (I forget which) (even the Hornby Elite is better at this than those technically better systems - can activate sounds by holding the respective number button for as long as you want them). If you didn't want sounds and functions etc the choice is a lot simpler. Something like the Piko SmartControl WLAN might be worth a look - it's relatively new, simple to use and nowhere near as expensive as the Roco Z21, but more capable than the z21. I'm thinking of replacing my Elite with one, unless I go back to DC (but that's a different discussion!). I believe it's a based on the Ulhenbrock DAISY system but appears to be more advanced than the DAISY II WLAN.
  11. moawkwrd

    TT120: HST

    Peachy TT120 posted a video of it pulling 6 coaches with ease on a gradient, IIRC, so another 2/3 coaches really shouldn't be an issue.
  12. Just as an update, in case anyone is interested, I ended up refitting the GF motors back into both models and with some spare parts from BR Lines, they're running pretty well now on both a gaugemaster series u and my kit built PWM controller. I think the combination of bearings, armature housing and how tightly things were screwed in all play a factor on these older models. I think I'm going to go with gaugemaster to control my layout though, as even with a bit of noise the slow performance is much better than with PWM.
  13. moawkwrd

    TT120: HST

    You haven't said whether it's DC or DCC, on a gradient or on the flat, round a corner or on a straight - all of those things and more could impact how easily it pulls a rake of coaches. Clearly some combination of the weight, friction and power isn't adding up in your situation. We've got videos in this thread of it pulling 4+ coaches round what look like radius 2 or 3 curves with ease so I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the model itself.
  14. Thanks I ended up fitting both my 3F and 4F with coreless motors to see if this would improve the running properties and it has somewhat. However, using my PWM controller they're a bit... lurchy. Seems to require at least 3-4V (track measured) before they move off at some chat and can then be wound back in to around 2-3V but even that is too fast for shunting and results in frequent stalling. Not like my Class 108 (DCC Ready version, not the older one) or 25 with original GF motor which require more voltage but are much more controllable albeit with a lower top speed at the full 12V. Considering my layout is a sleepy-ish branchline that's far preferable. I'm thinking of putting back in the original GF motors to the 3F/4F with new brushes and no suppression capacitor. Shouldn't be too difficult to chip out the araldite I put in to secure the coreless motors. From reading around, it would appear these controllers doesn't have any kind of feedback just straight PWM at around 16KHz. I'll be quite happy with it if I can get the motor combination right for these locos, and intend to mount the components in the frame of the layout for a neater solution for twin track operation.
  15. Hi all, I’ve recently embarked down an N gauge rabbit hole whilst taking a break from TT:120. I built a twin track PWM controller supplied by Handem for a small desktop oval layout I’m building, which works great with an older example of the Graham Farish Class 25. However, the similarly aged Class 4F that I got doesn’t run so well. I have to turn the power quite high before it starts to move and it shoots off - then I can reduce the power and it steadily maintains motion. Could this be due to the capacitor that was wired in to prevent noise interference? I don’t think the Class 25 has one due to the split chassis design. I’ve also got a Jinty of the same era which needs fixing so I could experiment by removing the capacitor on that first once I’ve fixed the pickups. Sorry if this is an obvious question, quite new to the hobby and still learning. Thanks,
  16. moawkwrd

    TT120: HST

    Looks like a fine model - getting excited now for my BR Blue set on preorder!
  17. I couldn’t fight the temptation - it doesn’t really fit my current layout but it may be at home on my next one. My reasoning for the preorder of a blue and yellow set, plus 5 coaches, is that with the discount at the time, it was a significant saving and I just really like it. But then I also ordered a class 50 and Mk2 coaches… 😅
  18. Looks like the HST sets are about to land - website is showing the Intercity Executive version in stock. Naysayers can stick that in their pipe and smoke it.
  19. What do you mean? Rails, Gaugemaster and TMC have all 3 for preorder. I’m sure others do too.
  20. Yeah they appear to be having email issues. No “your preorder has arrived” email and no order confirmation yet for an order I placed yesterday morning which I’ve been charged for and is showing in my account.
  21. Class 08 now up for preorder on Hornbys website - https://uk.Hornby.com/products/br-class-08-0-6-0-d3986-era-5-tt3028m And it is 6 pin like the others, as expected.
  22. How does the Tomix stuff figure into that?
  23. It will be interesting to see how big the TT announcement in April is relative to today, as an indicator of which Hornby considers more important for their future. That said the number of OO models due by then from previous announcements is considerable, add in the Phase 1 TT stuff still due by then and it’ll be an avalanche of new stock coming in all around the same time.
  24. It is much needed balance from a larger perspective however, as there must certainly be a number of small local model shops which couldn’t compete over the past 20 years as Hattons grew and grew and came to dominate online sales in the hobby with their innovations, customer service and sheer volume. Such a big player leaving the market will undoubtedly offer more sales opportunities to other retailers, particularly smaller ones, some of whom are struggling all the same. A small silver lining in terms of the hobby as a whole, perhaps. And who knows, some Hattons staff may well benefit from opportunities arising from such a redistribution of market share.
  25. Yes, I'm hopeful that we'll see more track pieces from Peco this year. I originally had a Tillig doubleslip there (I assume single slips aren't common on the continent as they don't seem to offer one?) which doesn't fit exactly but could be made to work. I left enough on the middle road for a small tank engine or class 08 to be parked there, as well as the other siding on the throat side. Swapping the sidings and that loco spur around and added a further bay looks like this now; is that what you had in mind? Though I probably will play around with the angles and lengths to get it in better proportions. If I push back the triple track I could then have the bay platform between them and the goods sidings. As macabre as it is I did give thought to stocking up on track from Hatton's closing down sale but thought better of it since I'm nowhere near starting this layout yet and want to see what Hornby announce tomorrow and in April.
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