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Malcolm 0-6-0

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Everything posted by Malcolm 0-6-0

  1. However imagine the problems once you turned the gyros off. Someone yelling out to the foreman "Get the big crane - the engine's fallen over again!!!"
  2. Well that's impressive in a rather strange way. I wonder what the tractive power would be like, but then the rolling stock would also need gyros.
  3. Some did and that's how the Black and White Minstrel Show was born ........
  4. These Poms are a bit slow - but it might be the Russians slowing things down
  5. Not to mention an incomprehensibly large number of streets and suburbs named Inkerman, Sevastopol, Alma etc.
  6. I say! Steady on there old chap - this isn't a "Gentlemen Club" you know ...........
  7. Well as the model is really the quintessential captured moment in time display, then the fact that door is off its hinges fits with that. However for the neat freaks it represents a hint of imperfection in the scene. So I'd say that you are damned if you do and damned if you don't, and after all, it's your toy train. Personally I see nothing wrong with a door being off its hinges in such a working environment - things were generally much like that in the less than adequately funded realm of branch lines. Money might be found to make sure the latest Kings were bright and shiny as that's good for the GWR's image but who's going to fuss about a momentary minor problem at an engine shed out the back of beyond. And of course it gives us, your always supportive audience, something to snigger about You could always liven it up by placing a couple of figures with tools in hand gazing at it and scratching their heads. Mind you you've managed to get away with that approach to the crate on the back of the lorry. Frankly I'd worry more about that photobombing cow, she's obviously got a grievance .......
  8. As a somewhat cynical Australian I must tell you that we have long lost that fine concept of subtlety that was present in Mr Tayshus' humour. These days it is so unspeakably pure that it aims towards the socially aware or, as one likes to think the "I've discovered something to be really shocked about" crowd. There is a word for these people and it rhymes with bankers. However search youtube for Kevin Bloody Wilson if you want quintessential no holds barred anti PC Australian humour. What can one say? - however in my archaeological survey days I regularly worked out of prospecting camps where Kevin was top of the pops and it really does liven up the sheer mind numbing, hot as hell, fly blown boredom of the great Australian outback as a place to be working for months on end, even if the ice cold fizzy amber liquid flowed freely
  9. Thankfully it is blocked to us Australians - perhaps on humanitarian grounds.
  10. That brings back memories, I spent a lot of time on archaeological survey work in that sort of country. Very hot, very dry and with more bloody blow flies per cubic metre of air than you could count. I remember one day trying to photo something at my feet and I had trouble focusing as the fly population was blurring the image. It's amazing how you always see this apparent forest in the distance but you never get close the trees always stay the same distance apart. On one survey I had to investigate a small waterhole which managed to retain water even through the dry season. I was expecting some sort of scenic idyll - trees, clear water, birds etc. When I got there I found out that any permanent water attracts cattle and other wildlife and it looked and smelled like the overflow from a septic tank.
  11. Leave young Kevin alone - he's still got a way to go before we "modellers" think he's passed the test
  12. That is really superb - the real coal is always the way to go. And the door is a miniature masterpiece.
  13. Speaking of narrow gauge - has there ever been an OO model of the narrowest of all - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lartigue_Monorail
  14. Midsomer Brevis isn't that the motto of Midsomer where three murders per visit are mandatory?
  15. Well, yes it is your thread but you could let a chap know, you know - some of us are at certain age when any implication that we might have missed something is inclined to give us a bit of a shock.
  16. There was a time when they arrived on the back of a lorry Lovely work on the engine.
  17. She did that because last time you milked her you didn't warm your hands first ....
  18. Moustaches I can understand, but this bizarre speaking in tongues that occurred is a different issue - what pentecostal madness overtook the forum while I was asleep? It should not be encouraged. When I was an undergraduate (first year) one of my subjects was English Literature (it was a filler as I had a spare subject to make up outside my intended major). That notwithstanding I picked it because of my love of English literature. However we had a particularly serious student who was German (an intense race, little humour, I'm afraid) and he suggested that we could also look at other countries literature in, shock gasp!!, the original language. Our tutor who was to all and intents and purposes rather colourless cracked his only joke for the year which was "No thank you I'm a monoglot!!" - at least I think he was joking as he was not exactly the most quick witted person I ever met. So please if one is going to be pentecostal I'm sure there's a forum devoted to railways as the road to heavenly salvation; presumably the moderator is of that sainly persuasion that solicits donations via the television set.
  19. Annie I hope you are going to render the fluff that builds up in the mechanisms from running on carpet
  20. Well just like Adamski's claims it sold big in the US, but then what would one expect ................. oh Gawd!!!!! they've got an election this year and Kanye West is threatening to run Well l must look on the bright side - "All that and COVID-19 too Maybe it will get us before the idiots do"
  21. I took the magnet out of mine - improved the performance.
  22. Yeah but they can't come cos the planet's got COVID-19
  23. I can understand why - she was a champion tennis player who probably could have beaten most of the males on the planet in a game of tennis. Instead her only sporting accomplishment seems to be, according to the media of the time, her legs. One can understand why women's lib developed.
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