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Winslow Boy

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Everything posted by Winslow Boy

  1. But not necessarily in the same direction or the same size.
  2. Cabbages. Cabbages he said.
  3. Time for a bit of a rant I feel. So here we go. Now for the last two months I've being trying to get the council to do a simple job. Can I get them to do it. You must be joking. It's like trying to get a lemming not to jump. So what is this simple job. All it is is to lock two internal security gates in the main park so as to deter vehicles from driving around the park. I've tried everything short of throwing myself under the wheels of one of the speeding vehicles. What is it about people nowadays and getting them to do there job. It's like your asking them to do you a favour or something instead of them being paid to do it. Last time this happed it took them twelve months because a) they couldn't find the key to unlock the gate and b) no one in the council had any bolt croppers or hack saw. Well I'm of to stand in the middle of the park directing traffic. I might be some time as it's 'rush hour' here now that all the yummy mummies have figured out they can park outside the play area so that little Tarquin doesn't have to get his £300 trainers mucky.
  4. Leads to lot of 'Bobs Ur Uncle' that does.
  5. Yes but who for- Bertie-Jerry- Sammy or Bettie. Confused of LM
  6. Well you learn something new. As I said I knew it was something atomic but 'fountains' and 'giddy atoms' who would have thought. Can you tell science isn't really by fortay. The uneducated of Manutopea
  7. I'm afraid they tend to do that. Bit like the built in obsolescence in washing machines- just after the guarantee runs out.
  8. Yes I understood that was so. Something to do with the fact the atomic clocks are so accurate that they can't since with the ones in orbit. I don't know how they 'record' time on satellites but I assume they do in order to calculate there position etc. Perhaps one of more 'technical' minded ER's could explain it in lay man's terms.
  9. You could at least put some strides on.
  10. I believe it's forty years since they established there 'holiday camp' aka Jvorik. Did you get an invite to the ceremony?
  11. So does that mean there not all blue then? Just like to get these things straight. Nitpicker from Manutopea Ps still without a shed.
  12. Maybe he's gone digital? Do Tom Tom still do updates?
  13. Is it with instructions or will Kevin have to make an estimated guess where tab A goes?
  14. No no far better that your inside rather than sat on the roof. It's very painful so I've been told.
  15. Can the brylcreem boys tell the difference.
  16. So my dear Hippo what type of preservatives do you prefer? I like damson and blackcurrant but at a push I'll settle for strawberry. I never really saw you as a preservative fancier, more a saville marmalade Hippo, but you live and learn.
  17. Late night opening.
  18. Decided before hand as they are 'scientists'.
  19. I'm assuming that the bottom part is set in concrete? Yes unless the top of the cup is sealed there going to have to repeat the process, unless there are drain holes at the bottom? Even then though I can't see them draining quick enough to stop water building up.
  20. Good heavens Jamie that sounds like very hard work and I'm just reading it. I hope you had some assistance. You definitely deserved your 'treat' at the end.
  21. No as our medical correspondent has elucidated the correct answers are much more in-depth.
  22. And of course the other question is - where do you see yourself in five years time?
  23. I did help of course that we used to ride up in the same lift together. Plus I was a likeable northern lad who didn't stare at his feet like most southerns do when wanting to avoid eye contact.
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