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Everything posted by B-R

  1. Evening Luke this is a very nice layout build. I especially like the build of the signal box.
  2. These are beautiful wagons from Rapido. I have just ordered two myself and expect delivery tomorrow. It's nice how the green primer has been added to the buffers.
  3. Evening Barclay this looks like a very good brass etched kit. Your build on this kit so looking splendid. I like the colour you have painted the Ruston.
  4. Ruston I have enjoyed reading and looking at the pictures of your Blacker Lane D.P. layout build.
  5. You have some very nice weathered locomotives and wagons. Are these all done by yourself.
  6. Evening Ian I have been catching up looking through the forum and came across your model railway build. The tressel work on your layout is very very good.
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